Category Archives: Learning Logs

Bria King -LL5 PotraitBasics

We used 3-point portrait lighting, background light, the main light, and the reflector. Key or main light is basically the front of your subject. The subject has to be facing the camera in order for the main light to work. … Continue reading

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Sandra Jarro – 3 Point Lighting

The 3 Points of lighting are Background Light, Fill Light and Main Light. Background light is a light used on the background to separate the subject from the background so it does not look so flat. The subject stands out … Continue reading

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lighting basics

The three points of lighting in photography is main light, fill and background light. Main light is the light used to light the subject. Its usually the light with the soft box or umbrella. Fill light adds light to the … Continue reading

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3 Point Lighting

Background Light – Light thats pointed towards the background, making the subject stand out from the back. Fill Light – Reflects light coming from the key light on the shadow, brighting up the area and mood, so its not as … Continue reading

Posted in Learning Logs, LL5-PortraitBasics | Leave a comment

3 point lighting

key or main light is basically when the subject is facing directly to the camera and to get the best possible picture we look for the triangle of light which is the shadow that is casted by the nose. Background … Continue reading

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LL4 – Lighting Direction

This photo was my favorite picture from the lighting direction series. This photo uses side light to highlight the stem of the flowers in a positive light. The lighting gives a nice texture to the stems and leaves as the … Continue reading

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Lighting Direction – Darren Parvatan

This photo uses a backlight which allowed the photo to appear as a silhouette. This was my favorite photo taken due to the creepy atmosphere you kind of got from it. You see the flowers leaning to the side along … Continue reading

Posted in LL4-Lighting Direction, LL6-Portrait Lighting for Mood | Leave a comment

LL5-Portrait Basics

Write a post describing in your own words how traditional 3-point lighting is set up. Name and describe the role of each light.

Posted in LL5-PortraitBasics | Leave a comment


I believe this photograph is a good example of light and dark, I don’t remember the settings of the camera at the time of capturing the image, however we can see the subject in this case (the flower) in focus … Continue reading

Posted in LL2-exposure | Leave a comment

LL4-Lighting Direction

  This is my favorite photo of today’s class and it was taken with a side light spotlight. The lighting from the side in this particular shoot was successful because it really brings out the texture of the petals and … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, LL4-Lighting Direction | Leave a comment