Hands Up, Don’t Shoot: Photographs from #Ferguson

The pictures taken in Kent state are and what happened that day is very disgustful because people were being shoot at without even being violent people have the right to fight for what they believe and they want to be heard. Same thing is happening now with Michael Brown protest. Just that in this case there has been violence. I happened to be in Rockefeller center for the Christmas tree lighting and it was chaotic people were insulting the cops they began to throw down the rails. There were people who stopped traffic from circulating. I think people should be allowed to speak and be heard, but only if those people know how to do it and I don’t mean that cops should arrest, shoot or even kill because that is not right either. Pictures from both of these events are very heartbreaking and awful to see and imagine that there is so much unfairness out there. We are suppose to be a country of peace but in reality we are not and things need to change.

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