Author Archives: Jessica Pareja

Project#2:Aural Topographies: Research

Song: Wings by Daesung (Big Bang) When hearing the song at first you can really tell the beats and its hard to imagine until halfway to the song where the bet is gets faster. At first I just can’t help but … Continue reading

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Summary: City Limits by Colson Whitehead

In the passage “City Limits” Colson Whitehead describes what being a New Yorker is all about. A New York is not hear or seeing, its about living the present and knowing the past. Whitehead is sort of mentioning that it doesn’t … Continue reading

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Field Trip:The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum.

On September 22, 2014 the whole class went on a field trip  to The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum. Being in The Center For Book Arts, I learned many things about the history of printing. A lot … Continue reading

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Project#2: Overlapping New York (Location)

In order to know more about the location surrounding City Tech, I took a different train route to explore and get to know the neighborhood. I took the 2 train and got of at Borough Hall, there I continue to … Continue reading

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Project #1: Reflections

After being introduce to project #1 and understanding what we needed to do, we finally finished and able to move on. In project #1, I describe who I am and how my avatar became to be. I really force more … Continue reading

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Project #1: Introducing Yourself (Final)

My name is Jessica Pareja, born and raised in New York City. I am 17 years old and speak two languages, English and Spanish both languages have allowed identify who I am. I am currently a freshman at City Tech … Continue reading

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Project #1: Reflection(PeerFeedback)

After reading the comments posted about my bio I was satisfied. They were able to describe me what I was missing and areas where I need to make it stronger. One of the comment written was how I describe myself more and … Continue reading

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View from My Window: Assessment

As I mention before in my View from My Window: Critique, throw out making project#1, I learned how to use new things that will help in later throughout  the course for Graphic Design Principles. While in class, many students had to … Continue reading

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Aesthetic – adjective Definition: of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful I found this word while re-reading the guidelines for ENG1101 project#1  on Monday September 15, 2014. However, this word was first introduce on class Monday September 8, 2014 on the handout … Continue reading

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View from My Window: Critique

My name is Jessica and the image above is my compete project#1 for my graphic design principles. While making this project I really enjoy it, I enjoy experimenting with new things. I learned how to use a exacto knife and … Continue reading

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