
Arlyn Perez

English 1101

December 4, 2019

Abortion, what is it? Well, it is the ending of a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus, it can be performed in-clinic abortion locations or by taking an abortion pill. The most debatable issue the world we live in has faced for many centuries. The practice of abortion dates back to ancient times and has been performed illegally until laws were created to allow the legalization. Although today in some parts of the world, abortion is still considered illegal. The topic of abortion has always and still is controversial to many individuals. It is a highly sensitive subject, with people usually having strong feelings and divided opinions. A person actively for abortion believes that women should be allowed to make their own choice about what happens to their bodies and are entitled to their own freedom. On the other hand, a person who is firmly against sees it as a crime or is against their morals or religious beliefs. Women will do what they think is morally correct no matter what the outcome is. Though the question, should women have the right and accessibility to getting an abortion? Still remains as a personal opinion. However, I believe there shouldn’t be a limit to a woman’s right to control her own body. The two audiences I will be reaching out to about this issue are government authorities in states who are challenging the Roe v. Wade decision and Planned Parenthood. My message will be delivered as a speech to the government authorities to persuade them why this issue shouldn’t be challenged and needs to be the decision of the woman. As for my second message to Planned Parenthood, it will be portrayed as an open letter to discuss the importance of protecting abortion clinics, to continue keeping a safe and accessible way to get an abortion. 


Imagine that you are a woman who happens to be pregnant now you’re presented with a difficult decision of either keeping your unborn baby or getting an abortion. In all honesty, what would you do? What is my decision you might ask? To me that is a no-brainer, as a woman, I know that I am not mentally prepared or physically prepared for a child at the age of 18. I rather get an abortion, I’m a college student trying to study for a career I want for the future, I’m dealing with enough on my plate and adding a child would prevent me from that and could lead to me dropping out to be a full-time mother. However, this is one of the many reasonings as to why women would follow through with an abortion. According to the article on CNN, “Women have abortions for many reasons aside from rape and incest. Here are some of them” by Christina Zdanowicz, multiple women have spoken out about why they got an abortion using the hashtag #YouKnowMe to get their stories heard. A woman named Casey Duran tells her story “… 24 years old and making $15 an hour when she learned she was six weeks pregnant… on birth control and asked her partner to use protection… working as a receptionist and barely having enough to support herself.” This example here explains that even when a woman is taking precautions to ensure an unwanted pregnancy does not occur, contraceptives don’t always work and mistakes can happen. However, there are facts about what happens when strict laws are inflicted on women. According to “Debates over anti-abortion laws have raised common myths about abortion. These are the facts” By Holly Yan, recently states have been passing stricter laws on abortion making it less accessible. As evidence, Yan provides a map displaying the distance of the nearest abortion clinic with states like Wyoming and South Dakota having 1 clinic available between 90-176 miles away. Not only is transportation difficult, but the cost of an abortion has also increased due to the stricter laws. The same article I just mentioned by Holly Yan states “… with tougher state laws getting passed, more abortion providers are going out of service…  means higher costs for abortions… clinics must fly in a physician each week to provide abortion care, raising the costs for patients.” So now that you understand why women should make the decision about their own body and should not be restricted to any laws. You might begin to think why is Roe v. Wade’s outcome being challenged? The New York Times article “Abortion Bans: 9 States Have Passed Bills to Limit the Procedure This Year” by K.K. Rebecca Lai,  discusses how in some states, government authorities are proposing more stricter bills on abortion with most passing and being signed into existence. According to the article “Louisiana on Wednesday passed a bill to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, making the state the ninth this year to pass abortion restrictions that could challenge the constitutional right established in Roe v. Wade.” I find this bill to be an abomination, it is unfair for a female to be restricted because at six weeks when the fetal heartbeat is detected, the body image of a woman for most the difference is not noticeable. Right now I want you to search up images of pregnant women at 6 weeks, if you don’t get any symptoms or appear pregnant and find out later you are it’ll be too late. So sometimes a female isn’t even aware that she’s pregnant and this bill prevents her from making her own decision on time, being left with a baby she does not want. I understand that although abortion is a horrible thing,  a woman who is not ready to maintain a baby doesn’t have to keep it to satisfy the state’s law, it should be her own choice to make. The truth is that abortion needs to stop being challenged. Women are entitled to their freedom, body, and choice. Ultimately everyone should have the right to their own body and freedom without a high authority trying to control it. 

Open letter-

Dear Planned Parenthood,

My name is Arlyn Perez and I am here to say that I stand behind your goals and believe that abortion clinics should continue growing to help increase the safety and accessibility for women.  In the past, abortion in the United States, abortion was authorized to happen before quickening, or the start of fetal movements began (15–20 weeks) after conception but other states were completely against it, making it illegal. Illegal abortions are the ones that caused more damage to women sometimes resulting in death. According to the article “History of Abortion.” National Abortion Federation,https://prochoice.org/education-and-avocacy /about-abortion /history-of-abortion/, A lot of women died or suffered serious medical problems after attempting to self-induce abortions. Others went to untrained practitioners who were uneducated and performed abortions with dangerous methods often in unsanitary conditions. I don’t want women going back to these harmful methods because strict laws are being enforced to prevent abortion from happening. So I fully support planned parenthood or any other reproductive health service and will gladly donate to help women get access to a sanitary and secure abortion clinic. Although abortion clinics have been pushed to get their facility license removed in certain states, I’m glad to see that you are getting the word out by posting an open letter on your website to address why it is necessary to keep clinics around. The line “ We denounce the reckless actions of those who oppose reproductive freedom, and together with Planned Parenthood, will fight every attack that threatens access to reproductive health care” really stuck with me because it’s a bold and powerful statement saying we will not stop fighting until states stop challenging Roe v. Wade.

Works Cited

“History of Abortion.” National Abortion Federation, prochoice.org/education-and-advocacy/about-abortion/history-of-abortion/

Parenthood, Planned. “Open Letter to Protect Abortion Access.” Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, Inc., www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-nassau-county/blog/open-letter-to-protect-abortion-access.

Rebecca, K. K. “Abortion Bans: 9 States Have Passed Bills to Limit the Procedure This Year.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 15 May 2019, www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/us/abortion-laws-states.html.

Yan, Holly. “Debates over Anti-Abortion Laws Have Raised Common Myths about Abortion. These Are the Facts.” CNN, Cable News Network, 18 May 2019, www.cnn.com/2019/05/18/health/abortion-myths-and-facts/index.html.

Zdanowicz, Christina. “Women Have Abortions for Many Reasons aside from Rape and Incest. Here Are Some of Them.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 May 2019, www.cnn.com/2019/05/21/health/women-reasons-abortion-trnd/index.html.


Muslim Ban and other discriminative Policies by Trump… how can we make a change in next Presidential Election.


