
Speakers are listed in alphabetical order

Bismark AgbembleIndividual presentation
Winning the Future of Education in Africa through Project Base Learning (PBL): How the Implementation of PBL Pedagogy Can Transform Africaā€™s Educational System from Theory Base to Practical Base in School Curriculum
Bismark Agbemble
Liberty University
Bio: Professor Bismark Agbembleā€™s life purpose is to develop future CEOā€™s to become change agents through education, skills development and leadership. Mr. CEO is a seasoned investment banker, educator, author, policy analyst and economist who is passionate about transforming organizations, individuals through his mantra ā€œShow-Donā€™t Tellā€ approach to solving complex challenges with simple solutions rooted in equity, compassion, accountability and a process-purpose driven approach.
Abstract:Ā This paper talks about how project-based learning (PBL) is being infused or implemented in the educational sphere of Africa. The paper navigates through the liminal aspects of PBL as a pedagogical approach to bridge the divide between theoretical knowledge and its application within school curriculums. Given that contextualized learning can be embodied, the abstract vehemently discusses that PBL creates an opportunity for students to work on projects that are of academic relevance in their local settings. It presents PBLā€™s growth of critical thinking, problem-solving, cooperation, and communications which is vital in getting young citizens to prepare for
the 21st century revolution. In addition, the abstract stresses the possibility that PBL could become a stimulus to creativity and innovation wherein learning becomes motivated from within by intrinsic motivations. The paper advocates for a holistic approach that is based on teacherā€™s professional development with the provision of adequate infrastructural facilities and resource allocation, thus ensuring the success and sustainability of PBLā€™s in African education systems. In the end, the paper positions this as a transformative educational methodology that has great potential in helping to shape an African generation that is prepared for a great future.




Individual presentation
Co-designing Embodiments in Art and Computing Education
New York University
Shuang Cai
Tisch School of the Arts
Bio: Shuang is a multimedia artist, creative technologist, and curator born in Beijing and currently based in NYC. Shuang holds a Graduateā€™s degree from NYU Interactive Telecommunication Program and a dual Bachelorā€™s Degree from Bard College Computer Science and Studio Art program. Their research is in embodiments practice in education environments and creative hardware development. Their art practice is often concerned with to philosophy, logic, interactions, and interpersonal dynamics. Currently, they are writing and curating for LATITUDE Gallery New York and NARS Foundation.
Additional team members: Francisco Castro,Ā Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, Vera Liqian Zhong, Tisch School of the Arts, and Kayla DesPortes, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
Abstract: In this talk, we delve into the innovative intersection of dance and computing education through a series of co-design workshops aimed at educators in STEM and dance. Focusing on using danceON creative coding environment, our workshops explored the dynamic relationship between body movement, coding concepts, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Through a lens of Distributed Cognition, we investigated how participating educators navigated the integration of their expertise, physical embodiment, and digital representations to co-create creative dance artifacts and foster deeper learning experiences. Join us as we uncover the insights gleaned from these workshops and their implications for enhancing interdisciplinary education.Ā 

Stacey DiLiberto



Short Talk
Increasing Student Engagement and Cultural Understanding of Latin America with a Digital Escape Room

Stacey DiLiberto
Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida
Bio: Dr. Stacey DiLiberto is a Lecturer of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Central Florida where she teaches courses in postcolonial theory and multicultural and environmental humanities. Focusing specifically on Latin American, Latinx, and multiethnic literatures, including the African diaspora, Stacey is also interested in the interdisciplinary connections between science and the humanities. Stacey is the recipient of the 2023 Chuck D. Dziuban Award in Excellence in Online Teaching, designing interactive, student-centered activities and game-based assignments for her online students.
Abstract: Learning skills in cultural literacy provides students an opportunity to competently function in our current, ever-changing global society. A digital escape room was developed as an asynchronous activity for an online Latin American Humanities course to increase engagement for students during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of turmoil and upheaval. Gamification provides opportunities for students to immerse themselves in a cultural narrative as well as give them a sense of place, without having to travel to a location. This presentation will share the pedagogical, accessibility, logistical, and technological considerations needed for creating such an activity.

