Information Technology strategy and Society


Societies transformed from traditional “oral” nature where knowledge passed down from generation to another, up to now where we experience the tremendous complicated technology. Such transformations represent the normal cycle of human development throughout history.

The best advantage that resulted of writing invention through printing press technology was the emergency of practical method of keeping documents, rather than depending on memorizing “data” which is often exposed for loss.

I believe that writing invention was a turning point in human kind history; consequently, the key for all subsequent triumphs which finally has crowned by the creation of what so called “WWW”.

We should not be worried about the side effects of information technology which is- willy nilly- we would handle

Robert Reinhold in his article,”Study Says Technology Could Transform Society”, in New York Times has depicted and  anatomized most of potential side effects of such transformation, yet by balancing benefits and risks society might benefit a lot.

We should not be anxious and worried toward unanticipated influencers of technology, since we can activate anti actions using technology itself!

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