Donald Trump, the 45th president of the U.S. of America has many controversial policies that forced many Americans especially, the Muslim Americans to feel insecure and threatened. Not only Muslim Americans, Hispanic community is also being targeted continuously by Trump’s discriminative policies. His proposed campaign policies of a Muslim Ban, building wall against immigrants, vetting etc., has received tremendous amount of negative reactions from many people, especially from the Democrats and even from some people from the Republicans side. After he won the presidency on November 8th, 2016, he began implementing his policies after few days. The Ban on seven predominantly Muslim Countries was a significant one. Even though these policies are not really debated about in the politic world nowadays, but they have left the elements which resulted in increase in the hate crime against minorities and also islamophobia. Donald Trump’s ban on Muslims is a violation of human rights and discriminatory against a certain group of people which is not justified at any circumstances.

President Donald trump assumed office on January 10th, 2017. Shortly after few days later he enacted the ban on seven predominant Muslim nations in the middle east. “The most pernicious aspect of profiling and targeting the Muslim citizens of the seven nations in the EO travel ban is the way that it normalized prejudice and gave license to hateful rhetoric and violent extremists.” (Line 47, Hanadi Al Samman). The above quote can be perfectly verified by the white nationalist which proves that Trumps nationalistic rhetorics is emboldening and giving rise to hateful and extremist groups in the United States.

The rise of Islamophobia has affected Muslim women even more than Muslim men. “Chief among the targets of this Islamophobic tide are Muslim women identifiable to the public as Muslims because they wear hijabs.” (Line 11, Amaney A. Jamal). Muslim women are more likely to be target of hate and bigotry because of their outwardly appearance more so than Muslim men. They are the biggest victims of Trump’s hateful rhetorics.

The reason Muslim women are the primary target of hate speech is because they are different from the mainstream American women. “She remains a victim of “Americanness gone wrong” and is dependent on an “American ideal” for her survival.” (Line 51, Amaney A. Jamal). Islamophobes don’t consider Muslim women as part of mainstream American society because of their foreign looks, clothing and lifestyle. And on top of that throughout history and many societies have blamed minorities for their own failure. For example, Germany and the Jews in the 20th Century.

Trump’s presidential campaign was mostly based on stereotypes and heavy generalizations against various groups. Like, he called Mexican immigrants as rapists and drug dealers which is a massive generalization. He made similar generalizations against Muslim immigrants too. “The increasing prevalence of anti-Muslim rhetoric and action, the unabashed reassertion of white male power, and recent attempts to erode the rights of women, queers, immigrants, and people of color have serious consequences for our research, teaching, and engagement with public debates and communities.” (Line 1-5, Gokariksel). It is true that there are negative practices in all cultures. But those practices are done by very few people and are definitely not representative of entire community. This shows Trump’s biasness against non-European cultures.

Besides the racism and Islamophobia spread by Trump and his political party, there have various measures for counter movements of resistance. “Resistance movements against the kind of white male dominance that Trump’s presidency represents and has been trying to restore have embraced Muslims alongside other maligned groups (immigrants, brown, black, native, Latino, queer, women).” (Line 41, Gokariksel). On the bright side, many Americans have rejected right wing ideologies of intolerance and bigotry and embraced the beauty of diversity and multiculturalism. The most prime example is the women’s march led by Linda Sarsour, A Palestinian American human rights activist, in 2017. In that march, Americans opposed Islamophobia and racism and spread the virtues of tolerance, Acceptance and equality between genders and races.

Now, let’s talk about his campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again”. It is basically another way of saying make America “white” again. “In 2016, demographers pointed to declines in white Americans ‘life expectancies, with anxiety and depression-driven drug over-doses as a contributing factor (Tavernise, 2016), one of many symp-toms of the erosion of the white middle class (Thompson, 2016).” (Line 38, Gokariksel and Smith). There is a fear among the white community that because of immigration from non-European countries, there culture might erode. Trump used these irrational fears to fill his vote banks by appealing to these people with promises that he will bring back America’s “glorious” days back.

Even though, Trump’s ban was prevented from being enacted he later tried to push fir anther ban on Muslims. “President Trump’s second attempt at a “Muslim ban,” more than twice as long as the first and more narrowly tailored, prohibits people from six countries—Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen—from immigrating or traveling to the United States for 90 days.” (Line 1, Hing). Similar efforts for building border walls are also being pushed for.

Muslims are not the only one who are affected by the election of 2016. Other minorities like Hispanics, Asians and blacks are also heavily affected. Innocent black men have been shot by Police. “The vast majority of incidents reported – 206 – were anti-immigrant, followed by anti-African American violence. Fifty-one incidents of anti-Muslim hate crimes were reported.” (Line 7, Sohrabji). Cops have been called on black men for no apparent reason. Racial profiling of people of color have been dramatically increased and hate crimes have been on the rise at an exponential rate.

In conclusion, next Presidential Election is taking place on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 and I want citizens of United States of America to think about how peace, love, harmony and tolerance can be promoted if the general American public unite together regardless of skin color, race, ethnicity, religion and vote for a better leader this time. We don’t want to choose a leader who spread hate, violence and bigotry among the people who are different in looks, cast, creed and race. We don’t want any president who causes subsequent rise to islamophobia and rampant racism in the United States like Trump has. His hate speeches against Muslims and other people of color in the country has given rise to a new divide in the country which has never been seen since the 1960s.  But these things should not be tolerated and should neither be promoted as they can play a major role in spreading hatred among different groups in this diverse American society. Vote wisely on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 because your decision reflects the future of our country.

Work Cited

Jamal, A. A. “Trump(ing) on Muslim Women: The Gendered Side of Islamophobia.” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, vol. 13 no. 3, 2017, pp. 472-475. Project MUSE, muse.jhu.edu/article/677747.

Al-Samman, H. “Invading Muslim Bodies in the Era of Trump.” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, vol. 13 no. 3, 2017, pp. 483-485. Project MUSE, muse.jhu.edu/article/677750.

GĂśkariksel, B. “The Body Politics of Trump’s “Muslim Ban”.” Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, vol. 13 no. 3, 2017, pp. 469-471. Project MUSE, muse.jhu.edu/article/677746.

Hing, Julianne. “New Ban, No Relief.” The Nation, vol. 304, no. 10, 2017, pp. 4–4.

Gökarıksel, and Smith. “&Quot;Making America Great Again&Quot;?: The Fascist Body Politics of Donald Trump.” Political Geography, vol. 54, 2016, pp. 79–81.

Sohrabji, Sunita. “701 Hate Crimes Reported Since Election.” India – West, 2016, pp. A1,A22.

Does Violent Video Games Cause Behavior Problems?

