ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Osborn Acquaye (Page 4 of 9)


A habit I have developed this year is going to the gym. I have never really saw myself a crazy fit person but I have always known that I had the potential to be.  After I graduated high school. I made it a goal to work out constantly at the gym and to train as hard as I can. This is because I really wanted to be stronger and I never wanted to regret not taking my health seriously and also not being the person I knew I could be. So each day I woke up with the mindset that I am going to be the hardest worker I know and I am going to push myself harder than anyone I knew could. Normally in the morning I wake up at 6:20 it normally dark out and I walk to my local gym. I walk because I get to listen to my thoughts and also its very peaceful and I get  look nature because on a daily basis , I am usually in a rush so I don’t soak in what’s around me .After my classes are done I workout at night because it also very peaceful and there is barely anyone at the gym. On the weekend I wake up at 3:15, practically because I know everyone else is asleep which means no one is in the gym and the equipment’s are not in use .  During this time, I work on things that I really hate, because I know on Sundays I can rest.

October 27 2021

Free write: Climate Change.

Climate change is an ongoing issue that affects the our daily life . This issue is important because it single handily affects our existence on earth.  It affects the air we breath, the food we eat and the places we live.  Its important to educate ourselves and people around us about this issue because using ignorance as an excuse can cause us our life. The effects of climate change keeps getting better and bigger, more animals habitat and plants affected due to high temperatures. More oceans and rivers are drying faster and faster.  The solution to these issue is education people about what climate change, why it is important to make changes and the steps they can take to help solve this issue because the sooner we start the higher chance we have in saving the world.

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