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Case Study: Community Relations

Watch the new segment below and review the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District website (formerly known as Reedy Creek). The takeover of Reedy Creek by the state of Florida was, lets say, contentious. You may wish to ask full time residents their opinion of the take over, I suspect you will learn a lot about local politics.

Assume you are part of a team to develop the benefits package for employees of the newly named district. What would you include in the benefits package? When determining benefits package consider the following:

  • What benefits does the WDC offers its own employees?
  • What benefits do other theme parks in the area offer?
  • Consider who you are serving.

1 Comment

  1. Jesenia Uzhca (Jessie)

    As a Disney cast member, we are provided with Chips and Dale tickets for our family members and friends to enter the parks for free. However, this offer is subject to certain conditions, such as completing a certain number of work hours and ensuring that our guests behave appropriately in the parks. We also receive discounts on merchandise and food, although these discounts may be blocked out on certain days. In addition, we are given a general pass that allows us to park hop. Many other theme parks offer discounts, free passes, meals, sick days, and vacations. However, each park offers different perks and some may deduct benefits. I understand that we serve guests from all over the world who spend a lot of money to enter Disney and enjoy its magic. While giving out free passes may seem like a luxury, I believe that it would be a kind gesture to the fire department who constantly check and maintain the safety protocols in the park. They work tirelessly day and night to fix any issues that may arise. Therefore, it would be nice to offer them free admission so that they can enjoy the park with their families. Ultimately, everyone who visits Disney just wants to experience its magic, regardless of who they are.

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