Arnelle Martinson

English 1101

Professor Jewell





Dear Parents of KIPP AMP Academy middle school,


          In today’s society, video games have become rampant in our children’s day-to-day activities. Although these video games may seem very entertaining for your children many of these video games have a negative influence that can impact your children  in aggressive and violent ways. Video games such as “Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto, Call of duty, etc” consists of features that allows you to scavenge for armor and weapons and the primary motives are to kill ,rob banks and hijack cars. In an article on Psychology Today website, “The American Psychiatric Association” states, “in 2015 concluding that playing video games may lead to more aggressive moods and behaviors and attracts the players feelings empathy and sensitivity to aggression”. This clearly shows that because of the savagery shown in these video games children will have a hard time empathizing with others and are more likely to be hostile towards their peers. Also on the USA today website an article named “Study Confirms Link Between Violent Video Games and Physical Aggression”, states that “It was learned Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the two teenagers who committed the Columbine High School shooting played the first shooting computer game Doom”. This text is significant because it shows how two teenagers decided to practice this video game in real life. This violence act had harmed many people in the process also the two teenagers had a lack of empathy. It also states on the Children’s Health website that “Research has shown that when children and adolescents see individuals they connect with in media… they are more likely to adopt to those influencers opinions…research believes the same way happened in video games”. This text is very important because it shows how as teenagers when we identify and like certain people we see on social media we tend to copy those influences and this can have the same effect on violent video games. If the primary goal of video games is to kill people in a virtual world and use AK 47 guns this will continue to have an effect on children’s behavior and social skills.  This is why as parents we need to look at the type of video games our children play so that they would not end up becoming unsympathetic and antagonistic. Therefore, as parents we need to be cautious of the video games we buy for children. Parents need to consider buying children healthier video games that can exercise their mind and help with children’s learning abilities. In the end violent video games should not be bought in a household because children are easily influenced and persuaded to follow the lifestyle of these violent video games.


                                                                                               Sincerely, Arnelle Martinson


                                                                                                                 December 3,2019



Dear CEO of Gamestop, George Sherman,


             In this day in age, video games have become the social norm and trend for children and teenagers. These video games that teenagers are exposed to young adults can show very violent and graphic images. Because some of these video games are violent and sexually explicit, it can negatively  impact teenagers to cultivate immoral behaviors. I propose to you CEO of Gamestop George Sherman, that violent video games are no longer sold at Gamestop.

        Teenagers that are continually susceptible  to violent acts in video games can send the wrong message to their minds. In an article called “Do Violent Video Games Trigger Aggression?” shows  that a study created by a psychologist named Hull states, “ Hull theorizes violent games help kids become more comfortable with taking risks and engaging in abnormal behavior. Their sense of right and wrong is being warped”. This text comes to show that when children repeatedly play violent video games they are more likely to think its okay to carry out vicious behavior in schools such as being hot-tempered and becoming a bully to their peers without caring about the consequences. Children are supposed to be raised with morals that will allow them to be nice and friendly amongst their peers. Violent video games will lead a child to becoming anti-social and restrain them from taking part in social activities in school, if it takes over the child or teenager’s life. This is why it is very important to remove violent video games such as “Grand Theft Auto,Assassin’s Creed,Black Opps” out of the gaming market.

      On the other hand, there are many gamers like you,  Mr. Chairman, who would disagree with taking all the violent video games  out of the market. For example a gamer named Tom Fober in an article titled “ Do Video Games Encourage Violent Acts?”states that “  While this desire might be considered unsavory, it can also be understood as an outlet for our aggression and darker desires, in a safe fantasy world where nobody dies forever.” This sentence suggests that video games is a place where people are able to satisfy their heart desires for violence and aggression in a secure place which is the “video game” without hurting anyone. However, I disagree with this statement because there has been multiple school shootings due to the use of violent video games. In an article on CBSnews.com titled “Do Violent Video Games Lead To Criminal Behavior” points out that “ The games came under fire in 2012 after Adam Lanza gunned down 20 children and six teachers in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. It later turned out that he was obsessed with violent video games.”  This clearly shows that, although Adam Lanza played video games in his home safely without hurting anyone for a while, he later felt the need to take this practice of violent video games out into the real world and take innocent lives away.  The violent video games he played repeatedly had impacted his behavior in becoming savage and hostile towards others in real life. This example shows why we need put all violent video games out of the market.

            In the end, violence in any shape or form ,whether it is in a virtual world or real world should not be accepted. Violent video games can destroy the mind of a human being and can lead it into unhealthy acts of immorality. Ending Violent Video games would put this world in a safe place.                                   




Casey, Michael. “Do Violent Video Games Lead to Criminal Behavior?” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 19 Aug. 2015, www.cbsnews.com/news/do-violent-video-games-lead-to-criminal-behavior/.

“Do Violent Video Games Make Kids More Violent?” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evidence-based-living/201807/do-violent-video-games-make-kids-more-violent.

Faber, Tom. “Do Video Games Encourage Violent Acts?” Subscribe to Read | Financial Times, Financial Times, 14 Aug. 2019, www.ft.com/content/1c5914b6-bdb7-11e9-9381-78bab8a70848.

Health, Children’s. “Do Video Games Cause Aggressive Behavior?” Children’s Health, Childrens Health, www.childrens.com/health-wellness/do-video-games-cause-aggressive-behavior.

Moyer, Melinda Wenner. “Do Violent Video Games Trigger Aggression?” Scientific American, Scientific American, 2 Oct. 2018, www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-violent-video-games-trigger-aggression/.

Snider, Mike. “Study Confirms Link between Violent Video Games and Physical Aggression.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 8 Aug. 2019, www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2018/10/01/violent-video-games-tie-physical-aggression-confirmed-study/1486188002/.

The Washington Post, WP Company, www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/the-effect-of-video-games-on-kids-behavior-achievement/2015/04.



Trump’s New Asylum Policy

Asylum seekers, especially from Central America’s Northern Triangle which consists of individuals from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, are traveling to the United States in search of a new home but are being detained. These individuals are fleeing severe gang violence, government corruption, and cartel violence in hopes of finding safety for themselves and their family members. Despite making the dangerous journey from their home countries without external assistance, these individuals are being told to wait months before having an asylum consideration trail in Mexico due to a new Trump administration policy called the Migrant Protection Protocols (M.P.P.). The M.P.P. requires asylum seekers to remain in Mexico for the duration of their legal proceedings, which can last several months. While in Mexico these individuals live in makeshift camps that are unprotected and with slumlike conditions. This new shift in the treatment of asylum seekers has placed these individuals in grave danger as there is no protection from the threats they were fleeing in the first place. This policy has to change as it is attacking the core moral purpose of the United States asylum process.

This is a political policy that has a direct impact on the people of the U.S. As immigrants look to the U.S. as a beacon of acceptance and safety, the Trump administration is destroying this promise and eroding the moral integrity of this nation. Therefore, I choose to write a letter to Bloomberg a presidential candidate that is basing his running on grounds of morality and social change. It is my hope that engaging Bloomberg will put a spotlight in the presidential race for others to see the immorality of the M.P.P.. The second genre I chose is an op-ed in regards to this issue as it will voice my concerns and share these ideas with like-minded individuals.  I would like to submit my article to the New York Times as a contributing voice against Trump’s policy.


Dear Bloomberg,

The United States is known as a country made up of a patchwork of immigrants. It is one of this country’s greatest strengths, as immigrants have contributed to the prosperity and growth seen in the U.S. today. In addition to being a beacon of diversity, the U.S. has been a leader in granting asylum to people from all over the world as they flee from the dangers and prosecution of their homelands. With this in mind, the current administration’s stance on asylum seekers is alarming specifically when it comes to applicants from the southern border.  

