Category Archives: Learning Logs

Learning log 5 (Portrait Basics) – Regina Torres

1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

The subject’s expression, the light and the shadows created by it, the frame (how and where you put your subject in the picture), in other words, the composition of the photograph is really important

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

The shadows that are created, in broad the shadows are more emphasized, while in short lighting the tones between highlights and shadows are not that apart from each other.

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

To create shadows and highlights (contrast).

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of  the fill light?

To make the contrast not that drastic and more subtle.

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

To make the background stand more than the subject, and create a nice effect of backlight, or to separate the subject from the background.

One of the photographs we took last class that I liked the most is this one because it looks quite emotional. It looks as if the subject, Kassandra, was serious/sad and also I like the gradient created by the light.

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Filed under Learning Log 5-Portrait Basics

1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

It is really important to have knowledge abou lighting, including how to work with reflectors as an important tool.

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

The broad light will create more light toward the side of the face. Short light makes gestures be more remarkable.

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

The main light will be placed to help with shadows directly to the person that’s getting photograph. It can makes shadows stronger and sharp or lighter and diffused.

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of  he fill light?

To add light to the shadow side of the face.

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

The background light can help with, either creates silhouettes or to help to create high spots of light getting away shadows.


This is my favorite picture that I took today.

I really like how the broad light is working in his face and the bright light that the background one is giving to his back silhouette. Its even on the sides and sharp. His features are well shown in this shoot.

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Learning Log 5


1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

The important factors when shooting a portrait are not exposed with too much light. Also, the direction of the lighting.

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

Broad lighting is when the portrait of a face is closest to the camera has more light where as short lighting of the face has the features.

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

The function of the main light is to have a good amount of light in front of the subject.

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of  he fill light?

Fill light adds light to the shadows on the subject.

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

Background light is lighting the background that separates the subject from the background.

I chose this photo because the shadow is not to much but it has a good amount of light to show the front view of the face. Also, the expression of his face is very relaxed. This was used using the Main Light.

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This is most certainly one of my favorite shots that I took of her. I took a better one that had her smiling really nice which took forever to get her to do, but she deleted that one so now this is my favorite. I love it so much because its her best serious faced picture and I can most certainly see this being used in a magazine somewhere.



Important factors of taking a portrait picture is the amount of light on the subject and the angle of the light. Short light is when the light faces the subject and their face is light up and broad light is


when their face is away from the lighting. The function of fill light is to light up the side of the subject that the light doesn’t face directly, with that in mind, the light is supposed to bounce the main light onto the subject. Background lighting shows some sort of division between the subject and the background.

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Learning Log 5: Portrait Basics

1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

When shooting a portrait, the most important factors to consider are the subject and the lighting. The subject needs to be able to cooperate in order to produce the    best possible picture, and the lighting must work for the situation. For example, dramatic lighting is usually a minus when portraits are involved.

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

In broad lighting, there highlights that falls on the side of the visible ear. This works for people with glasses. In short lighting, the highlights fall on the hairline.

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

The main light is there so a proper portrait can be taken, without exposure being too high or too low.

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the fill light?

The fill is meant to reflect light from the main light so the shadows become softer. Without it, there would be too much contrast and too much drama.

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

The background light is meant to separate the background from the subject, so the latter stands out more.


This was one of the best pictures we took, in my opinion.
I like that the shadows are so soft here, I didn’t think it was possible in a dark indoor setting.
The subject manages to stand out even without a background light.

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Filed under Learning Log 5-Portrait Basics

Portrait shot

1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

The light, pose of the person and how much you’re cropping.

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

Broad has a higher light distance, shorter lighting focuses on less space (diameter)

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

The main light is the primary light source, used to light the subjects face and body.

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of  he fill light?

Fill light is a reflector used to bounce the light from the main light source.

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

Background light can be used to make a silhouette or a halo effect behind the person.

This is my favorite picture out of the many i took today. What i specially like about it is how the portrait works with the white space, it seems fairly balanced. In addition to that the light is hitting Josephs face straight, which in my opinion is perfect for this type photos (since he’s facing side ways). I like how the shadows in his hands get darker as it approaches his face. Something i would of liked to change is maybe have a lighter background, i think it would of looked better with this shot.

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Daguerreotype vs. Digital

DaguerreotypeThe daguerreotype I examined at the Brooklyn Historical Society was a portrait of two young boys.  Since I have not yet taken a portrait this semester, it is difficult to compare the content of the daguerreotype and one of my own from this semester unless I were to compare with one of the statues that I photographed, and still that would not be the same.  Therefore I feel the best way to compare a daguerreotype to a contemporary photo, is in physical characteristics and the process.  The daguerreotype was a quarter plate size, I believe, making it approximately 3.25 x 4.25 inches.  It was a copper plate, which made it reflective, encased in a frame with matting to protect it and had a decent amount of weight to it.  By contrast any of the digital images I’ve taken this semester weigh nothing until I decide to print them out and then they weight only as much as the paper they are printed on.  My digital images have a maximum print size of 18 x 24, but can be printed at any smaller size and I can print it as many times as I would like.  The daguerreotype however could not be reproduced or resized at all as it was a unique image.  I very much enjoyed the trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society, it was interesting and the library itself is architecturally beautiful.

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Daguerreotype of Christina Payne Hallock, circa 1855, DAG.04; Photography collection; Brooklyn Historical Society

Daguerreotype are photographs engraved in coppered plates. It was one of the first successful photographic process. At the time it was invented (19th century) they mainly consisted of a portrait shot put into a very decorative frame. Like the example above from the Brooklyn Historical library you can see how much detail was put into what surrounded the photograph. It was all handmade and not only was it framed but it also had a cover made of a fancy patterned cloth material.

Daguerreotype photography is very different from todays ways. In todays world less focused is put on the decorative surrounding the photograph, and more attention is put on the actual meaning the photograph is trying to convey. We have moved far beyond only photographing portraits. Like the example i give below of flowers i shot during class you can see how i put a lot of enphaces on the light hitting the flower and how the flowers were placed. Those are things that people working on daguerreotypes probably wouldn’t pay much attention to. I could imagine them spending more time planning out the cover and frame than actually taking the photograph. In addition to that because of todays technology we are more flexible when taking photographs and because of how fast-paced our world is we try to convey as much powerful of a meaning as we can in every picture and care less about the extra stuff like actually framing it.

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Brooklyn Historical Society

**Note I don’t have a picture of my  daguerreotype because my phone didn’t save it so I can’t compare my personal picture with a  daguerreotype**


The Brooklyn Historical Society was a great place to be. I love places with books, no matter what they are, stores, rooms in buildings, I love places with books and not only did this place have books, but they had some great pictures and vintage or antique stuff.


One of the photo’s I looked at was a  daguerreotype. It’s a photo that goes through a long process and the picture took a long time to make. It’s burned somehow into copper or some other form of metal. It needs to be viewed in a certain light. Now a big difference between pictures I’ve taken and a  daguerreotype photo is, mine can be spontaneous, in motion, and its in color.  Daguerreotype as mentioned go through a process. The subject or model has to stay perfectly still for a certain amount of time and can’t move because if they do, the photo will be messed up and will not come out were as with a digital camera from a phone, I can catch people in motion and the picture will still come out good.

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Filed under Photography Formats

This week’s Portrait Basics Learning Log

Please write a short post about today’s portrait shoot. Please answer the following questions:

1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of  he fill light?

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?


and the add your favorite shot that you took today and tell us why it is an outstanding portrait.

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