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Learning Log #6

This is one of my favorite shot I took during the photoshoot. What works is the rule of thirds even if it’s off for a bit. All the attention is going to the white flower because of the black background. The white petals are working to pop out more. The only trouble I had was that I needed to step back and zoom in to the flower. Most of the time the camera wouldn’t take the picture so I had to step back and then take the picture.

Learning Log


The lighting for this particular shot was high. Only one source of light was available which makes the bottom of the flower look darker. I also shot this from a low angle so I would see the flower bloom. I intend to fit the frame, but it can be tighter since there is empty space on the top of the flower.

Learning Log #6

Today in class we were learning to shoot indoor light. We were learning the difference between using soft boxes which provide more of a cloudy day quality of light and constant lights which are more straight on. This photo was taken with a constant light from the side of the flowers, i love that the dark background gives it a gloomy feeling but also allows the red to pop.

Learning Log: Flowers

These are my favorite photos of today’s class because I love the softness of the yellow and pink in the flowers with the white back ground. I choose the second picture because the positioning, the flowers look dead so I laid them on the table to take those photos. I like the last one because of the dark flowers against the black back ground.