Visit to Cooper Hewitt

To be honest, I’m not a fan of museums but as for the Cooper Hewitt, I enjoyed myself. Museums to me are just a snooze fest after about an hour. I don’t normally visit museums unless I’m required through an assignment, and considering my major, I guess that’s a cardinal sin. Be that as it may, my apathy towards museums does not apply to the Cooper Hewitt. At the Cooper Hewitt, it was far more interactive. They have this pretty big stylus that allows you to draw on these giant table sized tablets and even save pieces of art that you liked at the museum by tapping the back of it on the description of the exhibits. Now in order to view your saved designs and favorite pieces, they give you a code on your entry ticket that you enter on their website when you’re home to view the pieces from your trip. One of the highlights from my trip there, was being able to try out the immersion room. In that room, you’re able to draw anything you’d like on that table sized tablet and the entire room will be filled with your design through the use of a projector, in real time!.

Now for the pieces that I enjoyed.

PRINT, DER KÜSS (THE KISS), FROM PAN, VOL. 4, NO. 2, 1898, 1898

The Kiss, designed by Peter Behrens. I’m a big fan of flat, straight to the point imagery. This is a kiss, I don’t usually dig for a deeper meaning to any painting but this can either be two women or just one woman in a mirror who is having such a great hair day she can’t help herself, from herself (narcissist joke *wink*). But of course the description on their website is far from my interpretation, but how can interpretation be wrong(unless the artist himself tells me-oh but that’ll be quite difficult considering…he’s a bit on the dead side.)


An ipod?! in an art museum?! Yeah that’s what I said. This is the iPod Nano from 2009, I never had this iteration of the iPod but a friend of mine had this same exact one, but in purple, I remember when this was first announced, the hype was around the variation of colors they introduced to the public. Most, if not all, iPods were either silver or black but with the introduction of this iPod Nano, there were far more color options and as always with Apple products, people ate it up. Now it wasn’t just the colors that were selling these devices but also the inclusion of this larger, colored screen that enabled users to view video. This was at a time where “tiny” devices were “BIG” (see what I did there) so it was an extremely popular and successful device.