Homework is submitted via Blackboard, you can link to the Blackboard site here.
Week 2, Due February 7
- Using information from the text book, identify two changes in the hospitality industry overtime and explain why the changes are significant to you.
- Complete the eProfile assignment
- Review pages 12-22 of the text book if you need information about career paths or professional attributes.
Week 3, Due February 14
Chapter Reading Questions, Page 12-24
Using information from the text book, answer the question “Why do hospitality professionals need to be service-oriented?”. Answer the question in your own words but indicate the page in the text book that informed your answer.
Complete the following in preparation for the Industry Research Assignment
- Identify a segment of the hospitality industry in which you wish to build your career.
- Conduct a google search using a keyword search such as: âTrends in [enter segment of the hospitality industry]â.
- Identify three trends you found.
- Name and describe the three articles or websites used to find the trends you identified
- Consumer Wine Sales
- Google search:â Trends in consumer wine salesâ
- Trends
- Cans
- Article
- Website
- Blog
- Shift to hard seltzer
- Article
- Website
- Article
- Rose from Provence
- Website
- Website
- Article
- Cans
Week 4, Due February 28
Read chapter #2 of the text book, list eight terms from the chapter that were new to you and explain how they are used in the industry.
The Industry Research assignment is due
Week 5, Due March 7
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Bogota. We will discuss it in class.
The final revision of the Industry Research assignment is due (a draft must have been submitted week 4).
Chapter 3
- List the departments that comprise Rooms Division of a hotel. Using vocabulary words from the book, explain, in detail, something you learned about the functions of the department.
- Explain the difference between the General Manager and the Executive Committee
Chapter 4
- List the departments that comprise the Food and Beverage department of a hotel. Using vocabulary words from the book, explain, in detail, something you learned about the functions of the department.
- What is a BEO?
- Consider the responsibilities of leading a hotel kitchen staff. What would you be best at?
Week 6, Due March 14
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Amman, We will discuss it in class
In chapter 6,
- identify ten industry specific words or terms that are new to you, define each word/term in detail.
In chapter 8,
- Summarize the complexities of health care food service and the complex challenges faced in the health care environment.
- List two tasks performed by a food service manager and explain, using evidence from the text, why each task is important.
- Compare managed food service and commercial food service operations.
Week 7, Due March 21
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Bordeaux, Road, and Kingdoms. We will discuss it in class.
In Chapter 5, Support your answers with information from the textbook.
- List the major categories of beverages
- Identify and explain two difficulties a manager will face when serving alcoholic beverages.
- List two security measures associated with storing alcohol. Why is each important
In Chapter 7, Use at least 10 vocabulary words from chapter 7 to answer these two questions:
- Describe the importance of restaurant forecasting and the components that are needed for an accurate forecast.
- Give examples of the different types of restaurant systems used in the back of the house.
Look through The Companion for the First Year at City Tech. Which section do you believe will help make you a better student?
If you do not have a LinkedIn account, consider joining and creating a profile. You can make an appointment with me to discuss how to develop your profile. Find my profile and follow me.
Your Concierge Assignment selection is due next week but you can post your choice now.
Week 8, Due March 28
Read the weekly travel blog Roads and Kingdom, this week will be Penang.
- How easy or difficult would travel to and around the destination be it to travel to and around the destination? (All blogs were written pre-covid, apply your answer to what you believe will be a covid or post the covid experience)
- For what purpose would a visitor likely travel to this destination? (The Category of Tourism)
- What opportunities for lodging are available?
- How does the author convey the unique culture of the area through the food and beverage described?
- Identify two cultural sites that are unique to the destination.
- Identify two activities a visitor could engage in and what the visitor will gain from the experience
Week 9, Due April 4
Read the weekly travel blog, Road and Kingdoms, this week will be Mexico City.
Promoters of tourism support the efforts of local and national governments to bring travelers to their destination. List the seven types of promoters of tourism. Using evidence from the chapter, explain, in detail, how each contributes to tourism.
What is the mission of the World Tourism Organization? What is the mission of UNESCO? Using your own words, explain why believe or do not believe these organizations are important.
Week 10, Due April 18
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Beirut. We will discuss it in class.
For chapter 12 and chapter 13, identify 12 words or terms in each chapter that were new to you, define each word in detail.
Identify a job in the field of Meeting and Conventions Management as it is explained in the textbook. Referencing the information in the chapter, in what way do you believe you would find success in this position?
Week 11, Due April 25
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Nomadic Matt’s Iceland Blog. We will discuss it in class.
Concierge Assignment Due
Week 12, Due May 2
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Mumbai, Road and Kingdoms. We will discuss it in class.
Re-read chapters Three and Four of your textbook and answer the following questions
Chapter 3
- Review the departments that comprise Rooms Division of a hotel. Choose three departments and explain how one impacts the other two. Use vocabulary words from the chapter to support your answers.
Chapter 4
- Consider the responsibilities of the Director of Food and Beverage. Using vocabulary words from the book, explain, in detail, the role of three managers that report to the director.
Overall: Write two questions you would like to ask the panelist speaking during class
Week 13, Due May 9
Read the weekly travel blog, this week will be Nomadic Matt Chile,  We will discuss it in class.
Respond to the questions listed on theÂ
- Identify eight words or terms in chapter 10 about parks and recreation management that were new to you, define each word in detail.
- Differentiate between a national park and a theme park
- You have been promoted to the Assistant Director of City Tech Adventure Tours.
- Identify two national parks with distinctly different characteristics (one should be in New York State). You will need to use the National Park’s website for this.
- Write a memo to the Director explaining why these two parks should be added to your list of tour options.
Week 14, Due May 16 Extra Credit
Read the travel blog “I am Aileen” Â Choose a country
- Identify the qualities of a leader. Choose one quality and provide an example of a time when a person you know exhibited that quality.
- Differentiate between transactional and transformational leadership.
- Read the sections “Functional Leadership”, “Managerial Skills”, and “Manager’s Changing Roles”. Explain how each relates to the other.
- What ethical decisions and dilemmas do hospitality professionals face?
Week 15, Due May 23
Our Stories
- If you have not done so yet, join the FYLC OpenLab project
- Write a response to the reflective writing prompt below and post it to the FYLC site.
- Once you have finished writing your post please select your FYLC the category âGoodlad Stewart Corbettâ.
- Read and comment on at least two other posts
Our Stories: Becoming a College Student
We invite you to tell a story about your semester at City Tech. Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition in to college and how eventually students become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong.
Please describe in a short story how you have experienced your first few weeks at City Tech. Aim to write 300-500 words and be sure to illustrate your post with examples from your own experiences in classes, seminars, lectures, study groups, and labs. What happened? How did you and others involved think and feel? How did it turn out?
We hope this process will help you think about your transition experience. Once you have finished writing please take time to read and comment on at least two of your peerâs stories.
To create your first post please click the plus (+) sign at the top of the FYLC site! (or on the banner at the very top of the page click First Year Learning Communities, then select âadd newâ post from the dashboard).
Once you have finished writing your post please select your FYLC faculty member as a category. Then feel free to look around and comment on your peersâ writing!