Individual presentation
Bring the Hidden Story to Virtual Space – The Virtual Reality Museum of Banjo
Yuning Gao
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University
Bio: Yuning Gao is a learning designer who developed a virtual reality museum to tell the hidden story of banjo and slavery history. She is also passionate about research in educational technology and the museum education field.
Abstract: This presentation introduces the Virtual Reality (VR) Museum of Banjo, a project born from the intersection of learning technology, experience design, and a passion for museums. The presenter, a graduate student, will introduce the inspiration, design process, and theoretical underpinnings behind the creation of this immersive experience. By leveraging VR technology, the museum aims to shed light on the often-overlooked story of the banjo’s connection to slavery history. Through meticulous research and ideation, virtual reality emerged as the ideal medium for storytelling, offering unparalleled opportunities for engagement and accessibility. The presenter details the selection process of content, emphasizing the importance of historical accuracy and diverse perspectives obtained through interviews and information gathering. Furthermore, the application of learning and design theories enriches the museum’s narrative, fostering critical thinking and empathy among visitors. The presentation also addresses the importance of accessibility in VR projects and outlines strategies for inclusive design. Attendees will gain insights into the decision-making process behind creating a VR museum, learn about the integration of educational technology, and explore strategies for ensuring accessibility and inclusivity. Additionally, the presenter highlights the significance of community engagement and collaboration in sustaining the impact of virtual experiences. Ultimately, the VR Museum of Banjo serves as a platform to amplify diverse voices and reclaim the narrative of African American heritage. By sharing this journey, the presenter hopes to inspire others to embark on similar ventures in leveraging technology for education and storytelling.

Doing Team-Teaching and Interdisciplinarity at CUNY: The ISP Model
Richard Haw
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies / ISP, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY
Bio: Richard Haw is the author of The Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural History; Art of the Brooklyn Bridge: A Visual History; Engineering America: The Life and Times of John A Roebling; and Leon Bibel: Forgotten Artist of the New Deal (forthcoming). He is a Professor in the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Abstract: The Thematic Studies Programā€”since renamed the Interdisciplinary Studies Program (ISP)ā€”was established at CUNYā€™s John Jay College of Criminal Justice in 1972. It was designed to bring students together to study ā€œa single theme of both contemporary relevance and historical importance to be taught by a multidisciplinary teamā€ of faculty. The grant envisioned an integrated curriculum that would foster reading, writing, speaking, listening, and analytic skills across the disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. The courses were experimental and taught by two (and sometimes three or four) faculty from different academic disciplines. Faculty would collaborate to develop new courses each semester. A stable of permanent faculty members ensured continuity and provided mentoring, while other faculty members from around the college were able to rotate through on an ad hoc basis. Remarkably, this modelā€”in at least most of it particularsā€”has held for over fifty years. This workshop will introduce participants to ISPā€™s process of course creation, preparation, and pedagogy and provide some hands-on experience in designing interdisciplinary team-taught courses. Participants will work in groups to develop a common theme and then collaboratively brainstorm and structure an interdisciplinary syllabus around that theme. Together they will identify effective collaborative strategies, design a set of interdisciplinary assignments and in-class exercises, and assess and analyze different ways of approaching interdisciplinarity in the classroom. Time permitting, we also hope to include a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of collaborative, interdisciplinary education.




Panel The Green Team Initiative New York City College of Technology
Understanding the Environmental and Economic Connections to Our Food Systems
Sean Macdonald
Social Sciences
Bio:Ā Sean MacDonald is a professor of Economics at the New York City College of Technology and earned her PhD in Economics from the New School for Social Research. She serves as the director of City Techā€™s Data Analytics in Economics bachelorā€™s degree program and as coordinator of a new academic minor in Environmental Studies. Her research has focused on sustainable economic development, housing markets, and interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Her current research involves studying the effects of infusing data collection and analysis assignments on students’ quantitative reasoning skills and in exploring the impact on their interest in and attitudes about data analysis.
Abstract: Where our food comes from matters. For decades, U.S. agricultural policy has prioritized generous subsidies for industrial agriculture and resource-and energy-intensive foods. Large scale animal agriculture consumes significant amounts of energy, water and land, while monocropping of commodity crops such as soy and corn, used in animal feed and in processed foods, rely on nitrogen-based fertilizers containing harmful chemicals which have depleted soil nutrients over time. While these systems have made products such as beef, pork, chicken, and many processed foods much more affordable to consumers, they have contributed significantly to deforestation, water scarcity, and the production of climate-warming gasses such as methane
and carbon dioxide. At the same time, less than 1 percent of agricultural subsidies go toward the output of fruits and vegetables, contributing to their relatively higher cost and lower availability to consumers, especially those in underserved communities. Over time, this has contributed to affordability and convenience replacing healthful food choices. Among the outcomes have been rising rates of preventable illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease, along with the significant direct and indirect economic costs of treatment. Support for local community-focused alternatives, including community-supported agriculture (CSAā€™s) and urban agriculture, can empower local communities by expanding access to healthy options in underserved communities in food deserts and food ā€˜swamps,ā€™ while promoting awareness of the health and economic benefits of increasing healthy food choices. These initiatives can also play a key role in revitalizing local economies.

