Week 6 – Mon. Oct. 4

Homework Due Wed. Oct. 6th

  1. Read “Wikipedia Pops Up in Bibliographies” by Larry Gordon and write a response to the questions below. Please respond to AT LEAST ONE CLASSMATE! 
    • What did you think of this text? Explain! Don’t worry if you don’t like it, you won’t hurt my feelings! Be honest! 
    • What is it mostly about? Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Be specific. Refer to the text itself. Use quotes even! 
    • What is the genre of the text? What is the tone?
    • Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
    • What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?
    • What about using Wikipedia? When is it a good idea to use Wikipedia? How might you not want to use Wikipedia? 
    • Will this article help you with your research? 
    • How have you used Wikipedia in the past? Was there anything new you learned?
  2. Choose a topic for your research in Module 2. Follow the steps in the KWL chart to make sure that the topic really works! Finish the chart and be prepared to discuss it in class on Wednesday!

    KWL Chart

    K- KNOW: Set your timer for five minutes. Write that whole time. It is important that you don’t pause here, so if you are stuck, write “I’m stuck!” But just keep typing. Write down everything you can about what you KNOW about this topic or question.
    W-WANT TO KNOW: Set your timer for another five minutes. Same thing-- you’ll write that whole time. This time, write what you WANT to know about the topic.
    Here is where you do a little bit of research. Again, time yourself-- spend 10-15 minutes on the Internet looking up your topic. Check the box when you're done!
    L-LEARNED: Another five minutes. Again, write the whole time. Write what you LEARNED from your 10-15 minutes of internet research
    +-STILL WANT TO KNOW: This is the most important question (but we had to do all of the above to get there!) After doing very basic internet research, what are some questions about your topic that you still want to know? It's okay if your question has changed a little bit (or a lot!) Try to come up with questions that you will be able to research for a few weeks! (Hint: NO yes or no questions)



  1. Travion Burke

    * What did you think of this text? Explain! Don’t worry if you don’t like it, you won’t hurt my feelings! Be honest!
    -I could relate to the text in a way because in high school I was told that Wikipedia isn’t accurate and he is basically going against what all of my high school teachers told me all 4 years. The text was boring to me it could have been more interesting it was just informal like any other article I’ve read.

    * What is it mostly about? Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Be specific. Refer to the text itself. Use quotes even! 
    -This text is mostly about Wikipedia and whether it is reliable or not. The author is trying to persuade us that Wikipedia isn’t so bad after all, he also gives us a statement from someone who has a different point of view on Wikipedia then counters it with the information he has picked up. One of the arguments he made was that writing for Wikipedia wasn’t as easy as people thought for Example the text states “Her American politics professor at Pomona College assigned the class to write detailed entries for Wikipedia
Turns out it was a lot harder than students anticipated. Their projects had to be researched, composed, and coded to match Wikipedia’s strict protocols.” The author pushes the argument by letting us know that Wikipedia has rules and regulations you must meet in order to post, it ensures that people are doing research and people doing research can check if the editor is getting their information from reliable places.

    * What is the genre of the text? What is the tone?
    The genre of this text is informative because the author is giving us information on Wikipedia that we did not know about. The tone of this text is persuasive because the author is trying to get people to acknowledge that Wikipedia can be of great help.

    * Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text? The intended audience for this piece would be students or even anyone doing research, he wants us to realize that Wikipedia can be helpful when doing research.

    * What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?
    The author is trying to persuade us that Wikipedia isn’t so bad after all, he tells us that it requires more time and factual information. The author probably wrote this text so that people can go check out Wikipedia for themselves and check if it can be accurately used.

    * What about using Wikipedia? When is it a good idea to use Wikipedia? How might you not want to use Wikipedia?  It’s a great idea to use Wikipedia when trying to gather information or view perspectives but if you are looking for direct quotes it’s a no because anyone can change what is written.

    * Will this article help you with your research?  This might help me because I will probably end up coming across Wikipedia and looking at it now that I have read this text. Before I would be more likely to skip anything Wikipedia-related.

