My Expierence!

When Professor Gold first introduced the Openlab I was a little nervous and confused because I had never heard of it before. The only online site I’ve used in my other hybrid courses was blackboard. I thought this week’s assignment was very fun and different. Getting to interact with other people in other classes and getting to read their posts I thought was really interesting.  It also gave me the chance to look at different courses that are of my interest. This is my second year in City Tech and I’ve heard a whole lot about the Disney college program our school has. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the program and it has always been in the back of my mind if I should join it or not. So I commented on one of the post’s that stood out to me in the Walt Disney World College program’s Openlab blog. It was about one of the students experience in helping out a family at Disney and making their vacation a little better. Even though the student still hasn’t gotten the chance to write back to my comment, I still got the chance to read other people’s experience interning at Disney.  They all seem to be having an amazing time and enjoying this opportunity, so I’m going to find out more information about the program. Hopefully I will join next semester!


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Perception of this week’s assignment


For this week’s assignment, I participated in a discussion in another poetry course. I gave my portrayal of the poem “Still to be Neat” by Ben Johnson by commenting on a student’s post. Although the student did not respond, a different classmate replied to my post.

My opinion about this assignment is that my initial reaction was hesitance. I was unsure of how the course’s students and professor will react to me participating in their discussion. I felt as if I was walked into a random class, sat down, and started participating in a discussion. It was honestly a bit weird to think about the fact that we can go into virtual classrooms and not only view the discussion but participate. Overall, the experience was definitely new and interesting. I was glad that someone responded to my post and enjoyed reading the poem that the class was discussing.

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My experience : Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright

This week’s assignment was to visit another class’s blog post. The class that I commented on is Tu/Th HIsotry of Photography. The blog post is about Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright. There was an article that you have to read related to what photographers like to use Tumblr as a way to show people their art work.

I choose this post because I also like to look at the images on Tumblr even though I don’t have an account. Through Tumblr, you can blog and re blog someone else picture or image. In the article, this is good and bad. It is good because different people get to see your artwork but others thinks that copyright should be used. JUCO, the photography team of Julia Galdo and Cody Cloud said that using Tumblr is a great way to network, market themselves and let people know who they are.

The article is here

The student’s post is here

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My experience!

I was very nervous having to write a post on another class’s site. It was like going into uncharted territory. After i got over the shock of it i felt as if i was snooping around on other people’s discussion which i don’t mind. I chose another introduction to poetry class class because i felt i was better able to relate. I realize their board isn’t really as active as our and they only post on there for major class assignments. I did find a post and a poem which i found very interesting. I also realized they did have the same book as us. After choosing my the blog post i wanted to participate in i had to introduce myself to them and let them know where i was coming from. I did just that and got right into posting as if it were me posting on my own class board. i became less nervous and i broke down my own definition of their poem. Its been two days and i am sad to report i haven’t had a response. But i am here to say this experience was very interesting. I am very shy even behind a computer but it was good to step out of the comfort zone of the class blog post and into the world of open lab blog post.

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Medeival Monastery

I enoyed this exercise, I commented on an ARTH class. One blogger wrote about the monasteries. I just added my knowledge on the topic. I noticed that Kris had also commented prior to myself. I like history and I especially love art history. I guess being an immigrant, I just love watching how other parts of the world lived long ago. I have been enjoying my own art history class but I had to comment on the monks because I see them everyday but didn’t really know their roles in the monasteries until recently. They were ranked at the bottom of the pyramid where the Pope was on top and in between there were Bishops, Deans etc. but they basically were responsible daily for cleaning, washing, cooking, farming, building and still had to find time to worship. They were the “Help”, except that they were able to advance themselves and become doctors, lawyers and so forth. Anyhow, I see them very often in my neighborhood but they do not engage so I figured this was interesting to me.

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Assignment for Thursday

For Thursday’s class, we’re going to move a bit away from poetry, narrowly defined, in order to do some experimentation with the platform we’re using to study it this semester — the OpenLab.

As you know, the OpenLab provides a space for many classes at City Tech to take place in an open, networked space. The idea behind it is that for too long, our classes have been sequestered from one another in walled-off spaces (both physical and virtual). The OpenLab provides a means for connection — between classes, between students, between the learning that a single student does in multiple classes. It’s an experiment in open education.

Your assignment for this week is to find, explore, and take part in another class on the OpenLab. You can find a full list of courses here, and you can search for specific disciplines or subjects among them. Once you’ve chosen a class, check out its interactive spaces, especially its blog (you can find it by clicking “Course Site” on the course homepage).

Once you’ve read through some student work, I’d like you to join the conversation that the class is having by leaving a comment on a post on another class’s blog. Your comment should:

1. Make it clear that you’re visiting from another class;
2. Explain why you find the post interesting/provocative;
3. Provide a substantive response to the post.

THEN, I’d like you to wait a day or two (if possible) to see if you get a response to your comment before writing your own blog post here that explains what this experience was like for you.

So, to recap:

1. Find and explore the blog of another class on the OpenLab.
2. Write a substantive comment in response to another class’s blog post.
3. Wait to see if you get a response.
4. Write a blog post on our own blog to reflect on this experience.

