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Category: Module 1 – Literacy Narrative (Page 6 of 11)

Project 1-Education narrative Final draft

School never had many subjects that interested me. Nothing ever really stood out to me. School felt like a chore and it was almost impossible to get through the day without taking a nap in class. English class was what always kept my interest because it was always switching up. Some days I got to write, and the writing was always in different forms and styles. Other days I got to read and spend the whole period calmly and quietly enjoying a book. It was the only class that felt personalized to every student, because of the versatility of the things we got to read and write.

In school I had always been good at writing. In 7th grade we did a unit on poetry in my literacy class and that was hard for me at first. Writing in that specific way was never really something I had to do before, it seemed like the words never really came to me. As the days progressed I found it coming to me more naturally when the project became to write personal poems. I realized that writing this poetry was a helpful way to convey the emotions I was feeling everyday at age 12. At that time I had been going through a lot and reaching adolescence so it was a confusing time. The poetry we were told to write in class helped me more than I knew it ever could. Putting my emotions in artistic and metaphorical phrases that all came together to symbolize how I, and many other young girls felt, was therapeutic in a way. As a young girl trying to navigate becoming a teenager, going through puberty, and struggling with mental health, the world can feel like a very lonely place. I know for myself and many others, regardless of gender, just starting to become a teenager and middle school was a very hard time. It sounds cliche to some but writing poetry and learning a new way to convey emotion through a healthy outlet was extremely helpful to me. I know I was not the only in class to benefit from writing poetry. Many of my classmates wrote very heartfelt and personal pieces that I could tell was very freeing for them to share with others. After middle school I did not find myself writing poetry often at all, but to this day I do find myself very drawn to poetry and actually really enjoying it.

Ever since I was a little kid I have enjoyed reading. In 4th grade I had been gifted a book by a friend of my mom titled “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane” by the author Kate DiCamillo. It was a much bigger book than I was used to reading but as soon as I started it I could not stop. It begins in the 1930’s when the china rabbit doll named Edward is gifted to a wealthy ten-year old girl named Abilene Tulane by her grandmother. Edward is aware he is a doll and the story is narrated through what he says in his head. He is very vain but finds himself becoming separated from Abilene and going from owner to owner, living many different lives, learning first hand how less fortunate people live. This book stuck with me as a child because I had never read something like that. It quickly became my favorite book and as I am reaching adulthood it still is the best book i’ve ever read. As I read this book I learned about many different lifestyles, although the story was entirely fictional it used scenarios that many people live through in their daily lives. Situations that the main character Edward Tulane had thought of as completely unheard of and below him were also somewhat unheard of to myself in the 4th grade. At such a young age I felt so enlightened by this book. My like for reading quickly turned into love because of this one book.

English classes had helped shape who I was in a creative sense. It helped me realize the topics that interested me and what I was naturally drawn to. I loved reading but some books did not stand out to me at all. I also loved writing but I found that if it was in a certain format or about a topic I did not really care for I would show no interest at all. As we moved along unit to unit in my past english classes I eventually began to realize the things I did care for, the type of writing I genuinely enjoyed doing, and the type of books that grasped my attention. I feel as though it is important to realize and learn these things about yourself just as I had. If you consider yourself a creative person then paying attention in english and writing classes can be more helpful than you think. For me in school english classes was much more than mandatory reading and writing, If the topic was the correct I could write with no interruptions, It was always as if the ideas just poured out of my mind and onto my paper. I had a few good teachers along the way as well that were actually very helpful when it came to organizing my ideas and revising my work to make it better. Most of the time asking for a little help is not so far off what professional writers do, so asking for the help and receiving constructive criticism helped me learn how to not be shy about asking for help in the real world as well. I learned in my classes that literacy could help you with more than you may initially realize.

English class had always been the class that I felt like I was really learning something. It was one of the few classes that helped shape me into an individual. Through all the reading I did I learned about the topics and stories that would catch my eye. Through my writing I learned the topics I was passionate about and how to apply real life lessons that could help some people everyday. Literacy and english classes helped me develop into my own person.

Education narrative rough draft Angelp.

   I’ve had a couple of turning points that have happened in my education life and one of them was  In middle school. In middle school, I had a teacher named Ms. Rodriguez and she was an amazing teacher because I don’t think I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for her. Ms. Rodriguez is the reason why I love math and dealing with numbers. She would give me challenging problems and I would feel like giving up because of how hard they were but she taught me that if I give up it will turn into a habit and I will not get anywhere if I give up.

