Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Drafting the annotations

Gardner, MIKAYLA. “Letter to the Editor: How Women Portrayed on TV, in Movies Perpetuates Negative Stereotypes.” 21 Apr. 2019.

The main purpose of this letter was to highlight and showcase the affects Tv shows have on the representation of women. The letter examines how these media stereotypical portrayals affect societies thoughts and views of women and how they are treated. The writer of this article even mentioned how the lack of change of stereotypical roles will affect the growth and advancement of future societies. “If we continue to press these stereotypes and gender roles upon our children, we will not only be holding society back from progressing, but also holding back women as a whole” (Mikayla Gardner). This means that the degrading of women and not holding them to a higher position of value will have a long term affect on how society depicts women. While writing this letter to the editor Mikayla never failed to mention the stereotypes women are given in tv shows, the affects it has on society and even how this path will continue to affect and be a problem for future generations.

This letter that was written by Mikayla Gardner grabbed my attention because of the fact that while expressing her concerns of women in society she also uses statistics/data and science to argue her claim about the affects Tv has on the mind leading us to treat women the way they are falsely portrayed. “Americans spend an average of 10 hours and 45 minutes a day on media consumption. Full brain development does not occur until the early 20s. This means we have many young minds that are being shaped by the movies and television shows they watch, whether they are aware of this or not (Mikayla Gardner). By mentioning this in the beginning of the article she was able to address the issue of how future generations will be affected by the issue of stereotypical portrayals of women in Tv shows. I currently don’t have any further questions for the author because even though her letter was short she was still able to address and make clear of her ideas and views on the issue of stereotypical portrayals of women in tv shows.


1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    A few things to think about:
    1. Check your citation–it look incomplete. Where does the letter appear? You have the link but you need title of website and such in the citation–I believe. Check.
    2. Where does this letter appear? Who is it written to? Also, you call it a letter and an article–which is it?
    3. In your summary you write: While writing this letter to the editor Mikayla never failed to mention the stereotypes women are given in tv shows, the affects it has on society and even how this path will continue to affect and be a problem for future generations.–instead, in your summary, you should include information of exactly what the author says about these stereotypes.
    4. In the second paragraph, discuss credibility. Look up the author and site/publication and use that to determine if the source can be trusted.
    5. Also, in the second paragraph, say more about your opinion and how the article is useful for your question.

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