    * How have you used Wikipedia in the past? Was there anything new you learned? I have used Wikipedia for definitions. I have learned some new words that I didn’t know using Wikipedia.

    • Tehmina Imanat

      I agree that the genre of this text is informative and the tone is persuasive. This text has a lot of information about how college students around the world used Wikipedia as a form to submit their work and then get it read by many people. The author was trying to persuade the audience that wikipedia is not this false and untrue site with just some random sources and information

  2. ngawangtenzin

    1. I think this text was a little interesting because I noticed that people were helping others by editing other people’s Wikipedia. This text was boring and I was told to never trust Wikipedia by my teachers throughout my whole school year.
    2. This text is is mostly about Wikipedia being reliable and they explain why it is good for college students. He states ” We are educating ourselves and educating others” that line shows why Wikipedia is helpful and reliable. There are other lines that show Wikipedia being reliable.
    3. The genre of this text is informative because the author defends Wikipedia by saying it is reliable and gives out details. The tone of the text is persuasive because the author trying to persuade the reader why Wikipedia is reliable and is real.
    4. The Intended audience of the piece is people who question Wikipedia is reliable or not.
    5. The purpose of this text is to show other people that Wikipedia is real and it is not fake. The author wrote this to prove to other people that Wikipedia is reliable and they use college students as a way to show why Wikipedia is reliable.
    6. Wikipedia is not fake and it had factual evidence and the author is trying to prove that. It is good to use Wikipedia when you are 1st starting to write informative essays. You might not want to use Wikipedia all the time because some of the information is fake and most of the time Wikipedia writings are always edited and reworked.
    7. This article will not help me with my research because I am researching on how technology is taking over human occupation and other stuff.
    8. Yes, I have used Wikipedia in the past but I regret doing that because all of my teachers tell me wikipedia is not a good source. I learned that college student-submitted Wikipedia eassys and it was a assignment they got from their teacher.

    • Saida Akbarova

      I agree my teachers always used to say don’t take your evidence from Wikipedia, I think we could use Wikipedia but we should also find a stronger more accurate evidence as well to back it up with.

  3. Gerardo Molina

    – I liked that it made Wikipedia look like it was not a bunch of pages filled with miss information like I had been told throughout school. I had not known that so many universities and colleges had been making students write articles in place of a regular paper.
    – This text is manly about the new adoption of Wikipedia for information and making it more reliable and less biased. Many people have began to notice that information is being shown by wiki on Google and thus making people rely on it more and more. Writing articles can be tricky due to the amount of resources and formatting that is needed to pass regulations and some students can struggle with this.
    – This text was in a formal tone and informative was its genre
    – I think most high schoolers, college students and older people should be the intended audience as those are the ones that will understand what wiki is for and to change their beliefs about it after school had told them other wise.
    – Its meant to change people’s opinions on Wikipedia and the amount of trust that can be put into the site and it’s authors. Its meant to let people learn about the universities that are working on providing articles and adding the information on the front page of Google.
    – Using wiki for some basic information is fine and its when the details are important is when you should check the sources that are provided in wiki articles before fully trusting them. I don’t think it should be a first hand resource and mostly to aid in the direction that is meant.
    – It can ask there might be articles on what I want to write about but the topic in mind is fairly recent and not many college students are actively researching now since its not the most academic.
    – I have used wiki for some quick knowledge here and there but I don’t really remember what I looked up and if I learned anything with the quick lookups.

    • Xenia Berkowitz

      I also use wikipedia often for quick knowledge. I agree that it shouldn’t be used a main source and more like a tool to guide you through your research process.

