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Cornell Chronicle: Team develops machine with aim of ending textile waste

The average American goes through roughly 70 pounds of clothing each year, creating approximately 21 billion pounds of clothing sent to landfills – five percent of all landfill waste, according to the Council for Textile Recycling.

A multidisciplinary Cornell design and research team, assembled to tackle the environmental problem of post-consumer textile waste, has developed a unique fabric-shredding machine in hopes of a zero-waste solution for the textile industry…….

From left, Emelie Camera ’17; Anil Netravali, the Jean and Douglas McLean Professor in Fiber Science and Apparel Design; Tasha Lewis, assistant professor of fiber science and apparel design; and graduate student Schuyler Duffy with the Fiberizer v.2.

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City Tech Students Compete In Brooklyn Borough President’s Smart Gun Design Competition


At a ceremony held at the Brooklyn Borough Hall in Downtown Brooklyn on September 18, the contributions of two teams of City Tech engineering students were recognized for their smart gun designs, which were submitted to Brooklyn Borough President Eric L. Adams’ Smart Gun Design Competition. City Tech’s Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology & Industrial Design undergraduate students Liza Chiu, Josue Bautista, Antonia Meza, and Runtao You participated in the competition with Professor Masato Nakamura as faculty advisor. In addition to City Tech’s teams, a team from Pratt also made the final round of the competition, while one of the two finalist teams of graduate students from NYU’s Tanden School of Engineering won the $1 million prize……

Smart Technology Research

We started smart gun research and design in 2016. In summer 2017, our teams were selected as finalists and had a presentation in NYPD Headquarters and a conference call with one of the jurists. Last week (September 19) we presented the results of our study in Smart Gun Expo at Brooklyn Borough President Hall. Though these processes, we learned many social aspects of smart guns. Other finalists did also great work including teams from NYU and Pratt Institute. The winner is Team Autonomous Ballistics from NYU. Congratulations, Team Autonomous Ballistics! The following links are articles about the Expo:

Students from NYU Tandon win $1M smart gun design contest

Local students win $1M grant for unorthodox smart gun technology, but it’s not a smart gun at all

NYU students win $1 million ‘Smart Gun’ competition

This Million-Dollar Smart-Gun Idea Isn’t a Gun At All

Brooklyn engineering school team wins $1 million smart gun competition (VIDEO)

Local college team wins $1m Smart Gun Design Competition

Sharp shooters: NYU students win $1-million prize for designing smarter firearm

Brooklyn Daily Eagle: We had presentations in Smart Gun Expo yesterday