Monthly Archives: March 2013

midterm project

For my midterm project I created a bouncing ball game. This game is not fully functioning. collision code is not work.

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Midterm Blog Post 7.2 Assignment

My first idea when starting the midterm was to create connect four. Given that connect four is a two player game when i first thought about making the code i thought with a few loops and key & mouse presses … Continue reading

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Midterm Project!

For my midterm project I created a maze game, basically the player has to drag the mouse through four images and get  to the last one without hitting the walls, to do  this I use mousedrag to draw the line when … Continue reading

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Midterm Project

I intended to create an audio sampler. I figured i would start with 3 chanels and see if I could later increase that number. I used arrays to keep track of the sound files and their states (on / off) … Continue reading

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Midterm summary

~~seems like it didnt load properl .heres the link to the actual sketch ~~~~~~ so it was a first time experience creating something using CODES it was pretty exciting.My first creation… Code breaker…even though its not perfect i resembles … Continue reading

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Midterm Project

My Midterm project is suppose to be a clicking game involving a bunch of rabbits moving around the screen. The main objective is to click on all of the rabbits until they’ve changed color under a certain period of time. … Continue reading

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My Midterm Project

So, I set out to make a side scrolling shooting game and I believe i was successfully able to create it. The most challenging part was getting the balls(from here referred to as astroids) to go left to right, and … Continue reading

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Looking for genius on collision testing =p

could someone that knows about collision and its business please help me 😛 kinda stuck .will hand you my email when  i get a reply.

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Midterm Project..

.. Theres Things Missing That I Could Not Figure Out.. But Heres The Concept Of A Connect Four Game..

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Chris Pro Midterm project

i tried making tic tac toe but it was a bit harder then expected what i couldnt figure out how to do was simply go from one click to the next with either an X or an O. i tried … Continue reading

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