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Shoe Making

In this video, a man shows how is it to make a Louis Vuitton shoe. He starts with a x-acto blade cutting the leather he needs to start working on the shoe. He handles every part of the shoe with care. The man makes sure to measure every length and compare it with a shoe thats already. He uses tons of machinery to work on the shoe. Every step is important to making the shoe right. He makes sure to use extra material so that he can cut off some if he needs to. The stitching part is my favorite, he so concentrated on every stitch and does it easily. After the stitching, the man starts to put everything else together. With the bottom part of the shoe glueing it and using a machine to make sure it sticks. After he’s done with bottom part he then paints over it with the famous Louis Vuitton color red. and then put the finishing touch to the shoe and packs it up for sale.

Process Documentation

This YouTube video is a documentation of the steps involved in created a hanging indent for a works cited page in MLA format. What is great about this form of documentation is that it is easily understood and very direct. In addition this video record preservs knowledge thanks to the aid of the internet. Most of us if not all, have been in the situation where we needed to refresh our minds on formatting a works cited page for a research paper. Luckily this knowledge is preserved and readily available for access. Another Good feature about this process of documentation is that the message is clearly brought across directly and quickly  to the viewer. In this video there is commentary, direction aswell as images all packed in one and because of this it’s safe to assume that one day, video records may become the number one form of documentation. Last but not least, because the video documentary is educational, the creator gives permition for reuse which further benefits the academic community.

Process Documentation

I chose this video of how to crack an egg with one hand. People might used to do that every day easily in a mechanical way. Yet, it is a problem for some, I think it becomes a problem when one thinks it is. It is not funny to say that it needs some confidence … yes, some confidence and speed as the instructions stated.

Unlike the video title “how to crack an egg with one hand”; the ingredients says: Eggs, is there any difference? The video explains. The equipment: A bowl and Just one hand, that is funny.

The steps are; to hold the egg across your fingers, ends pointing outward, not towards your fingertips; swiftly rap the egg on the countertop, just enough to crack the shell through, but not hard enough to crush the egg. Over a bowl, use your thumb to pull half of the shell away. Think of the egg as if it had a hinge in the center. Pull half the shell away on that hinge, and let the yolk and white drop out into the bowl.

Once again, confidence and speed are the most important parts of this little technique. Also, practice makes perfect; try doing this each time you crack an egg for a recipe, and see how quickly you’ll master it.

how to swaddle a baby

I choose two videos about baby swaddling in order to shove there pros and cons. YouTube video is definitely shorter and I personally take it as a plus, because in case of video imaging, shorter means simplier. Moreover YouTube because of it accessibility and popularity content more comments, which is  can be very helpful too, if person who watch it needs second opinion. From the other side, babycenter video is more detailed and contain more explanation about the process itself. Besides this, video present more than one method of swaddling, and provide the reasoning for it. Cons for this one- no comments at all. Apparently people compeer videos by time and prefer spend two minutes instead six. › Video