Hitchings | D054 | Fall 2023

Author: M. Genevieve Hitchings (Page 4 of 12)

Class Info

  • Date: Monday 11/06
  • Meeting Info: Room P114


Introduction to Project 2 & 3 >>Activities/Projects/Project2&3

  1. Visual Diagram
  2. Information Flowchart
  3. Overview of Subject Matter – Inspiration
  4. >>Student Project 2&3 Past Examples

Activities and Lab Time

  • Final edits to Project 1
  • Tag-team – everyone review 1 student’s info-graphic – provide the following feedback:
    1. Is the overall message of the info-graphic clear – why or why not?
    2. Did the designer effectively use facts and data to support their thesis (and title of the piece) – why or why not?
    3. Does the design of the info-graphic effectively showcase the content:
      • clear focal point?
      • clear hierarchy of information?
      • effective use of typography, headers, colors, page structure, etc.?
      • overall attention to detail (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc)
  • >>Lecture/Information Design A Brief History
  • >>Assignment 2 Presentations  final in-class Chart & Graph presentations
  • Lab time to work


  1. FINAL Due Week 9 Monday 11/07/22
    Please make a folder with your name and save your final design as a PDF into the >>Assignment5-InfoGraphic-Final Dropbox folder
  2. Read
    1. Grimwade, John. “The Infographic Family” Ohio University, October 17, 2018. (VisCom at Ohio University)
    2. Christiansen, Jen. “Visualizing Science: Illustration and Beyond” Scientific American, October 25, 2018. (Scientific American)
    3. Read: Grimwade, John. “Pictogram Story” Ohio University, January 8, 2019. (VisCom at Ohio University)
    4. Read: ColumnFiveMedia “How to Write a Compelling Infographic Story in 5 Steps”

Project 2 & 3

<<back to Weekly Agenda

For Project 2 and Project 3 you can chose the same subject matter. Or you can choose an entirely new topic. >>Student Project 2&3 Past Examples


To explore various methodologies for displaying information and to develop strategies for designing effectively and communicating to audiences. To imagine new forms of organizing information and to create more coherent communication.

Project 2 Visual Diagram

Visual Diagram: a simplified drawing or rendering that shows the appearance, structure, or workings of something; a schematic representation.


Select an object or an item that could use explanation (i.e. the human heart, a butterfly, a hiking boot) Create a visual diagram that details:

  1. What an object is made up of and how it is structured
  2. How it behaves/functions
  3. Any additional relevant information to facilitate deeper understanding

Project 3 Information Flowchart

Information Flowchart: sequencing information. Explain a concept through a series of steps: A. B. C., 1. 2. 3., etc. The steps do not have to be presented sequentially but they need to be read and understood within the context of each other.


The flowchart must present 5 facts (i.e. metamorphosis of a butterfly, a hiking trail, symptoms and causes of a heart attack). Project can be:

  1. Historical
  2. Geographic
  3. Time based

Project Details


  • Phase 1: Research: understanding topic.
    Gathering, organizing and assessing data and content
  • Phase 2: Sketches and concept development
    Figuring what information, you have and how to best represent (charts and graphs)
  • Phase 3: Design and production (Illustrator & InDesign)
  • Phase 4: Revisions and final edits


  • Tabloid Poster – 11×17 inches (Vertical or Horizontal layout )
  • Margin: 0.5”
  • Bleed: 0.25”
  • Set up a grid
  • Gutter: .025”


  • Week 9-10 Phase 1: Research 
  • Week 10-12 Phase 2: Sketches and concept development       
  • Week 12-13 Phase 3: Design, production and revisions            
  • Week 14-15 Phase 4: Revisions and final edits DUE week15                

Class Info

  • Date: Monday 10/30 
  • Meeting Info: Room P114


Information Hierarchy and the Principles of Design
Project 1 Visually tell an educational story with researched and fact based information using charts and graphs

  1. Graphs and Charts Continued
  2. Working with data: Spreadsheets and Pivot Tables
  3. Illustrator Creating Graphs and Charts – Treemap Chart

Activities and Lab Time


  1. FINAL Due Week 9 Monday 11/07/22
    Please make a folder with your name and save your final design as a PDF into the >>Assignment5-InfoGraphic-Final Dropbox folder
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