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Fairy Tale Final

For the final project, I was thinking of retelling the story The Boy Who Cried Who Wolf and include some of my cousins or even my sister to act in some roles such as the wolf or the shepherd or a townsfolk etc. That’s something I would like to do.

Final story idea

For the final I wanted to create a shot that shows the nursery rhyme “I’m a little Tea Pot”. I still have the mini tea set that I used to play  when I was 5 years old . I will also have a set up that can show how small the tea set compare to various objects.

Final Project

So for my final project, I’ve decided to recreate Alice in Wonderland. I had an idea taking photos in an area with a lot of trees and grass and as well as a woodsy place for when she goes after the rabbit and finds herself in a whole other different type of place. I will have props for this shoot, but don’t know if a rabbit will be involved but I will try my best to make this work!

Stanley Kubrick Exhibition at MoNY

I was excited to see the Stanley Kubrick Exhibition at the Museum of New York, because I admire Kubrick’s work as a filmmaker. He has made several iconic films, I personally really enjoy “2001: A Space Odyssey” and “The Shining”. For some reason, I anticipated seeing photographs taken behind the scenes, and on the film sets. I was a little disappointed, I found the content in this exhibition less interesting.

Even though I found the work less exciting, there was still something to be taken from the exhibit. It was a very intimate exhibit, showing Kubrick’s personal work that was significantly more private than his classic films. Kubrick has a very unique eye, and captures interesting moments in time, and strange people. One that really stuck with me was the photograph of the older tattooed man, with his huge nipple piercings. It was such a funny photo, but it was so unusual and personal at the same time. He composed some beautiful photos, with great composition and high contrast. Although a still medium, he still managed to capture theatrical moments in time.


Final Story Ideas

I was debating which story I wanted to go for but I will be doing Little Red Riding hood, for this, I will have a guy who has a wolf mask on and dressed in a suit I will also have the model in a little red riding hood costume with many props within a park. I will have images of the model up close walking in the park, I will also capture the guy as well behind trees hiding and I will have two shots of them together, I plan on executing this idea within this week whenever I receive the wolf mask.

Photo Exhibition Extra Credit

I recently visited the Museum of the City of New York where I saw the following exhibits: Through a different Lens- Stanley Kubrick Photographs and Interior Lives- Contemporary Photographs of Chinese New Yorkers. In the Chinese New Yorkers exhibit, I got a strong sense of purpose because most the photographers were trying to capture the struggles of Chinese immigrants in America. Some pictures were taken intentionally but there were also some taken off-guard or without the subject’s knowledge. The things that stood out to me the most is how the photographers told stories of Chinese immigrants that lived on top of each other or with complete lack of space or privacy. They left China and the surrounding areas with the intention of sending money back to their families which created distance within them. A lot of photographs were taken outside or by windows with natural light. The picture above was taken from a high angle including light from window. It was also cropped tightly adding to the crowded feeling.

In the Stanley Kubrick Photographs I was able to see how Kubrick was growing and experimenting with different elements. He utilized with night photography, and composed both posed and off guard photographs from interesting perpectives selling his early work to Look magazine. His intention was to capture the behaviors of everyday Americans going about their lives, working and enjoying pastimes like boxing.

Fairy Tale Final

For my fairy tale photo shoot I think I’m gonna change it  to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I have the perfect subject for this shot and I will mainly focus on Goldilocks as the main subject. Focusing on the three different bowls, chairs and the bed.