The thing that stands out the most to me is the contrast between the title and the actual individuals in the photograph. They are children that are refugees which are in the middle of a war in Syria, yet they somehow find a way to enjoy their youth in a stolen moment. The contrasting elements of this photo is also that the sizes of the children vary due to the receding vanishing point. The refugees  silhouette are in a juxtaposition with light breaking through creating a strong contrast between the sky and the sand. The clouds also appear to be receding into the sunset also.

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Angle of View


This photo took from the top.

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Cruise Ship Struggles

YE Disabled Cruise Ship

The following image was taken by Gerald Herbert. He was able to capture a group of people that was on a cruise ship. The whole idea of this picture is to show the struggle of the passengers seeking for help when their cruise ship stopped moving. The photographer used the angle of view to capture the passenger struggles. We can see that the camera angle was taking from above, possibly on a helicopter. The passenger was viewed small because the photo was taking from above the ship. Also he was able to capture the idea contrast in the image. We can see the light and shadow in the specific area of the images.





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Growing up in the United States during multiple terrorist attacks, and fighting for, and with other countries, allowed me to appreciate this photograph so much more.  The first thing that came to my mind was 9/11.  I was only in second grade when the attack occurred, and I just remember watching the news, and I remember being terrified watching police men, fire fighters, and regular-day people running in and out of the twin towers to rescue people out of the building.
This photograph was taken in Mideast Egypt, “during clashes near Tahrir Square.” This Egyptian protestor was evacuating a young man that had becomes injured.  This photograph’s main subject is the protester rescuing the injured young man. The buildings on the sides of the subject, as well as the smoke, create almost like an arc. The arc that almost frames and allows the subject to stand out and become the most important focus of the whole photograph. The depth of field allows everything to be in focus. Even though everything allows the subject to stand out, and is in fact centered, the framing allows the subject to be the main object in the photograph.
The photograph was taken with a diagonal angel of view.  The angle that the photograph was taken in really allows the viewer to take the information given and turning it into something completely negative on purpose. It allows us to see the distortion that Egypt was going through, and still is going through due to the corrupt government. It almost feel like the people are not stable at all, while trying to fight for their rights.  It gives off a gloomy and overwhelming sensation.

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Henry Huang Learning log 1


I like this photo because of how the rain causes a spread of light everywhere. The kid that is standing in the center makes a really dark contrast and it causes the water to look like it is being controlled by him. The shadows of the kids and the light from the background makes a pattern of dark and light.

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I chose this  particular photo because of the depth of field. It creates a ethereal effect on her face. Also there’s an intimacy of the framing of her face and a juxtaposition of the rain and her face in the background as well.

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This picture is an example of a technique called framing. In this picture the two green doors allows viewers to focus their eyes on the mali fighter in the middle. Also being that all three objects are green the image is framed successfully.

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Lorraine Hernandez Learning Log 1

Screen Shot 2014-01-28 at 4.52.29 PM

This photo grabbed my attention because the diagonal angle of this moment makes it even more perfect. In the depth of field there is only the man and the cat that are in focus. The mood of this photograph to me is a gentle and peaceful. The violent aspect of the picture is the Syrian solider with his face covered and a gun. The fact that he is feeding the cat such a gentle creature. When I think of cats I think peaceful thoughts like soft, sweet, gentle and cute .

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In visual arts including cinematography, framing is a technique used to focus the viewer’s attention upon the subject.

Framing can make an image more aesthetically pleasing and keep the viewer’s focus on the framed object(s). It can also be used as a way to direct attention back into the scene. It can add depth to an image, and can add interest to the picture when the frame is thematically related to the object being framed, and that is what i love about the image i choose below with the focusing of the silhouettes  of the models emphasized by the literal frames around the models

Framing often refers to the placement of the subject in relation to other objects in the image.


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“Angle of View”


The picture is a great example of vantage point/angle of view. The height comparison between the men and the building shows where the position of the photographer could be. Instead of shooting at eye level, it is done lower to the ground shot upward.

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