Recently, you announced your decision to run for the presidency under the Democratic ticket for the 2020 election, as a champion for morality and social justice. As a counterpoint to immorality, I want to focus your attention on Trump’s current asylum policy called the Migrant Protection Protocols (M.P.P.) colloquially known as “Remain in Mexico.” The M.P.P. requires asylum seekers from Central America’s Northern Triangle to remain in Mexico for the duration of their legal proceedings, which can last for many months. These people who have escaped from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala due to life-threatening circumstances have been met with this new policy that forces them to wait in Mexican border towns without protection while their paperwork processes. 

Many of these vulnerable individuals are placed in towns like Ciudad Juárez, one of the most dangerous cities in the world to await their asylum hearings. Their lives are in constant danger as these towns are filled with kidnappers, thieves, and criminals who take advantage of asylum seekers’ vulnerability. Another one of the changes made is the metering of asylum seekers which strictly limits the number of individuals who can even apply for asylum. The fact that Trump’s policy significantly decreases the number of applications has created a bottleneck in the initial process.

This policy is the result of extremely biased views from the Trump administration. This nation is built by immigrants and should continue to be a beacon of hope for those who seek refuge. I urge you to campaign against Trump’s policy towards asylum seekers. Fight against this inhumane policy and work with those that are fighting to repeal it. 


Ihn Lee



Op-ed: Immoral Asylum Policy

By Ihn Lee

Dec. 2, 2019

Immigration Today

Is the Migrant Protection Protocols (M.P.P.) more commonly known as “Remain in Mexico” really the best policy? Should Trump really have a wall, that will cost billions of dollars of taxpayer’s money, “to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism” as stated by Trump? Professor Michael Dear’s opinion differs from Trump’s in the sense that the wall will not resolve these problems because many illegal immigrants already in the U.S. do not engage in criminal activity and truth be told, drug cartels can will function and deliver their goods with or without a wall. Erecting a wall on the border makes sense if Trump wants to keep asylum seekers in Mexico.  

El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala the Deadliest Countries World-wide

Asylum seekers, especially from Central America’s Northern Triangle which consists of individuals from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, are traveling to the United States in search of a new home but are being detained. Authors of  a New York Times article, Zolan Kanno-Youngs and Elisabeth Malkin note that asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle are at record highs with “about 150,000 Salvadorans [becoming] refugees or [seeking] asylum in recent years.” El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are the deadliest countries in the world. Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world, El Salvador is 5th, and Guatemala is 6th , according to worldatlas.com. 

This influx was due to severe violence where in 2017 “there were 10.8 homicides a day in El Salvador.” The number of murders in the U.S. for the same year were 47.4 homicides a day, according to an FBI report. In comparison with the U.S. population which is 51 times bigger and landmass which is 467 times larger than El Salvador, El Salvador’s daily average was extremely high. Asylum seekers who came to the U.S. border were so desperate as they left behind their homes in search of safety because their government could not protect them from gangs, robberies, kidnapping, raped, tortured, and killed for ransom. Unfortunately, these migrants were forced to stay in Mexico which was no better than what these asylum seekers left behind as Mexico has experienced a rise in the murder rate last year with 35,964 killed and a continued uptick this year.

 Asylum seekers have risked their lives to arrive to the U.S. Southern borders in search of a reprieve to be sent back and told to remain in Mexico; however, asylum seekers who were forced to stay in Mexico live in Mexican border towns that are extremely dangerous. These migrants have been subject to kidnappings, discrimination, prejudice, and poverty. In addition, to this deterrent, the Trump administration enacted metering as noted by a CBS article by Kate Smith that discussed the shift in for Customs and Border Patrol officers who have processed on average 20 individuals a day in Jan 2019 instead of the 100 individuals a day in that was the past standard. Due to this shift, many migrants have lost hope, get frustrated  and return home.  

Morality in the United States Asylum Process

The M.P.P. requires asylum seekers to remain in Mexico for the duration of their legal proceedings, which can last several months. One of the reasons why so many asylum seekers are staying at the border for a longer time is the higher denial rate of asylum grants by immigration judges. The denial rate increased from 42.0%, in 2012 during the Obama administration, to 65%, in 2018 during Trump administration, according to a TRAC report. Asylum seekers are therefore forced to wait at the borders towns forming makeshift camps that lack proper sanitation or protection, and as a result, the most vulnerable population, children suffering the most. Kevin Sieff from Washington Post focused his article on the impact this policy has on children. Many fall ill, and their parents lack the ability to acquire the proper medical intervention. As a result, parents have sent their children over the border alone in hopes that their children are found by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) officers because of the fact that unaccompanied minors are not affected by M.P.P. This policy has not only broken these asylum seekers’ hope but it has also destroyed their families.   

Despite this very bleak situation, there are ways that we can help those who wait in Mexico for asylum. As there are not many lawyers available in these border towns, we can encourage bar associations to mobilize and volunteer their services to asylum seekers who can greatly benefit from legal aid. We, everyday citizens can show our support by writing letters to Congress for an asylum policy repeal. We can donate items such as clothing or dry goods to organizations that are working with asylum seeking families at border towns. In other words, there is hope for our country to still be a beacon of light for those who seek refuge in her towns. We cannot forget that this nation is built by immigrants.




“Asylum Decisions and Denials Jump in 2018.” Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, 29 Nov. 2018, https://trac.syr.edu/immigration/reports/539/. Accessed 1 Dec 2019.

Harrup, Anthony. Mexico’s Murder Rate Hit Record High in 2018. The Wall Street Journal, 25 Jul, 2019. https://www.wsj.com/articles/mexicos-murder-rate-hit-record-high-in-2018-11564079972. Accessed 1 Dec 2019.

Kanno-Youngs, Zolan and Elisabeth Malkin. U.S. Agreement With El Salvador Seeks to Divert Asylum Seekers. The New York Times, 20 Sep. 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/20/us/politics/us-asylum-el-salvador.html. Accessed 1 Dec 2019.

Smith, Kate. The country’s busiest border crossing will allow 20 people to claim asylum a day. They used to take up to 100. CBS News, 25 Jan, 2019. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tijuana-port-of-entry-san-ysidro-allows-20-immigrants-claim-asylum-immigration-advocates-2019-01-25/. Accessed 1 Dec 2019.

Sieff, Kevin. In squalid Mexico tent city, asylum seekers are growing so desperate they’re sending their children over the border alone. The Washington Post, 22 Nov, 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/in-squalid-mexico-tent-city-asylum-seekers-are-growing-so-desperate-theyre-sending-their-children-over-the-border-alone/2019/11/22/9e5044ec-0c92-11ea-8054-289aef6e38a3_story.html. Accessed 1 Dec 2019.


Animal Abuse/ Cruelty

Animal abuse/cruelty is a big issue that is spreading all over the media and news. The cases that really hit home, is abuse of domesticated and wildlife animals. Domesticated animals, such as dogs and cats, are promised a loving home and to be cared for. Media exposed many owners walking their dogs out of a moving car or dragging them on the payment because they got tired. Wildlife cases, such as the ivory trade of animals with tusks/ horns or fur/ skin trafficking, have impacted the media as well. These mistreatments and acts need to be talked about and brought a solution or enforcement to keep these acts from occurring again.