  4. Tehmina Imanat

    1) I think this text was very eye opening and interesting. It differently showed another perspective of Wikipedia and how it is really created.
    2) This text is mostly about how Wikipedia has always been seen as “untrue” facts are posted there and that anyone can just upload what they think onto Wikipedia, but this text shoed that there is a deeper process that goes through before information is posted on Wikipedia. For example stated in the text, “Wiki entries require a lot more faculty time to ensure they are ready for online viewing. ” This proves the the author believes that Wikipedia is a reliable source.
    3) The genre of this text is informative writing and the tone of the text is persuasive.
    4) I think the intended audience of this piece are college students that are hesitant to use Wikipedia because they were always told never to use the information we see on there. I think the author wrote this piece to convince the audience how reliable and sourceful Wikipedia is.
    5) I never understood why in high school we were taught never to use Wikipedia, I was always told that anyone can go onto Wikipedia and upload information and there is not proof that it is correct. Therefore I have not used Wikipedia, but after reading this piece I have put in a different perspective and know that the information put there is by people who done research and get their information from the correct sources. I think it is a good idea to use Wikipedia when doing research and not a good idea to use Wikipedia on papers that require legit sources with first hand sources, date, time, titles and deeper information.
    6) I think this article will have me with my research because I can apply what I find on Wikipedia as part of my brainstorming or research notes.
    7) I have never used Wikipedia because I have always been told not to but in the future I will

    • Gerardo Molina

      I do not have much experience using Wiki as well and that is due to teachers not really liking them. I still am not too confident into putting all my trust into wiki articles to make them my first source that I would site in a professional setting.

  5. Xenia Berkowitz

    I liked this article because I always questioned why teachers demanded that we never use wikipedia for homework assignments despite the face that there are so many scholarly articles cited as sources at the bottom of all the wikipedia pages. I like how it says that wikipedia was made to let anyone write entries for people who can access the internet and has now become a place for college students as well as average folk to submit unbiased scholarly entries.
    The text is mostly about how wikipedia became known as an amateurish and unreliable source due to errors and “nasty online spats over content.” To counteract this negative perception, it created stricter protocols, safeguards and a broader range of topics. It’s now used by many colleges to teach students how to write unbiased papers that are cited and informative enough and meet all wikipedia’s strict technical demands.
    The genre of the text is an academic article and the tone is informative and persuasive.
    The intended audience of this piece is students and teachers who are wary and distrustful of wikipedia as a site to find credible information.
    The purpose of this text is to inform people who have a preconceived assumption that wikipedia is a bad source of information that it is growing and is becoming a reliable source with abundant topics. He wrote this to show the importance of utilizing the parameters of wikipedia articles to push students to write more unbiased papers that draw information from hundreds of newspaper and scholarly publications written by qualified researchers.
    It is a good idea to use wikipedia to get a basic understanding of broad topics. You might not want to use wikipedia for medical research however it is becoming a better source for medical info due to Andrew Callan’s encouragement to medical students to write medical entries since it could make these convoluted topics much easier to learn.
    This article will help me with my research in the future because it will give me a basic overview of topics which will help me get through difficult courses in college.
    I used wikipedia in the past to write papers in elementary school because it wasn’t until middle and high school that I was taught to never use it as a source in assignments unless I was using it to look at its works cited page so I could access those sources for research purposes. Something new I learned was that many colleges use the technicalities of wikipedia entries as a kind of a rubric for college students to ensure they are using the most neutral tone to write a lengthy and unbiased paper that is sometimes published on wikipedia’s site.

    • Raveena Rambarran

      I agree with you and Wiki should be more like a guide for when someone is doing research because of the amount of articles that are cited in it which can help you more than Wiki it self.

    • Raveena Rambarran

      I agree with you and Wiki should be more like a guide for when someone is doing research because of the amount of articles that are cited in it which can help you more than Wiki it self.

    • Raveena Rambarran

      I agree with you and Wiki should be more like a guide for when someone is doing research because of the amount of articles that are cited in it which can help you more than Wiki it self.

  6. Darleny Morel

    I think that this text is something that this text is very interesting and this would stress me out to do. Overall, it is really cool. This text is mainly about Wikipedia, its background and essentially it’s reliability. Usually, people try to avoid it because anyone can just go in and change it all around. Yet, it is used by colleges now. The genre of the text is an article and the tone is confident and convincing. I think everyone is intended for students like me that are going to have to do a research project. I believe the purpose of the text is to convince people that Wikipedia is actually reliable to change their minds about it. I think using Wikipedia is good when you aren’t trying to learn a new topic. I believe it is good to use for things such as definitions and such. I believe this article could help me with my research but I don’t know if it will. I have not used Wikipedia in the past for anything I didn’t know.

