HMGT 1102-LC07: Introduction to Food and Beverage Management with Prof. Claire Stewart (Th 8:30-11:00am) will use Blackboard primarily. Find the course by going to Blackboard and signing in.

The class did a great job last week, meeting in groups and discussing various ethical concerns related to food production. Here’s some words we have been learning and putting into context of food purchasing.

Adulteration- Jeffrey

The saffron spice is very expensive, which is subject to adulteration. Companies adulterate to create fakes and  gain money from people who aren’t knowledgeable in knowing their spices.

Drupes- Maria 

Almond drups is the harder part of the almond.  The almond fruit itself. Some drups are edible meanwhile some drups are actually poisonous!

Ethical– Lre

There are multiple foods/dishes that have their ethical values questioned as people find out how the animals that are used to make the product, are treated.

 Ethical -Tarynn

A lot of food companies are secretive about their production process. After taking this course I will ensure that the company I’m purchasing from is ethical.

GMOs- Erick

It means a Genetically Modified Organism, in this case it be in our fruits that we buy. People use GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism) to resist pest, for more consistent products and more yield crops.

Monoculture – Ia

Monoculture is the practice of growing the same crop on the same land year after year. This is an effective technique of reducing labor in the field. However, the use of pesticides has a negative side that might eventually damage crops. Using chemicals will also affect your health when buying these products. 

Pathogens– Ben

In my high school we put most food in the freezer to prevent pathogens from growing and multiplying at a faster rate, this way we can prevent any type of bacteria to enter our food or enter anyone’s body

Procurement – Tyrah

Jason handles all the procurement as he is currently ordering all the farm grown apples and blueberries, because the factory ones are too stale.

Specification (called specs)- Jason

In a supermarket, every item has its own specs which help the customer figure out what kind of products they are looking for and wanted. 

Sustainability- Guadalupe

Farming practices that provide healthy food in which it doesn’t affect the environment, economy, and social systems that are being surrounded by the produce. So if I am running a eco-friendly kitchen, I would take into consideration getting produce that include sustainable farming practices because the usage of pesticides is reduced so that that the environment is not being damaged and natural resources are being over used.

USDA- Shakhzoda

Things that have sticker labeled as USDA should be your least concern when purchasing something because they’re safe. United States Dept. of Agriculture