The audiences I picked, is a specific person in a case of animal cruelty, as I wrote them a letter and my other audience is ivory poachers as I’m giving a speech at a conference. I picked a letter form for the first audience because it is easier to express opinions about the person directly and to the general population of abusers, which can be published on any venues in the US or any other country that abuse follows. I choose a speech for my second audience because, its a case wherein specific places, like Africa and China, these problems occur. Also, the speech would be broadcasted live, if people in other countries do support actions taken against the trafficking of illegal items.

Audience 1:

Dear Robert Corsland,

I am writing to you because you are a heartless monster that deserves to be locked up. People don’t like the fact that you got away with murder and caused another animal in your own act, get put down. The demonstration you played at school, teaching “the circle of life,” to your students, did not need a live experience and neither in a harsh manner. Feeding a snapping turtle a live puppy is totally out of hand and unorthodox; live animals should not be used at school to perform live crimes. Even though it was for educational purposes, live animals are not to be used in any cruel way. Animals are pets and have a meaning to live their lives, just like any human being.

You said “the puppy was sick” and performed the act to “put it out of its misery”, but did you go to the vet to get that verified first? Or did you want to perform a cruel act just to get away with murder? If the whole purpose is to get rid of the puppy, there are several other, less cruel ways to get rid of any animal. Maybe the dog may have been sick, but feeding it to another animal is just not normal or right. This shows animal abuse in so many ways. One obviously, there are better, less cruel ways to get rid of a pet you don’t want. Second, performing the act as a science lesson to children, is just totally unacceptable. The demonstration itself, could have scared the children in countless ways, and could evoke this type of behavior to be seen as acceptable towards animals. Third, you couldn’t care less if the animal would have gotten hurt or even died. This just shows what a heartless person you are and many people, including myself, will not stand here silent in this unjust case at hand.

The demonstration played in front of your students is already time for you in jail. If any child is present in any act of abuse or violence, the charges will be heavily charged on you whether it is “more time in prison or pay a fine, or both.” Also, animals have protection on their part. According to the Animal Protection Laws Of The USA, “any act tending to produce such cruelty, is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and … shall be treated as a misdemeanor defined in the penal law.” This means, that depending on the crime, it will determine how long you should go to prison for. A class a misdemeanor can be up to one year in jail, plus depending on the crime, it can be charged as a felony. These inhuman acts need to be paid for, and you belong in jail for what you did to end two animals’ lives.     


Maricellis Rivera

Work Cited

“Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence.” Child Witnesses to Domestic Violence – Child Welfare Information Gateway, https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/systemwide/laws-policies/statutes/witnessdv/. 

Jones, Rhett. “Science Teacher Who Fed a Live Puppy to a Snapping Turtle at School Found Not Guilty.” Gizmodo, Gizmodo, 7 Jan. 2019, https://gizmodo.com/science-teacher-who-fed-a-live-puppy-to-a-snapping-turt-1831542900. 

MacDonald, Fiona. “A Science Teacher Allegedly Fed a Puppy to a Snapping Turtle in Front of His Students.” ScienceAlert, 14 Mar. 2018, https://www.sciencealert.com/a-science-teacher-allegedly-fed-a-puppy-to-a-snapping-turtle-in-front-of-his-students. 

Portman, Janet. “Class A and Level One Misdemeanors.” Www.criminaldefenselawyer.com, Nolo, 11 Mar. 2015, https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/criminal-defense/criminal-offense/class-a-misdemeanors.htm.

Audience 2:

Speech at the Geneva, Switzerland

They also have a life to live

“Nobody in the world needs Ivory, except an elephant” 

This is a line from the movie Holiday in the Wild. In just the first 16 minutes of the movie, a mother elephant has been killed for her tusk. By just knowing what occurred to the poor creature, the real dangerous animal out there is us.  

A billiard ball for a life is stupid to put an elephant’s tusks to use. 62% of the elephant population dropped and only 400,000 elephants in total of the different species remain. 

Who here wants to see animals get hunted and slaughtered for their tusks?

Many animals that possess these shields, more specifically, elephants are endangered. Elephants are dying, mainly because poachers have been taking their precious armor away and selling it for meaningless things. Piano keys, handles, and even more minor objects of decorative value, are made out of ivory, which is what the tusks are made of (Rebecca J. Rosen). These meaningless things came from an innocent animal that was killed and left to rot, which means you are carrying innocent lives in your hands.

According to the Fauna and Flora International organization, about 111,000 elephants have been illegally killed for their ivory. Just by knowing how many of them have been killed, shows how much people care for themselves than for the better of other lives and animals. Elephants need their tusks to survive, especially when it comes to fighting danger, in which they are always facing out in the wild. Taking away their armor, is just inhumane and unjust for the animal, leaving it defenseless when by nature they are in need of them.

 Bans have been established way back in the 20th century, especially in countries where most of Ivory Poachers go and carry out their violent acts. In countries like China and Africa, bans were to help prevent the elephant species from becoming extinct, which entitled them to the endangered species list. Listing them meant they are to be protected but this just made matters worse. Since there seem to be less and less elephants, the ivory’s cost doubled since 2007 (Dury). This meant that more poaching incidents occurred and more innocent lives have been taken. 


You are to be caught and exiled from any land that has been touched by any animal, but that’s just me ranting. What needs to be done, is to catch you vicious monsters and lock you up for a great amount of time, because of the danger and violence you have caused elephants that deserve to live their lives just like we live ours. CHARGE YOU all with access to illegal weaponry; CHARGE YOU all with breaking the national conservation laws; CHARGE YOU all for hurting and hunting an endangered species, so that you can rot in jail, just like you’ve left them to rot. 

Actions are going to take place, whether it is security, conservation camps, or to stop the trafficking and demands of ivory. As a species, as a community, as a society, we are to help demand elephants a life worth living, rather than killing.

Work Cited

Carnie, Tony. “The Latest Rhino Poaching Figures Show a Decade of Bloodshed in South Africa.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 31 Jan. 2018, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/rhinos-poaching-conservation-wildlife-endangered-species-south-africa-a8179716.html. 

Denis. “Why Care?” World Elephant Day, https://worldelephantday.org/about/elephants. 

Drury, Rebecca. “A Beginner’s Guide to Ivory Trade.” Fauna & Flora International, 19 July 2017, https://www.fauna-flora.org/news/a-guide-to-ivory-trade.

Keaten, Jamey, and Maria Cheng. “From Tusks to Tails, Nations Eye Trade in Endangered Species.” NBC Chicago, NBC Chicago, 17 Aug. 2019, https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/green/World-Wildlife-Conference-CITES-Endangered-Species-Trade-548804321.html. 

Presse, Milan, et al. “Why Is Ivory so Valuable?” Accueil, 23 July 2018, https://www.lumni.fr/video/why-is-ivory-so-valuable. 

Rosen, Rebecca J. “What Is It About an Elephant’s Tusks That Make Them So Valuable?” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 14 Sept. 2012, https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/09/what-is-it-about-an-elephants-tusks-that-make-them-so-valuable/262021/.



