Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101

Discussion: Checklist for finishing

Checklist complete” by Colin McEwan via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Here we are in Week 15. What’s left to do? Start drafting a checklist here, or share some items from it if you already have a checklist made. In the comments, you can either add several checklist items all at once or one per comment as they occur to you. Feel free to add some that can help your classmates get through–so something you already finished and want to encourage others to do is helpful! I encourage you to also add things that aren’t explicitly part of the final portfolio, like rest, taking a break, etc, that will help all of us through these final days of the semester.


  1. Jody R. Rosen

    Monday afternoon checklist:
    1-finish Project #3
    2-take a break
    3-brainstorm for Final Reflection
    4-eat a snack

  2. ia Macharashvili

    1) Finish final portfolio
    2) Look for any other details I might have not done
    3) Taking a break
    4) Getting ready for finals

  3. Shakhzoda Obidova

    1)finish final portfolio
    2)participate in class discussions about project 3
    3)finish the glossary posts
    4) sleep

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