LL-Portrait Basics

State in your own words how a traditional 3 light portrait is done including a description of the role of each light.

Then post a small version of your best photo from today and explain in a few sentences why it is successful.

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Lighting direction

This gallery contains 1 photo.

This image was taken using the frontlight method with the soft box as a light modifier and a reflective panel.  This method  fascinated me because it added amazingly dynamic shadows and lights that seem to dance in the background. The … Continue reading

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Lighting Direction On Roses.


The lighting direction in this image is from the side, we used a soft box on this photograph which makes the background appear grey, and the flowers have a soft and low contrast look. The object is shot in the rule of thirds and the flowers are close up, the image has a wide depth of field and has a romantic feeling.

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Dramatic Roses



For the following image, we are dealing with light direction. Our group was given two kind of roses: Red Roses and Yellow Roses. We were able to capture over 180’s images and this one manage to capture my attention. The lighting direction was placed from the side. The lighting create the image more dramatic for the roses. The lighting manage to change our white background into a black background.

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Week 3 – Lighting Direction


The Lighting direction in this photo is from the back(Backlight). Being that the lighting direction is from the back it creates a silhouette that kind of reminds me of a silhouette of a couple kissing. I also like the negative space is this photo. However the direction the photo was taken makes it seem as if the flowers are merged in together. Also one flower is a bit lighter then the other which shows that the two flowers were different colors. Overall this is the best picture to me.


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Lighting Direction


This image was taken using the side light method, this method is my favorite one because it adds some amazing and dynamic shadows that blend into the solid black background of the composition. This image specifically stood out the most to me because the two flowers show what seems to be a romantic scene between two lovers.

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Lighting Direction – Joel Fuller

IMG_0384For this image the lighting was placed to the left of the flower. It created a gradient within the flower from dark to light. The lighting gave the image a dramatic feel, and brought out all of the folds, creases and details within the rose. I love that even though the image is a super close-up, you can still tell it’s a rose. The placement of the rose makes for a great composition. I’m very proud with the turn out of this photo.

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I took this photograph with a side soft box lighting. I personally fell in love with this photograph because of the amount of detail in the rose. The depth of field in this photo really allows the viewer to focus on the petals of the rose. The neutral background really allows the rose to give a pop of color to the overall composition. I also love how the main focus is the bottom rose, and it’s oblique. The lighting really allows the rose to have beautiful, soft high lights compared to the rose behind it which is dark red/black in general.

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Rose Photo shoot




I love this picture of these yellow rose taken in a group project in class, this image was taken with the extra tube and with the spotlight light. The Lighting direction is from the upper left side of the photograph. What i love most about this photograph is the fine detail it shows in  the center of the flower with some orange peaking through.

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Lighting Direction

IMG_5206When we added the side light it made both flowers have high contrast and  the yellow flower looks really bright. The light is facing the left side of the flowers. The feeling of this image reminds me of a couple. The yellow rose is a petite lady, while the red rose is a tough man.



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