Green-Wood Cemetery.

Going to Green-Wood Cemetery was a really interesting experience. It is a big space fill of beauty and sadness at the same time.

Comparing with what I learned  at the Brooklyn Historical Society and being at the cemetery, was seeing the difference of the rules that many years ago they had and how they have changed through the years. Before they talked about horses as main transportation. Now they talk about cars and motocycles.

They preserve all the areas very well, so it is a place where you don’t feel the time that has passed since the build. It is hard to believe that the cemetery has been there for over 100 years.


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Learning Log 6 – Greenwood

During our trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society, our group learned that part of the cemetery was farm land that eventually became land to be sold to build homes on in the early 1800s, but at some point must have been bought out to become part of Greenwood cemetery.

This made me think that the area has an extensive history as being intended for the well-off. Weren’t the poor basically living in the slums in the 19th century?
I thought it would be a good idea to try and capture some degree of luxury in my shots. Some of the statues and elaborate graves in the cemetery indicate that some of the people buried there were either very important or very affluent. Maybe both.


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Learning Log 6

The trip to the Greenwood Cemetery was a new experience, I have never went to a cemetery to take pictures so it was something new. It’s nice to know that I was able to take happy pictures when a cemetery is usually known for a sad and depressing place.

I like this picture because it’s a piece of a grave, and how it’s two colors and has leafs and grass designed on it, its just different and very interesting image.
If I didn’t know this picture was taken in a cemetery, I would have never guessed it’s a piece of a grave. It could pass by something else.

The trip was great.

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Learning log 6 (Greenwood) – Regina Torres

Going to Green-Wood cemetery was really a good experience because we got to take many interesting pictures; I really liked the trip because it really got a variety of subjects to choose from and therefore it was really easy to get nice shots. One of the things we got to see was the monument dedicated to the victims of the Brooklyn Theatre Fire, which we learned more about during our visit to the Brooklyn Historical Society. Also, when we got there we were given maps of the place and it reminded me of that map we saw at the BHS that showed the main recreational points of the Cemetery that was used as advertisement back in the 1800s.

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Greenwood Cemetery

During our visit to the Brooklyn Historical Society we learned the history of Greenwood Cemetery. At the time to me Greenwood seem like a very historical landmark and once i actually visited the cemetery i noticed why it is so important. The first two things i noticed were how big the cemetery it self is and how beautiful the environment around the tombs is. The simple fact that they have multiple lakes/ponds of water was surprising to me, specially since after all is only a cemetery. This also made me realize why the cemetery was advertised so much and why certain families are willing to pay big money be to be buried there.

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Green-Wood Cemetery

My experience at Green-Wood was a very refreshing one. This was my first time there, and it was interesting. At first, I was kind of skeptical about the whole thing, because it is a cemetery, but actually Green-Wood is very beautiful, with a lot of historical moments behind it. I think that the photos I took of Green-Wood came out pretty well. I love how the range of photos vary.

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The Greenwood Experience

I enjoyed my time at greenwood. I got a lot of shots and I even had to get a new memory card since I took so many pictures! I took many great shots and it was difficult to choose twenty or flickr but there are definitely two pictures I love that I want to print. To think a place that houses so much sadness and sorrow, it’s a really beautiful location and I’d love to go back there one day in the future.

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BHS/Greenwood Cemetery

Before going to the Greenwood Cemetery we went to the Brooklyn Historical Society library in order to learn some history about the place. In my group we learned about a tragical theatre fire where a lot of people died and a lot of their bodies were not even recognized so they were put in a mass grave with all the other bodies. It was a good experience because once we got to the cemetery, the following week  it created a different mood for me as a photographer because I thought about the tragedy and all the people that suffered so the images I was really looking forward  to take were full of darkness and sorrow, even thought I still took other ones.

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Learning Log 5 – Portrait Basics

What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?
The most important factors in shooting portrait photos is to focus on the face, as well as using proper lighting techniques. You also have to make your subject comfortable and to capture some sense of emotion in the photograph.

What is the difference between broad and short lighting?
Broad lighting is when the main light is on the side of the face that is facing the camera, while short lighting places the main light on the side of the face that is away from the camera.

In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?
The main light is the light that is used to create shadows and sharp contrast.

In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the fill light?
The fill light makes shadows less dark by adding light to them.

In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?
The background light is used to separate the subject from the background.


This picture is my favorite picture because of Sean’s expression, as well as the contrast of light (from this face) to the shadowing.

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Learning Log 5

What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?
Important factors to consider when shooting a portrait is the lighting and the comfort zone of the person.
What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

The difference between broad and short lighting is that broad lighting is a three quarter view on the face and short lighting is more of the center of the person face.

In classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

The main lights helps creates shadows and highlights on the person face.
In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of he fill light?

The function of the fill light is to balance and diffuse the light on the subject
In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

The function of the background light is to make the background brighter while the subject itself is a little darker.




This is my favorite picture I took today in class. We used two backlights to make the background extremely bright and to make the object completely dark. It is a very interesting photo.

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