ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Osborn Acquaye (Page 2 of 9)

November 29 2021

Free write.

This course is extremely important and has helped me significantly. My reading and writing has exponentially improved, additionally my critical thinking has improved and my ability to organize information into small fragments has also improved due to free writes.  Currently, I own my unit  3 rough draft. I have worked on it but still have more work to day.


November 17 2021

Free write. ( The Importance of preserving our planet).

Climate change is an issue that has affect our environment for centuries.  This was evidence during the industrial revolution when machines were being to be heavily used, most machinery during this time period used the oil from burned coal as a means to power machines. The excessive burning of coal is extremely dangerous because the harmful substance transforms into heat.  The atmosphere and interfere with the natural molecules within the atmosphere. This causes heat t


Unit 3 Outline (Thesis Statement)

The soul existence of humankind is based on how we end climate change.   It is also know as global warming, the term global warming is used to describe the pollution of toxic burning of fossil fuel. The cause of burring oil and other types of fossil fuels is the result of warming up the climate.  The causes the climate to warm at higher degrees that its normal levels.  This issue is extremely important because, it effects are becoming more and more frequent.  Last year over a billion animals died due to the Australian wildfire and thousands of aches of land were burned .  Many places that are located near ocean experience excessive flooding due to over rising of ocean levels.

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