  7. Shariffe Mckennon

    I thought the text was boring to read. There wasn’t anything interesting about this article besides from when they spoke on ethnic and economic diversity on the 3rd page, i thought that it was cool to have other voices from different backgrounds writing articles for the wiki.

    This was mostly about the growth of wikipedia and classes that had projects based on article writing for wikipedia. To have neutral articles on certain topics based on my different source materials to expand the website and its writers. It even said that wikipedia had a bad look because anyone could write on anything making amateurish articles but had a facility to teach schools about wikipedia assignments and how they could better students by writing for the internet.

    The genre is a biography and the tone is formal because of how it was written, there was no out of place words and language, there were no conversations being held, it was just information and facts written in an organized fashion.

    The intended audience are people looking to write for wikipedia and want to contribute knowledge and improve society.

    The author wrote this to show the growth of the website, and the community surrounding the website and what it takes to write a credible, non biased piece for wikipedia.

    A good time to use wikipedia is when you are getting introduced to a topic and you want some background information and don’t use it as a main source of information on projects.

    This article wont really help me at all because ive already learned to not use wikipedia as a source or my main source of information on anything, this was just reinforcing something i already know.

    I used wikipedia in the past for dates of when certain events happened for history class. i didnt learn anything new.

  8. Raveena Rambarran

    – What did you think of this text? Explain! Don’t worry if you don’t like it, you won’t hurt my feelings! Be honest!
    This text was really interesting especially because throughout high school I was told the same I should not use Wikipedia because it is not a reliable source or that the information that was on there was not accurate. But this text is telling me something completely different. The reading in itself was somewhat boring but the information that was on it was really helpful.

    – What is it mostly about? Write a 2-3 sentence summary. Be specific. Refer to the text itself. Use quotes even!
    This text is mainly about how Wikipedia is an underrated source when it should not be, many people take their time to find information related to the article that they’re going to write and it has to have everything cited at the bottom like any other article using evidence from other sources. The author argues that when a student at Pomona colleges was given the assignment to write an entry for Wikipedia it wasn’t what they expected, “turns out that it was a lot harder than the students anticipated. Their projects had to be researched, composed and coded to match Wikipedia’s strict protocols. Schug and her classmates wound up citing 218 scholarly legal and newspaper sources for their entry on a 1978 U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing corporate donation for ballot initiative camping.” The author argues that Wikipedia has strict protocols that need to be reached when someone is trying to post an article, it needs to have information that is cited properly and it has to be credible. The author is persuading students to use Wikipedia more often, the information that is on Wikipedia is reliable because it needs to be checked by other authors in order to check if the source cited is legal before it’s being posted for the world to view.

    – What is the genre of the text? What is the tone?
    The genre of this text is informative and the tone is persuasive because the author is explaining the reasons why Wikipedia is a good website with good resource of information and should be used and acknowledged more often.

    – Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
    I personally think that the intended audience for this text are for college students to give them a perspective that Wikipedia is a good source to gather some information from and to help find more sources outside of the site.

    – What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?
    The purpose of this text is to explain that Wikipedia is not really a bad source and that the information it contains is accurate because there are many people who do a lot of research to reach the Wikipedia standard and to be able to present an article that is good because many people read.

    – What about using Wikipedia? When is it a good idea to use Wikipedia? How might you not -want to use Wikipedia?
    I think that it will be good to use Wikipedia to get general information on the topic you’re searching for, but not to get quotes to support your paper because as we know Wikipedia can be edited by anyone so sometimes people can change or accidently change some of the information on the website.

    – Will this article help you with your research?
    Yes, it has helped me a lot because anytime I’m doing research I will come across Wikipedia and I will normally skip it, but now I will take a look at it and then check the sources that are cited to see if anything will be helpful for my papers.

    – How have you used Wikipedia in the past? Was there anything new you learned?
    In the past I used Wikipedia for general information and to define words that I didn’t know the definition for.

  9. Noman Saleemi

    I thought the text was a great way of showcasing the experience of students creating a Wikipedia article and the requirement they had to complete in order to make sure their article was successful.

