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Homework #1

I chose Francesco Gola because I like long exposure landscape photography. To me long exposure photography looks mysterious and a bit eerie. I think it’s interesting how in these shots of the water it appears as if it’s glowing and cloudy. I also like how the clouds drag across the sky giving you motion. 

Ivan Vargas Learning Log #1


Emmanuel was sitting on top of the platforms of the stairs of the park. I wasn’t able to take the picture from the to. So I was able to take it through the gaps. What I like from the picture is the focus of the subject and how it’s the focus of the picture. I also like how gap makes the shadow be the focus of picture, it makes seem like it has a frame around it.

Learning Log #1

I took this picture mainly because of the man on the bike, but when I looked at the picture on the computer screen I noticed that there was a lot more shadows going on. I decided to make it black and white because everything  seemed to look more visible that way. You can see not only the bike shadow but as well as the shadow of the trees and people walking. There is a lot of negative space in this picture. I was trying to take a figure to ground shot but he was going really fast on his bike.

Learning Log #1

I shot this photo using 1/500 sec, f/4.0 using ISO 100 and used the shadow to create a look almost like the leaves are engulfing him into the dark part of the park to give off a feeling where the subject is deep within thought. Soon the subject will step out into the dark and into the light that is on the other side where the street is.

Learning log 1

The details of this photo are as follows.

ISO 100  16mm  f/3.5  1/400 sec

Even though the focus of this photo is on the one plant in the middle, there are still dynamic shapes made by the shadows on the left side of the photo and on the right it is nothing but light. Showing the obvious difference between light and dark.

Learning Log 1 Michelle R

I chose this picture as my best picture because I loved the shadows here, I did do some slight editing on light room to get the shadows to pop more, I also liked the fact that I got the person riding a bike by hisself. I also was trying to accomplish the leading lines within my photo because of the bridge going out towards the camera, I also tried to accomplish symmetry since both sides of the bridge is kind of similar and I like how it lines up with the lighting.