Hitchings | D054 | Fall 2023

Category: Project & Assignments (Page 3 of 4)

Assignment 0 – InClass Design Exercise

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DUE: Week 3 – 9/18

Data Visualizations Sketches: using sketch paper create 2 – 3 data visualization sketches that represent the ‘SimpleClassSurvey’ spreadsheet. Make sure you represent all students in the class and at least three of the variables (column labels). Also sketch a legend to go on the back side of postcard that explains all symbols and color used to represent data:

1. >> SimpleClassSurvey-DataExcelSheet download the spreadsheet and edit the data entries as needed to ‘clarify’ (simplify) the data

2. Get some sketch paper, draw a border to show the dimensions and edges of the postcard (horizontal or vertical).

3. Start sketching ideas. Use color and symbols to distinguish different data sets (i.e.: Location, COMD – Concentration and Program) and create meaning. Think about how to direct viewers eye through principles of design: hierarchy, sequence, contrast, foreground/background, scale, etc.

4. For inspiration look at: the data diaries:  >>Stefanie Posavec and Georgia Lupi’s Dear Data Project (see 2 videos below)

5. Have fun – be free!

We will look at sketches at beginning of class next week (3/19), critique, and then you will render final postcard in class. Bring colors to class. I will provide postcard.

Assignment 1 – Topic Proposal

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Information Graphic – Select a Topic

  • Select a topic
  • Create a thesis statement summarizing goal

DUE: Week3 – 9/18

Create a Word document that includes each of the listed headers below and save into the following class dropbox folder with your name on it: >>Assignment 01: Project 1 Topic Proposal

1. Name of Topic

2. Thesis Statement

Compose a paragraph statement of your thesis for the Info Graphic Poster. The thesis statement should describe your objective – what is the ‘take-away’ of your poster? Who is your audience? What do you want them to understand?

Suggested thesis ideas:

  1. To shed light on dangers of drinking lead for school children and expose incompetence and neglect by officials
  2. To compare dangers of lead exposure in schools 10 years ago vs today
  3. To highlight problems with lead in drinking water in New York Public schools and Public Housing.
  4. Does air pollution contribute to both higher environmental and health care costs? 
  5. Is there a relationship between the percent of households reporting air conditioning and incidence of heat stress? 
  6. What is the relationship between asthma rates (the rate of asthma – related emergency department visits per 10,000 residents) and air pollution levels?(concentrations of PM2.5)?
  7. Is there a higher rate of plastic recycling by consumers in localities with greater access to disposal bins?

3. Resources

List (at least3) online (re)sources from here

Suggested Resources

Additional Resources

  • Academic One File has always been an excellent general database for undergraduate research. The depth of full-text offerings has recently been improved.
  • Ebook Central is an expansive collection of ebooks that can be searched either through the catalog or as a standalone database. Here you can get Meirelles, Isabel, the recommended reading listed above.
  • The Wall Street Journal is free to the entire City Tech Community. Activate your free subscription today!
  • The New York Times Sign up for your free academic pass or renew your subscription
  • You can also include additional reliable sources

4. Supporting Sections

Outline at least three components that describe your thesis and give context to it. Think beginning, middle and end. This can include background information, facts about the subject matter, current state of the problem.

4. Facts

Find at least 10 facts that support your thesis (include citation from where you find your fact). These can included numbers, comparisons, words, dates, quotations, definitions, etc.


Week 3 Thursday 9/18/23

  1. Browse research tips posted here: >>Lesson/Research
  2. Please make a folder with your name and save your research word doc or PDF into the >>Assignment 01: Project 1 Topic Proposal Dropbox folder

Assignment 2 Presentations

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In Class Presentations: Graphs/Charts

There are a number of well-established models that are important to understand when visualizing information. These models have evolved over time and are meant to help organize and structure quantitative information through graphic representation in ways that make concepts easier to understand.

See the list of different charts and graphs below, also featured on the >>Data Visualization Catalogue project developed by Severino Ribecca.

Please sign up for one and prepare a five-ten minute presentation to share with the class. Presentations should include:

  1. A detailed description of what the chart/graph shows best and what kind of data it represents. You can use the Data Visualization Catalogue to find this information. Please be prepared to explain what type of the information the chart/graph shows well.
  2. Carefully browse through the links listed on the class course site: >>Activities/Lessons/Inspiration and find at least two examples of the chart you are in presenting in a professional layout. Be sure to include the credits for the design work you show and be prepared to explain what the design you are showing is about.   
  3. How you decide to make your presentation is up to you. You can create a PowerPoint presentation, you can walk us through websites, you can collect a series of images in a folder and present the work from the folder. Whichever way you decide to show, your presentation should be organized and demonstrate thorough research on your part. You should be able to talk about the pieces you show.

Sign up for one of the following:

You can save your presentation into this dropbox folder (make sure you create a folder with your name on it): >>Assignment2 Presentations

Please let me know in class which you would like to present and I will add your name to the Chart/Graph:

Due Week 4

  • Bar Chart: Cassidy Crespo                     
  • Pie Chart: Melissa Vargas
  • Line Chart: Stephanie Erazo 
  • Scatter Plot Chart:  Chris Jean-Baptiste
  • Venn Diagram: Bonnie Yang

Due Week 5

  • Choropleth Map:         
  • Bubble Chart:  Cynthia Gameme  
  • Bubble Cloud: Erick Fiallos 
  • Histogram: Mercedes Alvarez
  • Venn Diagram: Bonnie Yang

Due Week 6

  • Radial Column Graph:  Jasmine    
  • Stacked Bar Chart:  Tehila Kahen                 
  • Timeline: Angy Vasquez    

Due Week 7         

  • Area Chart:  SongShi Liang                            
  • Dot Maps: John Gregorios
  • Radial Bar Chart: Zhong Jie

Due Week 8                   

  • Arc Diagram: Saria Tabassum                                           
  • Heatmap: SarahJane Hayward                  
  • Tree Diagram:  Noe Carrillo         
  • Population Pyramid     

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