Building Community Through Sustainable Vegetable Pick-Up Location: A Strategy for Studentsā€™ Involvement, Education, and Social Responsibility
Robert Walljasper
Hospitality Management
Bio: Robert Walljasper is a professor of Hospitality Management at the New York City College of Technology. He earned a Master of Science from Ramapo State College of New Jersey and holds multiple professional certifications. He is a professional chef with a distinguished career that evolved into teaching. Creative works exhibited locally and internationally, and research into quality ingredients, local, seasonal, professionalism, and teamwork have been his research focus. He has also developed opportunities for students to do undergraduate research in creative works, place-based scholarship through professional exhibitions, and peer mentoring.
Abstract: This service-learning project and research investigates pop-up vegetables and more stand, at downtown Brooklyn in developing studentsā€™ sense of community, culinary education, and ethical advocacy. The public and studentsā€™ interests in local, sustainable, and seasonal ingredients make hosting weekly vegetable share pick-up a distinctive learning opportunity with great benefits. Through participation, students foster their engagement with community andĀ  teamwork skills by volunteering and working at the vegetable stand. The students develop potential tools or strategies for promoting thoughtful eating and reflect on application. Through research and application in preparation for volunteering, students explore, discover and practice utilization of local ingredients, building knowledge and expertise. Producers, business, and consumers have a variety of options from selection choice, spending, and possible impacts. To support advocacy students, investigate benefits of local options, healthy choices, and environmental factors to advance their sense of social responsibility and potential influencer role. This project seeks to build students’ engagement in community, knowledge of sustainable ingredients, and potential impacts both locally and in the hospitality industry. By collecting and analyzing data from
surveys, interviews, and observations, we hope to identify the best practices and strategies for consumption of local vegetables. The outcomes from this project will provide valuable insights for educators, industry leaders, and policymakers who want to incorporate local vegetables into their communities.

A Theoretical Framework for Promoting Local Vegetable Consumption among College Students
Amanda Almond
Social Sciences
Bio: Dr. Amanda L. Almond is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the City University of New York- New York City College of Technology. Her research focuses on microaggressions in medical practice, attitude, and behavioral change for health professionals, in addition to her leadership among environmental initiatives on campus and in the community. She utilizes feminist research methods to study racial and gender microaggressions as well as patient-provider interactions. In the classroom, Dr. Almond uses pedagogies aimed at retaining women and racial minorities in pursuit of STEM degrees (e.g., interdisciplinary teaching and place-based learning). Her professional goals are to engage people in dismantling systems that demean and promote environments where health can flourish.
Abstract: By taking an interdisciplinary approach to increasing local and sustainable vegetable consumption, the Green Team Initativeā€™s tailored interventions to increase awareness about the benefits of consuming local produce and provide opportunities for direct engagement with the process of cultivation. This includes a community supported agriculture (CSA) site on campus that facilitates a direct alternative to sourcing food. Our framework uses the transtheoretical model of behavior change to initiate three interventions aimed at increasing readiness to consciously consume more produce through campus collaboration and student involvement. A series of invited speakers discuss the environmental and ethical impacts of factory farming. Understanding the economic and ecological benefits of sustainable agricultural practices increases consciousness about the benefits of eating locally. Second, we worked with student-
led clubs and campus organizations to promote place-based learningĀ  gardening projects. Participants engage in cultivating produce as well as attend tours that teach about different growing practices, encouraging self-reflection while having a transformative impact on our local environment. Finally, a CSA produce pick-up stand on site for purchase on a sliding scale promotes direct action and sustained positive behavior. The team believes that by connecting people to the physical world, we might notice the impact of climate change on our day-to-day lives. Isolation and inaction ensue because we distance ourselves, cognitively, from the reality of the grueling work to harvest crops for consumption in turbulent climate conditions (heat exhaustion, drought, policy changes targeting migrant workers); thereby making behavior change both imperative yet daunting.