Amberly Wegele

Amberly Wegele
ENG 1101
Prof. Jewell
November 2019

Muslims in China are experiencing life threatening treatment and are being tortured as a form of stripping their beliefs. This isn’t exactly new, and as Americans, we need to do what we can to shine a light on this issue for a resolution. This is a violation of human rights and it’s inhumane. The muslim community in China has been placed in detentions and are being forced to abandon their religion. They are tortured and raped on a daily basis, constantly interrogated and they’re forced to do things against their religion. This is a violation of religious rights and as Muslims, it’s necessary for them to take a stand to stop the way their brethren are being treated. And as humans, we have to stand up for everyone everywhere, what’s happening to them isn’t right and it isn’t humane, it’s a concentration camp in the making.

Muslims are being tortured in Xinjiang and no one seems to be talking about it. Muslims are being forced to abandon their religion or die in these camps. As many as one million Muslims have been detained and put into these camps that they call, “re-education camps” to forcefully get Muslims to abandon Islam. One reporter writes, “ ‘The kinds of behavior that’s now being monitored — you know, which language do you speak at home, whether you’re talking to your relatives in other countries, how often you pray … used to decide whether people should be subjected to political reeducation in these camps,’ Sophie Richardson… China’s government is using new technologies to help carry out mass punishment of an ethnic group… reports of tortue and death inside of them..” ( Taddonio, Patrice. “How China’s Government Is Using AIon Its Uighur Muslim Population”, PBS, November 21, 2019). This shows just a small dose of how Muslims are being violated in China as their privacy is being invaded and used against them. This is just the beginning, another article says, “Human rights experts estimate that 1.5 million Uighur Muslims and members of other ethnic minority groups…have been detained in Xinjiang since 2016… they were forced to memorize Chinese communist propaganda … learn Mandarin … occasionally violently interrogated or beaten.” (Feng, Emily. “ ‘Illegal Superstition’: China Jails Muslims For Practicing Islam, Relatives Say”, NPR, October 8, 2019). This shows the violence that Muslims have been faced with by the Chinnese government, they are forced to do things against their will and were beaten while detained. Another source says, “ ‘They’re really about crushing, to some degree, the Muslim culture, the Uighur culture – getting people to feel much more bonded to the Communist Party than to their own religious beliefs,’ said Wilder”. ( Simmons, Keir. “Inside Chinese camps thought to be detaining a million Muslim Uighurs”. NBC NEWS, October 4, 2019). Muslims are being tortured and detained and are being stripped of their religion in these camps and forced to join the Communist Party in China. As humans, we must stand together and stop this violation of human rights. What’s happening in these camps are inhumane and must be stopped, we need to bring awareness to this issue and put a stop to it as soon as possible. Too many lives have been lost. Now that you know about this, spread the word, help save the people in these camps.

Muslims must stand together and save one another. China is abusing Muslims and forcing them to do things against their religion and are violently forcing them to abandon Islam at all costs. One source uses a witness’ description of the punishments and says, “Punishments could be anything from being deprived of food to having one’s fingernails ripped out, or worse… Muslims were forced to eat pork…she was repeatedly raped by Chinese guards; she twice found herself pregnant and had the pregnancies forcibly terminated” (Loanes, Ellen. “medical experiments, and forced abortions: One woman describes horrors of Xinjiang concentration camps”, Business Insider, October 22, 2019). This eye-witness explains to the reporter how these muslims would be tortured and forced to do things against their religion. The women held in the camp were rapeed constantly and had unsafe abortions. This is a violation of Islam as they’re forced to eat pork, a meat that is forbiddin for Muslims to eat. These Muslims are being broken down and beaten. As Muslims, it should be your duty to protect your Muslim brothers and sisters and put an end to the vicious actions inflicted upon the Muslims in China. These types of acts shouldn’t be performed on Mulims, let alone anyone at all. Another source describes the situation these people are in and says, “There was constant screaming from there at night,’ says Sauytbay, 43. ‘Sometimes people were dumped back in class badly beaten, or with their nails torn out or blood all over their bottoms and thighs. Others never came back, so I guess they died
Human rights groups have compiled reports detailing torture, and this month activists published a map of nearly 500 camps and prisons used for detentions. US government officials allege they hold between a million and three million people… and confess ‘crimes’. ‘They would write anything that fitted the suspicions of the government. So if they were religious, for instance, they might say they had talked to their family about Allah.’ ” (Birrell, Ian. “Inside China’s concentration camps holding up to three million Muslim prisoners subjected to a regime of modernsurveillance and old-fashioned torture – as one survivor recounts how you can be executed for laughing”. Daily Mail, November 23, 2019). This evidence shows how the Chinese government has countlessly forced these Muslims that have done nothing wrong to repent for simply following their religion. This is a violation of writes and this causes Muslims to cease the spread of Islam and their belief in Allah. This goes against Islam, as it’s main focus is the belief in Allah and the spread of Islam. Muslims all over need to be prepared to put an end to this at all costs, these camps are killing off innocent people and need to be stopped for the sake of humanity.

How China’s Government Is Using AI on Its Uighur Muslim Population


Making guns less essay to get

In a community safety is an important part in human life, people always worry about how safe the community are, in the history of the United State, gun violence makes the environment of the community unsafe, it had cause violence, increase of crimes and some time open fire on locals. Communities are not just a place that people live in. It is more about the condition that people live in, in effect how much people being protected, how much people feel safe to their community. If a person living in an environment that is corrupted and dangerous, it will be hard for people to do their work and live safely, because no one wants to live in a place with a low quality of life. As individuals should focus more on the social environment that we are living,  in order to have a good lifetime and leaving our generation with a better social environment; However, some people think that banning guns is to take away their safety and freedom, but, what I mean is that we should make guns less easy to get and stop selling it to certain people, so we can make our community safer.

Safety is important, and we should make the gun harder to get, because it affects people’s condition of the social environment. We should take actions to protect our community, according to newspaper reporters Andrew Blankstein, Pete Williams, Rachel Elbaum and Elizabeth Chuckin in “NBC news” the authors said that in 2017 “A lone gunman unleashed a rapid-fire barrage of bullets from the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel late Sunday, killing at least 59 people and injuring more than 500 others attending a country music festival below ). The article shows that gun violence is hurting people, it harms  the population and affected their life because if people live around that area in they will not feel safe to work, the environment is unstable and not safe, people will not go out and work, it will slow down the economic growth, people will also move out and find a better place to live, this will also cause less education and less resource people will get, we can use the city Detroit as an example, it used to be a wealthy place, but now due to the high crime rate and gun violence, now, no one is trying to live in that area. We should work with the government setting laws to make the gun less easy to get.

We should stop selling guns to certain people, because it some people will use it in a bad way, For example, according to NBC news, “17 killed in mass shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida 2018” by John McCall, the author said that “The teen gunman accused of opening fire with a semi-automatic rifle at his former high school in Parkland, Florida, has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder, officials said Thursday.” this shows that in some places even a 17 year old can get a gun, and open fire at his own school, in some places even a person that has a mental illness can have a chance to get a gun. When people are armed everything can happen, just like what happen in 2017 the mass shooting in Los Vegas hotel, the people who start the shooting had some mental issue, by looking at this, we should work together to make the gun hard to get, so that certain bad people will not use it, or people who have disabilities can’t get it to create crimes.