                            During middle school, I also enjoyed education and learning new things because the teachers in my school would make learning fun and interesting, for example, there would always be interesting facts on something we were learning like in math on how Mount Everest weighs an estimated 357 trillion pounds which is an interesting fact. My 8th-grade year in middle school was tough because I wanted to finish my last year strong but there were tough times during the year, my best friend Angel passed away and my parents were also going through a divorce and all of this affected my education in school because I wasn’t able to focus and keep my head straight and I was failing some of my classes, but towards the end of the year I got myself together and was able to focus and I finished the school year with a 94 GPA.

                             Another turning point in my education life was through high school. High school was a turning point in my education life because it changed the way I viewed education and because in high school the atmosphere was different. The main reason why high school was a turning point in my life is that I feel like high school changed me because I became more of a social person because of the people that I met in high school and the teachers were very nice and like to have fun because they didn’t want to make going to school boring. During high school, there were a lot of cool teachers and one of them was Mr. Sadler. Mr. Sadler was my seminar teacher and he liked to talk about real-world problems and how we as students can prepare for the real world. Mr. Sadler also taught me that you have to have respect towards everyone and wanted his students to become great people and to follow their careers and dreams. Another teacher during high school that had an impact on my education was my chemistry teacher Ms. Nekoufar. The reason why Ms. Nekoufar had an impact on my education is that she was my favorite teacher during high school and she wasn’t only a chemistry teacher she was also my piano teacher, I knew how to play piano before getting taught by Ms. Nekoufar but she taught me how to read sheet music and I think it made me and overall better player because I was able to learn new songs easier and had a lot of fun reading sheet music and playing the piano.

Rough Draft Unit 1 Project


I have been making poetry and music for as long as i remember. I was the kid in elementary school free-styling at the lunch table, i was the kid who enjoyed learning new words in English classes, one of the only kids who liked being assigned poetry homework or assignments or learning about poetry in class. I remember teachers telling the class we would focus on poetry in the next class and everyone would get upset except me and when the time came to make our own poetry i remember everyone coming to me for help. It was not until middle school that i started taking my poetry and music seriously. That’s around the time i wrote and recorded a song for the first time. Since then I have only grew with my music but i can easily say the biggest step i have taken to date is when I performed on stage for the first time.

1st body

One night not too many months ago i was out on my way to get some food not far from my neighborhood and as i was on my way to get that fresh, hot beef patty with cheese and pepperoni over cocoa bread that i had been craving all day i see a rap artist who is famous in the underground rap scene that also grew up in the area posted up with a couple of his friends across the street from the pizzeria. I cross the street and greet him and tell him how i like his work he thanks me. I tell him i know its hard to gain traction in the music industry with the type of music he makes because lyrically profound pieces of work arent appreciated today like they once were. He agrees and asks if i make music because he picked up on my passion for what i was saying about music through my tone. I tell him i have been making music for years and he could definitely hear something but that i had to hit the pizzeria first. I ask if he wants anything while i am there, he lets me know that he is fine, then i make my way across the street.

Body 2

I enter the pizzeria in a bit of a nervous state because there have only been a couple times prior that i have performed a song for people other than my childhood friends. I tell myself that right now is not the time to be panicking and i ease up. I order my food and tell the man at the register that i will be back in a few minutes. I then left the pizzeria and made my way across the street back to where the artist was with his friends. When i got there he asked if i was ready and then proceeded to call his friend who also doubled as his manager over to listen as well. I performed one of my most recent songs and after finishing his manager let me know he was impressed, a statement to which the artist agreed to. They took down my information and i took down their’s and as i was getting ready to leave the artist invited me to his album release event which he was holding a week from then. He then handed me a t shirt from his clothing line and told me to wear it on that day and that him and all his friends would be wearing pieces from the clothing line as well. I thanked him told him i would see him there and i made my way home.

