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Learning Log 4

Above I took this picture and I love this one because of the dramatic effects it had to it from the shadow on one side, and then you get the light from the flash on the other side. This picture looks like it’s telling a story with hardly any edits.

Learning Log #4

For this photo I decided to make sure the major light source was coming from the side. I love the contrast the darks and lights create. I chose to frame Irvin a little off center, with the street in the background to give the photo more context. Irvin and the background blend together, but the mural adds an extra pop to the picture. The shutter speed was 1/125 and the ISO was 100.

Today for class we had to shoot outside, using the flash which helped us get some great shots. Such as the one I chose of Cat, the flash really brought out the highlight of her face and the colors from the paint on the wall. You can also see her shadow in the background.

Learning Log #4

Today in class we went out in Brooklyn to work on our portrait shots. We worked in groups one was the photographer one was the model and the other held the Flash in position the photographer wanted to get great shadows and lighting positions. These were my favorite shots out of the 160 photos we took. This was a fun project we did.  

Learning Log #3

I choose this as my best photo because I liked the different reaction of the women in the middle. The people on the side of her are smiling at something in front of them while she’s looking at the camera calmly sipping her drink.