For a long time now smoking has been a huge problem all around the world and it has been affecting people. it causes people to get lung cancer, heart diseases and lead to death. And my issue is i want people to get healthy and live longer because in the long term it can benefit them for their own sake and their family.


Mansur Usman

300 jay St

Brooklyn, NY 11201


23 november 2019

AndrĂŠ Calantzopoulos

Phillip morris international

120 Park Ave # 6, New York, NY 10017

Dear Mr. Calantzopoulos

I am writing you today about an issue that I have it’s not against you personally but it is an issue with your company. For many years humans have been smoking for many years now and over the years it has become a huge issue. Sure people smoke for a reason some claim it’s because of stress and need something to relax the body. And others do it because it looks cool and that everyone does it too. But for many years research has also shown the harm that smoking does to a human even as crazy as leading to death. Smoking has a high risk for a human to get cancer. According to the American cancer society  they claim “not only does smoking increase the guy risk for lung cancer, it’s also a risk factor for cancers of the: mouth, kidney, liver, pancreas etc…”. Wow im just amazed at what something as small as tobacco can do to a human being. In today’s world one of our biggest fear is cancer, for many years now, doctors have not been able to find a cure for this frightening disease. And for many years we have learned that cancer is killing us and there is nothing worse than hearing someone you love pass away from this disease. Nicotine is also one big issue in smokers. Nicotine is a big problem because it’s what causes people to keep smoking because it causes you to be addicted to tobacco. Studies from healthline.com states “Nicotine largely affects the area of the brain responsible for attention, memory, learning, and brain plasticity”. For humans our brains define who we are and we can do in this world and why on earth would we want to mess that up. With nicotine it can really affect us in all of these areas a human needs to function well. And as for teenagers that our mind is still developing the last thing that we need is nasty chemicals affecting how we think. We need our brain to its fullest capability so we can be able to learn and to see the world for how it really is. This is a big issue that we have to take action on because as a teenager, the last thing I need is chemicals and unknown substances going through my head. Mr Calantzopoulos now I have a question for you. Why do people have to keep suffering from tobacco while your company makes billions?. For years now solutions have been made but still the strength of your company has a huge influence on the people. For years there have been solution to help people who are suffering from the abuse of tobacco and its killing them but when a strong influence like your taking the wheel on these situations and allowing change to be achieved a lot of people can be helped.


Mansur usman

Mansur Usman

300 jay St

Brooklyn, NY 11201


23 november 2019

The New York Times

620 Eighth Avenue Manhattan, New York 10018

An open letter to the people of New York and all around the world.

I am writing you about an issue that is a great deal of importance to me and I think that you should hear me out. Since I was born and my brain was able to perceive things i’ve never liked smoking and i found it disturbing. But it’s not about me this is for my smokers and i just want to find a way to help. One thing that I know we all want is to be healthy and you cannot claim that if your constantly causing harm to your body. A bunch of research has been done on this issue and one from the cdc a website that is very trusted claim “ Cigarette smoking kills more than 480,000 Americans each year. In addition, smoking -related illness in the United States costs more than $300 billion a year…”  this breaks my heart that the amount of people in the US die from smoking and it might not scare some people out there but just imagine other places that smokes and not only in the us. Well finding out this information made me take the issue more seriously because everyone’s life matters to me. For those who thinks it not an issue you have to look on how you affect the people around you and your loved once. When you smoke not all of the smoke goes into your body and some are released in the air so others who are not smokers get affected by this and end up with the same diseases smoking can cause. My question is why do they have to suffer the same consequence for being innocent?. You affect the people your living with from babies to adults and this can have a big impact on them in the future. This source is from Web MD and lets hear what they have to say about this “Exposure to secondhand smoke raises your risk — by as much as 30 percent — of getting lung cancer and many other types of cancer. It can lead to emphysema, and it’s bad for your heart”. So now think do the innocent really deserve this.one thing that is important to everyone is health and living longer for yourself or someone who you value a lot. Smoking goes against those wishes and potentially causing you to lose your life faster or you can hurt someone you love dearly in the process. I know people like to smoke to relieve stress but there are also many ways you can release your stress like daily exercise, spend time with your family and you can also write it down. I know all this can be hard and it surely wouldn’t be an easy process  but if you’re determined, you can achieve this.  








racism in soccer



ENG 1101



                                      RESEARCH AND AUDIENCE ASSIGNMENT


My topic is based off of racism in the sport of soccer.I am writing to the kids and pro soccer players out there that are going to soccer games and watching the games live on tv. To be aware of a big problem going on in the atmosphere of soccer which is racism not to long ago prior to me writing this there was an altercation that happen between pro soccer player Raheem Sterling and the Bulgarian soccer team. As England was winning by a big lead Bulgarian fans started shouting out racist slurs at the players manly at sterling Because of the 6-0 defeat.England has not been immune from the problem.  Chelsea fc banned six fans, one for life, after racist abuse was directed at Raheem Sterling.when it came to race relations within the sport.

UEFA has punished Bulgaria with a partial stadium closure for the match against England because of racist fan behavior during recent matches against Czech Republic and Kosovo. This calls for stadium officials to warn fans to cease any racist behavior upon a first offense. If the behavior persists, the referee is to stop the game and remove the teams from the field. Finally, the referee is to halt the game if the abuse continues. But england stayed in the match because if not it could result in an Englishforfeit.

This caused the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov to call the president of the Bulgarian Football Union to resign following the racist abuse of England players. Which was a good move on his behalf. This whole situation that happened brings me back to april 24th of 2014 barcelona vs villarreal where the opposing fans through a banana at barcelona’s right back dani alves that was going for a corner kick.These fans where using very racists chants at the brazilian native like calling him a monkey.And like telling him to go back to his country.

As well with intermilans striker romelu lukaku as he is going on the pitch multiple racist chants are thrown and for every single time that this has happened nobody gets penalized  for it .I personally feel like fifa should should step their game up and penalize the teams for not standing up against the crowd.There can be multiple ways of stopping this like penalizing or even educating the fans to stop with their racism. Because so for fifa haven’t done anything against these chants and until fifa does something they wont stop.They should at least think about the kids that are going to watch matches and what if the crowd of the team starts shouting out racist chants. 

It’s either the kid is going to be scared to even play the game or they might feel like its right to be racist which its not . Every league should use the same rules that uefa uses which is if the referee becomes aware of serious racist behaviour, or is told of it by the fourth official, he should, as a


first step, stop the game and ask for an announcement to be made requesting the public to immediately stop such racist behaviour.If the racist behaviour does not stop once the game has restarted, the referee shall suspend the match for a reasonable period of time, and ask the teams go to the dressing rooms. A further announcement shall be made to the public.if the racist conduct does not end after the game has then resumed, the referee shall definitively abandon the match as a last resort.

 The UEFA delegate will help the referee, through the fourth official, in determining whether the racist behaviour has stopped, and any decision to leave the pitch will only be taken after all other possible measures have been implemented and the impact of abandoning the match on the security of the players and public has been assessed.

