Providing Over 70 Years of Quality Service to the Hospitality Industry

Weekly Reflection 12/8

After listening and reflecting on what Iā€™ve gotten from the panelist there is one thing that stuck out to me the most. The one thing was when the panelist explains no matter how we feel in a certain situation you should always speak up and voice your opinion. This is something that I have been trying to work on since I was younger and my mom has been trying to help me as well. Finding out that this is something that follows you to your work place gave me a new reason to work even harder to make sure I fix this bad characteristic about myself. Iā€™m very shy when it comes to voicing my opinion and how I feel because Iā€™m a people pleaser to a certain extent so hearing that this is something I shouldnā€™t do and it already being something Iā€™m working on is a great push of motivation.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Learning to be your own advocate is hard but is so important and lead to positive outcomes.

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