Education Narrative

A moment in my life that Ied I to regarding a choice in my education is not taking remote learning seriously when the coronavirus happened when the virus happened everyone was shocked and scary that people can’t leave their homes without a mask and all schools were closed and switch to remote learning everyone including me was happy that will be at home like no going to school being online with your own computer or laptop in your own bedroom what can go wrong? Well that was what I thought. I’m a freshman in college now and thinking back to this, I really wish I could have been more prepared for remote learning and didn’t think it was a walk in the park.

            In the beginning, it went alright because my high school was not ready for their school to be close we didn’t do any zoom meetings or google classroom meetings until a couple of months later instead we will just get emails from our teachers to tell what assignments to do and when they were due and at first, it was ok I was keeping up with my assignments and do every work on time everything was going alright but then a few weeks pass and I started just to slack off from my assignment from my classwork, project, and even some test. I even just still in my bedroom not bothering to leave my bedroom unless my parent call me for dinner and I guess the reason was that I’m not used to not having the teacher to guide me on how to solve my assignment and I have to rely on google to help me solve my classwork assignment. Also when my high school finally started doing classroom meetings it got worst for me as another problem with remote learning is dozed off or getting distracted from my assignment because of my laptop as we sit in front of our computer or laptop to listen to our teacher explain our assignment and with my laptop, I sometimes distracted myself with instead listen to my teacher I go to Youtube to watch a video or listen to some music instead of listening to my teacher in a video meeting like back then when we go to school there were rules that we don’t allow the phone in the classroom and we consequence when we do that but now that we have remote learning we don’t have to worry about using our phone or our teacher telling us not to have our phone out in school or classroom. As a few weeks pass I feel hopeless like there was no point in doing the assignments like I was less motivated in doing any of my high school as I just lay in bed with so little energy from this pandemic. Like I want to go back to school normally and to hang out with my friends but I can’t be of this pandemic but one day I talk to my school counselor about my problem and my struggle with the pandemic and thank her talk to me and helping me with my problem I managed to get my motivation back and do my make up assignment on time to get my grade to pass high school.

            In conclusion, I wish I was more prepared for this pandemic and didn’t think it was a walk in a park because I slack off and lost motivation if I was prepared and told my school counselor sooner so I didn’t have to deal with my struggle halfway in highschool and almost failing my classes in high school but thank this moment in my life I learned to not to lose hope and keep moving forward even if you struggle with something ask for help if you need it.