William Badke / Robert Reinhold: William Maldonado

While reading the first chapter of Of Badke’s book, something that really caught my attention was how while information was scarce the more sacred information was and the more people  pursued to learn this information voluntarily. Then how throughout the years information became easier to access but the less sacred information became to people and the less amount of people pursue Information voluntarily. An example is how in modern days everyone has access to countless amounts of information due to the WWW, but instead people mostly use the WWW as a means of entertainment instead of using the information available to increase their knowledge about any kind of subject.

The article written by Robert Reinhold was pretty intense to read since the National Science Foundation’s reports so spot on to today because now the are some people that work directly from home on their computers wether they are graphic designer’s, web developers, or small business owners. Although we don’t just see “videotex” on our computers anymore but more dynamic computer experiences the report still predicted how our shopping would be up  to how we came to socialize today. Reading this article made me remember a small phrase said by Marshall McLuhan, technology would make us a “Global Village” meaning that technology would bring people together creating a sort of global village but at the same time separate people apart. His prediction came to be realized today the way people in the train are always with their head downs looking at their phone, the way social media says you have Millions of friends when you only know a few. Technology brought us together but will bring us apart. Overall I enjoyed reading both the article and the first chapter of Badke’s book.


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