Author Archives: Prof. Gold

Unphotographable Moment #1

This is a description of an unphotographable moment

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Class Notes

Final assignment Introduction –Introduce what the paper is about — provide important details about texts in question (author, titles, dates) — give the reader a sense of your specific argument through a thesis statement —- “While Kinnell’s “The Bear” does … Continue reading

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Final Thursday Assignment

For Thursday’s class, please do the following: 1. Final Portfolio: complete the following template and email it to Prof. Gold: ENG2003-final-template 2. Please choose 1 of your blog posts from this semester. Revise it, make it better, add images, add … Continue reading

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End of Semester Deadlines and Assignments

Thursday, May 10: — Write a blog post reflecting on your wikipedia experience based on the in-class writing you did today — Add your wikipedia page and a link to the wikipedia page you edited to our class project page … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Assignment – DUE THURSDAY

For Thursday: post your work on Wikipedia. * Remember to check out the resources in the original assignment as you work on your drafts. * Between now and Thursday, please revise your post in line with feedback from your peer … Continue reading

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Class Notes – 4/25/12

– Describe the wikipedia stub you’ve chosen to expand. What is it and what type of page is it (ie., poet, aspect of poetry, genre, etc.) – Describe what’s currently on the page now – Describe the general direction of … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Assignment: Draft #1

For Thursday, you should post the following as a blog post here on the OpenLab: 1. A link to your chosen wikipedia stub based on the assignment 2. A first draft of your revised text for the page. It should … Continue reading

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Class Notes – April 17, 2012

Close reading present a deep understanding of a text analyze various aspects of the poem: tone, patterns of rhyme, figurative language (denotative vs connotative meaning), themes/motifs motif — a recurring idea throughout a text explicating/unpacking contrasts tensions — two key … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Assignment

As the first step in our Wikipedia assignment, I would like you to identify a wikipedia stub related to poetry that needs to be expanded. In wikipedia parlance, a “stub” is a page that is underdeveloped and needs to be … Continue reading

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Class Notes – 3/27/12

Acquainted with the night luminary – 2 night – 5 acquainted- 7 walked – 2 time – 1 Acquainted with the night — repetition describing that night reiteration — creates emphasis what is the difference between first and last line … Continue reading

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