Category Archives: Learning Logs

Henry Huang LL3

I like this photo because of the spot light from the side makes the left side of the flower darker. It is also extreme close up and wide depth of field. It also has the rule of third and the … Continue reading

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This photograph is my personal favorite because of the oblique angle and the shallow depth of field. The light direction is from the side using the soft box creating a low contrast image.  

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A pair of rose.

I like how the lighting in this image makes the roses looks high resolution. The lighting from the side makes the yellow rose more brighter than the red one. This photograph also gives a romantic, yet playful feel to it. … Continue reading

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LL3-Lighting Direction

Post a small file representing the best photograph you shot today. Describe in your own words how lighting direction help you create mood in this image.

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The pole

I find this image most pleasing to me because it is one of the photos that i took that didn’t look too bad while getting the point across.The image displays a close up shot of the pole of a chair … Continue reading

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First Class Photo shoot

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Today was our first class photo shoot i Really enjoyed the opportunity to get on hands experience with working with a camera. We learned how to  use the camera to create several different types of pictures.         … Continue reading

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Lesson 2 – Joel Fuller

I chose this image because I thought it had a very interesting composition. I like that It has a number of techniques such as a medium shot, rule of thirds and shallow depth of field.  I also think that even … Continue reading

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The Chair.

This image stood out the most to me because the of its extremely high contrast between the dark chair and the light background. the shapes the chair make looks very cartoon like and not serious making it feel comical.

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Lorraine Hernandez LL2 Using Composition

I really enjoyed this photograph because of its use of high contrast. Although there is some light beyond the window its is completely dark inside. It has a strong use of vertical lines as well as some horizontal.  Also, it … Continue reading

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LL2Using Composition Leslie Picon

  I like this image because of the curve,Close up, and high contrast. It makes the image details stand out a lot. And mostly the chair is focused which is shallow depth of field. This image is also a medium … Continue reading

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