    It is mostly about the actions people have to take in order to put up a Wikipedia article on the internet. With their strict regulations, it makes it harder for false information to be placed on it and it adds more pressure to the authors writing the article, as they have to try their best to make sure it is presentable to the intended audience.

    The genre of the text is informative and the tone is serious.

    I believe the intended audience is for people who believe Wikipedia only gives false information and it is shedding light on the process.

    The purpose of this article was to inform people on how Wikipedia can be a reliable source and what people have to do to make sure their article is true and reliable.

    I think its a good idea to use Wikipedia when you need more context on a certain topic. You might not want to use Wikipedia as a main source to conduct your research.

    I feel like this article will help me with my research because it gave me a good idea on when to leverage Wikipedia and when you should not leverage Wikipedia.

    I used Wikipedia to better understand the topic I want to better understand. Something I learned new is how reliable Wikipedia can be at certain times.

  10. Christopher Lopez

    1. I thought the text was boring but relatable.Basically my whole school life I Was taught that Wikipedia was not a good source for information.
    2.The text is mostly about Wikipedia and it being reliable for college students. The author even said that “We are educating ourselves and educating others”. That quote helps me understand that he thinks that Wikipedia is a good tool in helping people learn.
    3.The genre of the story is informative. The tone is persuasive.
    4.I think the audience of the text are students.
    5. I believe the purpose of the text is to let students know that they can use Wikipedia as a good source for your information.I think he wrote it for us to try it for ourselves.
    6. Wikipedia is a good source for information. It has a bad reputation because people can edit it easily, and has some incorrect information at times.
    7.I think this article can help me because I can use Wikipedia as one of my sources of information.
    7. I used Wikipedia in middle school, it was the source I used the most before my teachers said it wasn’t a reliable source. I have learned that I can still use it as a good source of information.

  11. Saida Akbarova

    1) I personally thought this text was boring but still could relate to the text when they said how teachers always say Wikipedia is not a reliable source. My teacher would always tell us not to use Wikipedia because she had an account herself and used to say that she could write anything and it would be published there for people to see.
    2) This article is about how Wikipedia can be a reliable source to use for evidence or even for us to learn from. And also talks about how what teachers have told us is not true because it takes a lot of effort and work to publish something that people could use in Wikipedia. An example from the text is “Her teachers talked about the popular online encyclopedia ‘as if it wasn’t serious or trustworthy’ and suggested it only be used as a tip sheet.”(Page 952). In this text it says how this is not true and that it takes lot of effort for someone to publish a post that is reliable.
    3) The genre of this text is informative, the tone of the text is formal because it was not written in a personal level.
    4) I think the intended audience of the text is people who always heard from their teacher that Wikipedia was not a reliable source and it tells us the truth behind their work. It could also be people who like learning about new things from websites.
    5) The author wrote it to get false information that people say that Wikipedia is not a reliable source to use. They are probably trying to show people the truth about the published work.
    6) Wikipedia is good source to use when you already have your main evidence. I don’t think your full evidence should be just off Wikipedia. Wikipedia is good to use as another backup to your evidence.
    7) Yes this article will help me with my article because now I won’t be so scared to use Wikipedia and can also get information from there too.
    8)I have never used evidence from Wikipedia before because of what my teachers used to tell us about it but whenever I google something it always has the answers to it in Wikipedia.

  12. Abdul Ikhlaq

    Dear Professor, I spoke to you after class Wednesday about completing the assignment late. Sorry about that and will make sure it doesn’t happen again.

    1. I enjoyed reading this article even though you said we may find it boring. It was a short article that provided information about what the Wikipedia should be used for and how it is edited. I never knew that it was schools that would have their students edit the site. Throughout the years they definitely improved the way information was uploaded before being published.

    2. The text “Wikipedia Pops Up In Bibliography’s And Even College Assignments” is about whether the Wikipedia is a reliable source to site from. Every student can relate and has been told to not pull out quotes from Wikipedia because of false and biased information written. The article though clearly states ” It makes us feel more obligated to do a good job and present the facts in an unbiased way.” The quote states that because the students are writing not only for their teacher and classmates to read but the entire public, puts pressure on them. Since it is being published to anyone who clicks the link, the students wouldn’t want their name to be known as an unreliable source.

