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“Fundamentals of Digital Systems Laboratory”
Course Description:
Students learn how to implement and analyze control functions and arithmetic operations using digital IC’s. Computer techniques are used to simulate systems and troubleshooting. Laboratory problem solving through the synthesis, breadboarding and testing of such systems. State-of-the-art integrated circuits are used with each student working with their individual digital trainers.
Course Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the logic functions (AND, OR, NOT, and so on) through building simple circuits on their own digital trainer.
- Analyze and design basic combinational SOP and POS logic systems.
- Apply various simplification techniques to combinational logic.
- Be familiar with Altera’s Quartus II software to design and simulate simple combinational circuits.
- Determine waveforms and state diagrams with SR, D and JK filp-flops.
- Analyze and design basic sequential logic systems including counters.
- Encode Boolean expression and truth table in VHDL using concurrent signal assignment statements.
- Program Altera DE2 board with their schematic and VHDL designs.
Required Materials:
Lab Manual (handout)
EMT 1250 Lab Kit
Digital Trainer from EMT1130
Altera DE2 Board
Phillips screwdriver
Tags: Inquiry/Analysis, Communication, Integrate Learning, Professional/Personal Development, Depth of knowledge