Showcase(and a gift)

Sometime in June there is going to be a showcase for the clubs and rest of the programs. My job now is to design a banner that will highlight each act that night, we are having meetings every Monday to discuss timing, spacing, food, music and parent engagement. We are splitting up into groups during meetings and each group will take care of one aspect of the showcase planning. The group that I am in is covering the decoration of space and also planning designs for the banner and we are now thinking to make little pamphlets to hand to the parents that map out restroom locations and seating. I have also volunteered to take photos and video of the acts on stage. My coworkers were kind enough to purchase a tripod for me as a little graduation gift so that will help me out a lot during the show, I was extremely excited because I have been pushing back my tripod purchase because I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to really start getting into photography, it was more of a little hobby, but now I’m really starting to think about it a lot more considering the ICP informed me of their workshops during their visit and invited me to join in later this year. This is going to be pretty interesting.