But sadly these rules have only been implemented in champions league.One of the leagues that is famous for racists fans is the italian league which is serie A but have now gone to an agreement.Multiple Serie A clubs joined together to make a statement on nov 22 of 2019 to publicly recognize that there are serious problems with racism and hate speech in the league.The acceptance comes from an Italian league known for constant racist chants and discriminatory behavior. 

It’s a problem that they have not done anything to stop this over the years. Images of players being racially abused in Italian soccer  has been viewed and discussed all around the globe this season . That gives them a bad image . Racist chants have recently been aimed at Romelu Lukaku, Franck Kessie, Dalbert Henrique, Miralem Pjanic, Ronaldo Vieira, Kalidou Koulibaly and Mario Balotelli. All the players where targeted  except for Pjanic, who is Bosnian the rest are african european.England international Eniola Aluko, who will leave Juventus’ women’s squad following Saturday’s game against Fiorentina, said she as well experienced racism off the pitch in Italy on a post interview of the game.

All of these ads that fifa puts out are good in a sense to spread positivity to say fair play and to say no to racism these all have good meanings but I feel like they should at least put a little more hard work into  it to at least implement the uefa rules to every single league owned by fifa.Other leagues as well should because this has gone to far dating back to the beginning of soccer history at its peak this hurts everyone that is being judged just by their color or for not being the same skin tone I say personally to the kids to try to stay away from the negativity and to the pro soccer players to try to make a stand to fifa so they can implement stricter rules against descrimination in football about race and sexuality so we can all watch the beautiful game of soccer without having to see such filth.


These are My 5 sources are for my topic.   https://www.fifa.com/confederationscup/videos/y=2017/m=6/video=fifa-say-no-to-racism-my-game-is-fair-play-2895097.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJYhp4bqJQAhttps://www.cnn.com/2019/11/04/football/balotelli-racist-chants-football-serie-a-intl-spt/index.htmlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHjxVsjueFMhttps://www.uefa.com/insideuefa/social-responsibility/respect/no-to-racism/

Who has a say in abortion Males or Females?

Jae Rose


       People have different opinions on who should have the say in abortions. I’ve had many conversations with some of my friends about this situation because it’s something that people think about if they were in this situation. Both audiences (males and females) have their opinions whether on who really has the say. Men feel left out when women have an abortion because since it’s there child too, the feel that this is some part where there words matter. For the females, they believe that since they will be the ones carrying the baby they should have the say because there doing the heavy lifting During this assignment I would like to persuade my audience that females should be the ones to decide whether or not they should  keep the baby or not. My messages would get across by me writing 2 separate letters to the women and men having it in clinics. The purpose for me having these two separate letters in clinics is to have the males and females have a just a certain mindset about having a say in abortions. They should listen to me because of the research I’ve been digging up and just that it’s straight facts that they should take into consideration.


Dear males,

This message is for you guys. I know that you guys feel that you guys also  should have a say in this situation but it is the females body and they do whatever but only to a certain circumstance. Females have up to week eight to have an abortion. They have 8 weeks because the fetus is not yet developed as of yet. According to “Thebump.com” it states “During week 8 of your pregnancy the baby is big as a raspberry and weighs about 0.4 ounces” so from this statement females have until week eight to have an abortion because it’s not developed. If it’s over this limit then technically it’s killing it. Women should be the only ones who decides to keep a child. If they don’t they don’t get rid of it on purpose. That’s what you guys have to understand and respect the fact that they have abortions because it would interfere with things like there education or work at that moment and they are not yet ready for a child. According to “Guttmacher.org” it states that “ in the study, researchers from Guttmacher Institute compared quantitative data from 2004 and 1987 surveys and found that the main reason women cited for ending pregnancies were the same on both: having a baby would dramatically interfere with their education, work or ability to care for their dependents or they could not afford a baby at that time” another good statement women get abortions is because of personal reasons like rape. Just put yourself in a situation like that. If a man raped, would you keep the baby? According to “CNN.com” (“women have abortions for many reasons aside from rape an invest”) it states that  “the reasons why women get abortions are varied and personal. For some, it was because they were victims of rape or incest. Some were in abusive relationships and others weren’t ready”. From this I’m trying to say that you shouldn’t pressure a women on having a baby because it’s gonna be her carrying it. I had came across an women stated her opinion on the topic that completely backs up the statement that women should have the final say in having an abortion. According to “yahoo answers” this women say that a women should have the final say in having a baby or not. She had made an example “what else the women was raped”. She states no matter what you think about abortion, if you’ve never been raped, if you’ve never felt the shame and the self hate , if you’ve never spent a year unable to sleep because the man who raped you is always in the shadows…then you absolutely have no right to judge . You have no idea what it feels like to complete carrying the child of the person who violated you” this person goes deep and I feel that she’s right. Where I’m trying to get at is that women should have the say to keep or baby or not because they go through a lot of stress. They should be able to decide whether or not to keep it. I’ve brought up the tapes part because I’m showing that women don’t have abortion on purpose. I’m staying that women should have a say because it effects there life. I hope you guys get what I’m trying to say. It’s just up to a women to make the final say whether on not they should keep the baby or not.

Sincerely, Jae Rose




Dear females,


Even though I’m on your side about you guys having the final say in having a child or not I would just like to inform you guys about the risks of having an abortion just to have in mind when having one. Having an abortion can do many things to your body that you probably didn’t know about. According to “ramahinternational.org”, abortion may lead to future medical problems for the mother. This source states the abortion risks for the mother. “ A cut or torn cervix, incomplete removal of unborn child, placenta or contents of the uterus requiring an additional operation, complications from anesthesia such as respiratory problems, nausea, vomiting, and headaches, inability to get pregnant due to infection from operation, and also heavy bleeding”. Another statement is that having a abortion can sadly lead you to not have any more children.According to nhs.uk(“Can having an abortion affect my fertility”), it states that “there’s a very small risk to your fertility and future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection during the procedure that’s not treated promptly”. The infection can actually spread to your Fallopian tubes and ovaries. If you have an infection get  medical advice as soon as possible if you experience any signs of infection after an abortion. This last statement I feel is the main think you guys should pay attention to because it’s really important. There is a such thing as an unsafe  abortion. So be careful. Unsafe abortion occurs when a pregnancy is terminated either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or both.According to “world health organization” it states that “They are less safe, when done using outdated methods like sharp curettage even if the provider is trained or if women using tablets do not have access to proper information or to a trained person if they need help. Any woman with an unwanted pregnancy who cannot access safe abortion is at risk of unsafe abortion. Women living in low-income countries and poor women are more likely to have an unsafe abortion. Deaths and injuries are higher when unsafe abortion is performed later in pregnancy. The rate of unsafe abortions is higher where access to effective contraception and safe abortion is limited or unavailable.” These are some of the risk that women would need to be reminded of when getting an abortion. So females, please be careful when having an abortion. Make sure you speak to your doctor and stay safe.


Sincerely, Jae Rose



•“The fetus is not yet fully developed” https://www.thebump.com

•”women don’t get abortion just cause”


•”having a baby interfere with what a women has to do”


•“what else the female was raped”



•“abortion can lead to future medical problems”


•“Can lead to not have anymore children later in your future”


•“unsafe abortions”