Any questions? Leave them in the comments. And have fun.

UPDATE (3/26/12): Please include a link to the place you commented, if possible. If you have questions about how to do that, please let me know.

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Frost’s “The Silken Tent

Frost’s “The Silken Tent”

In this poem I found myself so attracted to the idea of someone becoming free from their own sin weighing down on them and becoming free. The way the narrator spoke of the tent and certain words that Frost’s himself use only deepen my explanation. I was very interested in the different type of description we had. Because it’s amazing how people can view one poem in so many different ways. I look forward to these discussions because I find myself being so sure of my own descriptions never expecting to have someone else make me doubt my own analysis. I may try to over analyze a poem and in the process drift away from the simple meaning of it. I think that’s what I realize in the class s’ discussion of this poem. The poet doesn’t necessarily always have to have such a deep and complicated meaning, perhaps he was just referring to a tent.

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Bondage V.S. Freedom

“The Silken Tent” by Robert Frost was an interesting poem that we read in class. It was somewhat confusing trying to interpret at first and with everyone else’s interpretations being thrown out in the open, I found myself lost in translation. Finally when i was alone, I read it over and over again and I seemed to have stuck to the word i chose in class which was bondage. The speaker speaks of  many ways that the tent is being held down by silken ties, ropes and a pole. That is the bondage being put into play to hold the tent down. This reminded me of a woman being held down, not able to spread her wings in a sense and having to stay bounded to someone, some place or even something. For example, a young woman reaching her pinnacle in life but tied down by her parents not wanting her to explore new horizons. The following experts caught my eye:

“Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent”

“And its supporting central cedar pole”

“Seems to owe naught to any single cord”

“But strictly held by none, is loosely bound”

“Is of the slightest bondage made aware”

This poems is like the young woman finally breaking loose from her bondage of her parents and being “loosely bound”. Finally being sure of herself to b free and explore. With her “central cedar pole” being her parents and them finally loosening their “countless silken ties of love and thought”. I believe many people can relate to this poem in many ways but this is how i can relate to it in my own way.

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The Silken Tent

Robert Frost’s piece, “The Silken Tent,” is one that speaks to me very well. From my perspective of it, I can agree with many of my peers’ opinions of how this looks like a topic of love and care in a relationship. It’s in this imagery that we see a well-rigged tent that can represent the consistencies of a strong relationship; one that has its balance of rested & tensioned contraints.

The tent could represent shelter, comfort, or a structured system. With proper-measured care, the tent will be harnessed to the ground with rope and supported in its center by a mast. However, some freedom advocates better adjustments to weather patterns and other natural occurrences. Therefore, the ropes are mentioned to be rather loose. My favorite line that represents this concept: “And only by one’s going slightly taut In the capriciousness of summer air”


Capriciousness, of coarse, meaning unaccountable or random changes, is referring to the reality of the fact that anything can happen around this tent. With only one cord of rope going taut, out of the several, the structure of the tent is able to be guided into its proper place; as opposed to all cords of rope clutching at the tent to stay in one rigged position. Too much force in one value could cause tension, tear, & collapse. But with gentle pushes & pulls, in and around a certain area can make all the better difference.

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Silken Tent

When it comes to Robert Frost, I’ve been reading a few poems by him since junior high. Usually I love his pieces like “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” but I didn’t like “Silken Tent”.  After reading it, I felt that he was speaking about a woman who had two sides.

She is as in a field a silken tent
At midday when the sunny summer breeze
Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,
So that in guys it gently sways at ease,
And its supporting central cedar pole,
That is its pinnacle to heavenward
And signifies the sureness of the soul,
Seems to owe naught to any single cord,
But strictly held by none, is loosely bound
By countless silken ties of love and thought
To every thing on earth the compass round,”

It seems that during sunny summer breeze, a pleasant time also used to describe women,  there is some freedom. It is as if during good times, the women is relaxed and pleasant. The cedar pole is the support system of the tent, which for a woman can be many things. The cedar pole can be a husband or family since this poem was written in the 1800s, a time when a woman’s main job was tending to her husband and family. The line ‘and signifies the sureness of the soul’ also supports my theory of the family being the cedar pole. Then he speaks of the loose bondage due to her love and thought which is can be thought of as the caring nurturing side of women.

And only by one’s going slightly taut
In the capriciousness of summer air
Is of the slightest bondage made aware.

After understanding what ‘taut‘ and ‘capriciousness‘ mean, I understood the end of the poem better. Taut is synonymous with tense or rigid while capricious is synonymous with temperamental. With the definition in mind, I felt the end of the poem was Frost telling us how she is reminded of the bondage that wasn’t making itself too apparent in the beginning of the poem. He is saying when she gets tense during unpredictable times, her bondage makes itself apparent.

Though I’m satisfied with what I understood with this poem, I didn’t like it too much. I did like that I had to look up words to understand it fully because it makes me feel less lazy. When I read it the first time in class, I didn’t know what to think of it. I had to sit down and look up words, think back to that time and build a case off my first thought.

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