Body 3

A week passed and so the day of the album release party came. It was going to be an outside event near where i met the artist which as i mentioned earlier is nearby my home. He had told me to be there at 3 but i wanted to be early to show i cared. I got there around 2:30  with the shirt i was gifted already on and saw the artists’ manager, the man who was with the artists the day i performed the song. He greeted me and let me know that the artist would be here soon. I asked if they needed help setting up and he told me “dont worry about none of that your here to chill today, come sit down with us” and he brought me over to a group of his friends sitting on beach chairs on the corner of the block and introduced me like this, “Yo this is n***a i was telling ya about that come over to us thhe other day and spit his sh!t. Im telling ya, HE GOT IT”. I greeted everyone and took a seat on an empty beach chair. About an hour passed and the artist arrived in his blacked out RAM truck. It was Blacked out from the tinted windows to the custom black rims. He stepped out the truck and instantly a crowd around the truck started to form. Photographers, friends, fans, etc. He welcomed everybody and had to take photos with at least a hundred different people before before the crowd died down. Moments after it died down he made his way over to where i was sitting. He greeted everyone including myself and let me know he appreciated me coming out. We all talked for a while about a bunch of random topics and then he made his way over to help get things going now that he was there. Things such as the food, the DJ, a dunk tank he had set up, and he even got his friend to bring a tow truck with a giant flatbed to use as a stage for him to perform on.

For the next couple hours i just sat there eating and talking with every one, mostly about my music and just music in general. As i was finishing my food, a couple empanadas if you were wondering, i hear the artist announce this on the loud speaker, “yo if i told you that you could perform today go hit the DJ booth and make sure everything is ready for you to get on the flatbed with the mic”. I guess you can say i saw an opportunity and jumped at it because no sooner than he finished announcing this i was next to the artist preparing to have a conversation that i wont soon forget. I told him “yo so wassup you gon let me perform or what, i could do that song i did for you the other day”. After i said this he took a moment to think to himself and then responded “Ight bro go ahead, imma give you this chance, you’ve performed before?”. I responded with but a simple “No” and turned around and made my way to the DJ booth before he could change his mind. I then got set up with the DJ and moments later i was getting on the flatbed with the mic. I had never performed in front of strangers except for the one time i performed to the artist and his manager a week earlier, much less ever been on a stage… flatbed, same thing. My heart was racing and it was even worse when i looked around and saw how big the crowd really was. There had to be at least two hundred people in attendance. I was reminded of how i felt in the pizzeria a week earlier when i was getting ready to perform the same song for the artist and his manager. Its a feeling you love and you hate, like the thrill of a scary roller coaster, or a haunted house, or skydiving, you get the idea. I focused up as I heard my song start to play behind me and before i even started performing the artist tells the DJ to shut it down and tells me to pass him the mic.

Nobody had any idea what was going on and as you can imagine, i was panicking. I pass the mic down to him as i was on stage… flatbed, and he was on the ground and as soon as thr Dj stopped the music he started speaking to gather everybody’s  attention. Everybody got dead silent to hear what he was going to say and what he said shocked me. He spoke into the mic and uttered this, “Yo this n***a be hassling me whenever he see me, but i love it, i can tell he’s hungry. When i tell ya he is hungry i really mean it, he was here two hours before me just to show his dedication”. When he said that it surprised me because he wasn’t around, his manager must have told him. But none the less he continued, “Look, this is what were going to do, this his first time performing so what i need from ya’ll, if its fire make it clear, let him know. If its wack make it clear, let him know”. He then said “I got faith in you so here’s your chance, do something with it” and passed me the mic. The DJ started playing my song and i started performing. I gave that performance my all. By the end i was sweating and out of breath but the energy i brought seemed to have paid off because as soon as i finished i looked up and saw all the cameras taking pictures and videos. I saw the flashes of phones and Polaroid cameras, i heard the cheers and applauds, i saw the whole crowd ecstatic. It was an amazing feeling but that amazing feeling got even better when i saw the artist reaching to give me a handshake. He looked the happiest out of everyone including myself. I will never forget him screaming out the words “There you go! There you go!”. I had just performed for the first time in my career and i couldn’t be happier. A milestone moment i will never forget.

After that day my career has only grown along with my relationship with the artist and his manager. I now consider them my close friends. As for my career, i can easily say it is currently at the highest point its ever been and shows no sign of going anywhere but up. Everyday im with my new friends im learning more about poetry, writing, the music industry, and to be honest, life. I feel as if i am growing in all areas of me. I will always remember that day as the day my life as a writer, poet, artist, changed forever. As im finishing this paper up now im getting ready to go meet up with them at a recording studio to work. Life is great and only getting greater and i owe a lot of it to my first time on stage.

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