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Learning Log 3

The reason why picked this picture is because the why the subject was standing. She was also taking a picture of skyline of New York City. I remember that I took two shots because she was turning her head so many times. But the finish product was good. I like the rule of three was apply in this photo. Not only that but I like there this effect going on that she’s looking at something but it has this direction going on.

Learning Log #3 – Lourdes Barahona

This picture was taken between Washington St and Water St, the spot we got to initially. I decided to edit the picture black and white because it matches with his expression of worry / tiredness. I was aiming to give it that feel of old style street photography.

I personally found myself having a hard time finding subjects because there weren’t many people out there yet but it was still fun (and scary!).



Learning Log #3

This photo taken around Dumbo/ Washington Park. I was caught taking this photo so I kind panic but I asked if it was cool with her and that this is for photography class and she was okay with it. But this photo I like it because she was looking at the camera and her dog was there. Also this gives a bond of a owner and their pets.


Learning Log 3

This is the best picture I shot today in class, I love the composition and the background of the leaves it reminds me of something that should be in a magazine, I edited this image in lightroom by cropping the image and fixing the lights and darks to focus more on the woman and her dog.

Emmanuel DeWalt Learning Log #3

At first I was gonna walk by but when I saw her taking a picture with her dog something told me afterwards that there was gonna be a great shot and the look of the dog with the women pushing her hair back became that great shot with a good composition.

It was hard to choose just one but this is also one of my favorite photos because not only was the lady so nice to let me take the picture, I got a great smile out of it too.