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Wednesday, December 8 2021– Free Write – What to do for next Semester.

I will still be in digital art classes as communication design is my major and something I’m passionate about. Unlike the first semester, I believe my schedule is more even and equal and each day has relatively the same amount of classes. I also hope to have a few more friends in this semester, as I haven’t really had the chance to have many in this one. I also want to try and be more knowledgeable when it comes to the subject and not have to ask questions 24/7.

December 8, 2021 Free Write

My plan for next semester is to take as many major classes I can. I am bit nervous because its mostly going to be math classes, and the last math course I took was over a year ago. Therefore, I feel like I need to brush my skills a bit. Other than that, I am excited for the semester to start because it means I am a step closer to graduation.

One thing that I struggled with this semester was managing work with school. I hope I can make a better schedule for myself next semester so that both my classes and work times work well with each other.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

I have decided to pursue architecture and so for next semester, I am taking three architecture classes and a math class. Two of my classes are in person while another is a hybrid class and the other being fully online. I am glad that I will be going in person because I feel like I learn more like that. Last week, my architecture professor decided to have his class in person and so we had to go last Friday to the actual building. I went and I love how it went. It felt very engaging and I was happy doing the stuff we were doing in class that day. I am assuming a lot of people loved it as well since our professor is now making this weeks class in person as well. The travel might be a little rough since I don’t live that close to the college, but as long as I have my AirPods with me, I can relax on the bus and train listening to my music and napping,

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