Composition – Stool Frame


Hery Tobon photographing chair

This photograph was my favorite because of how dynamic it is. It is a close up of the stool taken at an oblique angle. The legs of the stool frame Hery (the photographer) which serves as a frame within a frame. The photo is unbalanced and brings the focus into question; is it on the photographer or the stool?

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Manhattan Bridge


This picture picture is an example of off balance and eye-level. The chair and the reflection of the background combined to give a sense of depth.


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This is my favorite photograph from today’s lesson and is successful because it uses multiple elements that we learned in class today. The low angle makes the chair look larger, taller and important. The chair is also situated on the right third of the photo and creates a path to the closed door. The dark shadows also create a mysterious feeling with the chair emerging from the lighter background.  It make you wonder what the story of this chair is and why it got there.

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I think this was a successful photo because it created a relationship that did not actually exist between the the two objects. The rule of Thirds applies very well. The image was an accident making the final image that much more dramatic.

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I chose this photo because It felt balanced in a chaotic environment and it has a limited color palette. This photo features the chair in the center of a computer and two printers. It is balanced with a clear horizon line.

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Chair Defects


This is photograph uses extreme close-up which focuses on the chairs missing bold. The photo also has a sense of depth caused by the shadow on the edge of the chair.

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A Natural Chair

Natural chair


There are three reasons why I believe this is a successful (good) photograph: The contrast between the shadow on the wall and the bright grass. It has a nice sense of a relaxing atmosphere because it’s an eye-level shot. Also, the colors are rich and nice to look at.

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I chose this photograph because it looked really neat. The chair looks very small from the angle i had taken it from. The background is plain which makes the chair stand out. The image makes the chair look lonely and creates more focus on the chair.

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LL 1-Composition


I think this photograph is very successful because of the interaction between the subject and the people in the background. The guys continue to box as the chair remains in the same place which I think is very amusing and different, like the chair belonged there.


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HW #1- Sandra Jarro

The photograph I chose was of West Wall: LIRR, Hunters Point, 2004 (7th photograph) by Jeff Liao because of its colors, variety of shadows, lights and darks from the sun, and that gives the photograph a calm yet peaceful feeling to walk by. In the photo the first thing that catches the eye of the viewer is the lonely man walking on the side walk, away from the other people in front of him. He seems he’s taking his time on his way home. The background is composed of buildings, all of different sizes. To the right of the image its a railroad station with passengers waiting for the train. Meanwhile the left of the image is composed of a line of cars passing by and a building behind them. The image also includes part of the sky as its background, and in the middle a tall building with what I believe has a banner on top.

The use of line, shape, pattern, balance, and contrast of dark and light varies within the photograph. Liao’s use of line in the photograph is shown in the perpendicular way the sidewalk is to the buildings in the background. As the man walks towards the buildings, it gives a sense of direction or path. There is also the use of cars going in a straight line in a different direction as the man is going. The buildings on the sides also form a narrow line that kind of meets where the tall building is. There is not much of a pattern except for the line of cars and the buildings in the background. Everything in the image have some sort of shape, the shape that I believe catches my attention the most is the tall building almost located in the center of the image. That image gives an unbalance feeling to the rest of the buildings in the photograph. Liao also uses contrast between dark and light. In the photograph the sun, which is setting to the left, brings out the bright side making the left of the image more brighter and the right more darker. The light of the sun is hitting against the cars, buildings and people to the left creating a shadow to the right of them.

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