    3. The genre of this article is informative. It’s written in a way to educate the reader about Wikipedia. The tone I feel as I read the article is formal.

    4. I believe this was written mainly for students. Us students are the ones that write essays and papers about certain topics. The title is even “Wikipedia Pops Up In Bibliography’s and Even College Assignments.” Wikipedia is a way of educating yourself on a certain topic. The article proves that Wikipedia can be used for just more than that. That it is a reliable source just like any other articles published. The text states “Compared to regular term papers Wiki entries require a lot more faculty time to ensure that they are ready for online viewing.” This quote clearly shows that after students type up there paper, it doesn’t just get uploaded. It goes through careful supervision before uploaded just like any author does.

    5. I believe the author wrote this article to prove that Wikipedia is a reliable source and to give teachers and students a different perspective on the Wiki.

    6. I feel you shouldn’t gather your quotes out of Wikipedia. Collect your quotes and evidence from better and well written articles, but use Wikipedia as a back up. In a way to support your side or the topic you are writing about. I wouldn’t want to use Wikipedia in a way that it’s my main source.

    7. This article helped me in a way to feel more confident in trusting Wikipedia. So as I gather information on my topic about motorcycle safety courses, I won’t be scared to read through Wikipedia links but definitely won’t use it as my main source to cite from.

    8. This article has somewhat changed the way I look at the Wiki. I always used Wikipedia in my papers to support my side. I learned new information after reading the text such as the process it goes through before being published, and who are the people that are editing the source.

  13. Kaylee Castaneda

    I felt that this text basically explained our insight on how we view wikipedia in general. IN school we were taught that it is not a reliable source, and that people don’t recommend using it. I zoned out a few times reading the text. I feel like it could have added information on how us as students view the website as well.
    The text is mostly about how Gordon says that wikipedia is actually a good source to use to get information. It basically contradicts everything we were taught. Gordon then explains how teachers have always told students that wikipedia is bad to use due to the fact that people can go in and edit the source. Many websites can get used like this as well and you will never know if it’s 100% good to trust. He then says that there are no true doubts in the website anyways.
    The genre of the text would be considered to be an informative text. This is because it is telling the reader that wikipedia can be trustworthy to an extent. But this text can also be opinion based since it is an opinion someone has so there is no right answer fully.
    The intended audience can be to the students that are trying to write a research paper or any paper in general. If they are having trouble in finding sources or are not sure which to use.
    It is good to use wikipedia when you need to find facts or minor information about the research. I wouldn’t use it all the time though but rather analyze minor pieces of the text.
    I feel like it was good to read this article to see someone else’s perspective on the website and it was good to know. But I don’t see how it can be super relevant to my topic since I have to look at very reliable sources and factual information not so much opinion based.
    I have used wikipedia in the past to search up quick notes but not so much to complete a whole project.

  14. mahdi ahammad

    its a good thing we can be honest about the text because to be quite frank i found the text to be boring and pretty dead, as students growing up we were repeatedly told that Wikipedia wasn’t a reliable source and that we shouldn’t be using it.
    this text is basically about how our teachers were wrong in telling us that Wikipedia wasnt a valid or reliable source and the people who write/post information on Wikipedia wouldnt give false information because that information is not only being put out for us but other millions of people he also adds that the individuals writing these put in o much effort and why would they do that just to give false information.
    the genera of the text is informative Because the writer is informing us about the benefits of wikipedia and the tone is formal.
    i think the intended audience for this writing is us students so that we can see Wikipedia is a great help and not false information and the people meant to read this text is anyone who had doubts about Wikipedia .
    the purpose of the text once again is to inform us that wikipedia is a vlid source of info
    its good to use wikipedia when your crosschecking something or when you have to check for proof for example ole does my writing (whatever subject it is) match wiki and you see oh its real or accurate
    it will help with my research making life a bit easier now knowing i can use it.
    i have used wikipedia in the past but have not been on that site in the longest.

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