Monthly Archives: May 2013

Final Project/Paper Assignment

Here is your final project and paper assignment for the course, both due Thursday, May 23, 2013 1. Final Project: Re-envisioning A Technical Writing Document Choose a piece of paper-based technical writing — a set of instructions, a how-to guide, … Continue reading

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Building a tissue box (as per “Technical Two” instructions)

Hi guys, First of all, great job on that video – you’ve put togetether a clear and well thought out tutotial so I had no problem following your instructions. If I were to make sutble changes to the video I … Continue reading

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How to write a step by step guide

If I was writing a step by step guide I would first do the paper plane by myself. I would record myself and attempt to describe everything I am doing. I would try to include close-ups of difficult parts or different … Continue reading

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Midterm project Edber Bailon

Here are my four communication modes for the authors of Technical Writing 101. Business Letter: Email: PowerPoint: Web Comic: The MLA paper will be sent by email.

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Reflective Blog (Technical Two)

When the class was first given the task our group took a few minutes to discuss somewhat of a game plan.  There were a lot of questions we had since professor Gold was ambiguous about what he wanted.  We gathered … Continue reading

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Individual Post (Technical Two)

This assignment allowed us to work as a team and show us our own strength and weaknesses. At first we didn’t know what the approach was to building this simple looking tissue box. But once we started gathering around the … Continue reading

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Individual post (team “Diversity”)

I helped examining the box. Me and Marc drew the outline of the box. I ran off and asked around the floor for scissors, cut the box out and we all glued it together. If was a fun and highly … Continue reading

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Team Diversity

Our group project was to build a tissue box and work as a group to get it done. My roles in our group project was to observe what was being done and complete the steps that were taken to make … Continue reading

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Individual blog(Technical Two) Tissue Box Assignmnet

It is always a challenge to complete a group project. Decisions have to be made on what every member has to do, time and place to meet. Never the less, is always a good experience to over come challenges like … Continue reading

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“Diversity” team

Marc – Engineering/Design/Execution Dmitry – Execution Samantha – Execution/Note taking Lesean – Photography Soriba – Supply management Carol Ann – Note taking/Advisement Mickel – Assisting/Observing

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