Individual Presentation
Intergenerational Place-Based Community History at the Olde Towne of Flushing Burial Ground

Johnathan Thayer
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Queens College, CUNY
Bio:Dr. Johnathan Thayer is Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies where he is Coordinator of the MLS/MA Dual Degree in Library Science and History. Dr. Thayer researches, writes, and teaches in archival studies, public history, local history, and community history.
Abstract: History had been paved over at a New York City park in the borough of Queens. A nineteenth century burial ground, originally used for segregated African American, Native American, and ā€œpauperā€ burials, was obliterated in the 1930s according to Robert Mosesā€™ vision and turned into a park and childrenā€™s playground. Hundreds of individual histories remained deliberately forgotten until a group of local residents, including some descendants of those buried at the site, began their long battle to reclaim it, fighting against municipal bureaucracy, a rapidly gentrifying urban neighborhood, and the publicā€™s selective memory in a city obsessed with change and progress, often at the expense of our shared histories. Since 2016, collaborations among the Conservancy, graduate Public History classes at Queens College, and the digital community history program Queens Memory have reinvigorated community efforts by developing place-based, project-based, and problem-based learning as models for doing progressive public history, local history, and community history. This approach draws from best practices in Library Science and Archival Studies, emphasizing shared authority and participatory practice. The Olde Towne of Flushing Burial Ground is a site where local activists, graduate students, Queens College
faculty, and Queens Memory staff have collaborated on community history practice that
addresses city and state policy, advocates for progressive social change, engages art and artists toward imagining alternative futures, and cultivates intergenerational learning
toward an ethos of sustainability.

Shu Wan

Short Talk
Teaching the History of Chinese Western New York Beyond the Classroom
Shu Wan
Department of History, SUNY Buffalo
Bio: Shu Wan is currently matriculated as a doctoral student in history at the University at Buffalo
Abstract:For history education in college today, instructors must engage students with humanities research in meaningful ways. The traditional teaching format with lectures, readings, and essays has become less compelling to Gen Z students. They prefer to learn history more actively. Instead of comprehending history in the classroom, they learn knowledge through participation instead of being passive receivers. Concerned about engaging students with community-based research, I designed and deployed a beyond-the-classroom project in which undergraduate students learned to research the recent history of their neighbors during the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation outlines the procedure of the project, from recruiting students to engaging them in community-based research, and can be adapted to other topics and locations.

Individual presentation
Putting Classroom Theory into Practical Application through Simulation

Wenhsing Yang
Department of Nursing, New York City College of Technology
Bio: Wenhsing Yang is a lecturer in the Nursing Department of New York City College of Technology. She started her position last year and enjoys teaching at the college.
Abstract: City Tech currently has more than 287 students enrolled in the nursing program (AAS). In healthcare education, there is a revolution taking place in the form of implementing high-fidelity simulation laboratories to bridge the gap between theory and nursing practice. Due to changes in the Department of Education (DOE)ā€™s regulation (January 2023), simulation can be used to replace 1/3 of clinical hours due to the challenge of patientsā€™ availability and instructors’ variability. (DOE, 2023). High-fidelity simulation offers more realism and provides students with more advanced cues necessary to perform hands-on scenarios with diverse populations. Additionally, simulation is considered a form of real experience, learning where learnersĀ  are tasked to solve complex health problems in a safe and controlled environment (University of Washington, 2024). Students are required to use critical thinking to apply nursing theory to clinical reasoning skills and to provide patient care during the simulation. This includes teamwork, communication, assessment, and providing nursing intervention to the patients (NCSBN, 2024). After the simulation, a “debriefing session” occurs to discuss the development of insight, improve future performance, and promote the integration of learning into practice. This process involves, resolving the gap in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and communication related to individuals, teams, and systems. Simulation is an important pedagogical learning method for nursing students. Since medical-surgical nursing is a critical component of healthcare, nurses must possess a diverse skill set and knowledge to provide nursing care across various settings with different ethnicities. There is a need to implement simulation-based learning into medical-surgical nursing. This proposal aims to share with my City Tech colleagues how to develop and implement simulation as an educational methodology.