Author Archives: Deborah Olumide


I feel NOMO-SOHO is a very beautiful hotel. When i first heard that would be the site visit I was skeptical cause I thought it wasn’t like most of the other 5 star hotels. But I was really impressed, when I and my friends were trying to locate the hotel we came in contact with the back entrance first and it wasn’t really impressive then we heard that was the the back entrance and went through the front . It was beautiful the outside dinning they had, the lights and plants , the theme was beautiful and welcoming. Then we got it the employees welcomed us with a smile and they were really nice. They even offered us morning tea or coffee. The tour round the hotel was also very nice, we went from the most expensive rooms to the economic ones, the beauty and the beast theme was also nice, I noticed that in every room there was the robes, slippers and towels. Although there were rooms that had a bit of issues like the heater didn’t work or there was no wardrobes for the clothes in some. But I feel over all it is affordable and has nice things the customers could enjoy. The important thing I took from it all was the sales aspect. That would probably be what I would get into if I was to go into hotels or restaurants, they do all the go to world looking for new inventions or new things the hotels are getting in and also try to make it better or giving the hotel something unique that would attract customers. It was a wonderful experience.

Deborah Olumide

When I was a little kid I used to joke about traveling the world, visiting new places, tasting every country’s food and of course taking a whole bunch of pictures. I had a neighbor who travelled to Paris with her son, everyday i’d go over to their house just so I could hear stories about Paris, the kinds of food and all the places they visited. Then I’d go to my room and dream about it ‘ONE DAY I’LL GO TO PARIS’ I said to myself.

After my high school I moved here with my mum and brother. It was beautiful. The whole Africa to America was amazing! The plane adventure and our stop at Casablanca too. Then we arrived, a whole different weather, food, culture and people too. It was the best feeling ever.

Then and there I knew, I just gotta do this, I mean what else am I gonna do? I have to travel to different countries and have as much impact on people as hospitality has had on me. This world is beautiful and I want to see and appreciate every bit of it