ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Kevin Chabla (Page 3 of 8)

Unit 3 outline

My topic was about surgeons planting a genetically modified pig onto a human. This procedure ended up working and the kidney started to function normally. This topic matters to me because I have seen a few shows and videos where it involved someone needing an organ and it not being available to them. This means they get put on a waitlist and unfortunately for some people, the wait is too long. With this new procedure, one can only imagine the amount of people it can save.

Monday, November 15, 2021

I really like that it gets darker earlier. I enjoy the night time and love winter most of the time. For some reason, I like the night time a lot, especially when I am driving. I feel more relaxed and just listening to music while driving at night to me is very therapeutic. I also love the winter because it gets cold and that allows me to wear clothes that I wouldn’t get to wear in the summer. A lot of people including myself, also tend to enjoy music more in the winter. A lot of the music I have saved on my phone are perfect for this time of year. I have a lot of memories of myself sitting on the train and listening to my music while looking out the window and now I do this in my car. While I do enjoy the winter time, there is something that makes me hate it. When there is winter there is snow and when there is snow that means shoveling snow out of your car. I hate doing it and unfortunately, my car isn’t well suited for the snow. I have an American muscle car and that is no good for the snow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

For this free write I am going to be talking about my love for mustangs. Ever since I was a kid I always loved mustangs and I still do today. I am pretty sure it is due to the way they look and how fast they go. A mustang is an American muscle car that has been around for ages, getting better and better as time progresses. As a kid, I always played racing video games and most of the times I would pick a mustang over any other car. I always picture my dream mustang to be black with white stripes and black rims. When I was a kid, I always said I was going to get one when I was older. However, I did not expect that I would be getting one when I was 17. I am the owner of a 2012 Ford Mustang and just saying that makes me feel very happy. In my free time, I sometimes spend my time going on websites and seeing how I could modify my car. So far, I have added decals to my taillights, louvers to my rear side windows and in the back, replaced worn down parts, etc. While owning a fast car may be fun and all, it certainly comes with a price. I can’t begin to tell you how much I have spent on repairs, oil changes, gas, tolls, etc. Even though I have a mustang right now, my main plan is to sell my car and buy another one. You might be thinking, if you already have your dream car, why buy another? Well, my plan is to sell my mustang for another mustang. Right now my mustang is the V6 Premium version which is near the bottom of the barrel when it comes to the different types of mustangs. I want to sell my car and purchase a 2014 Mustang GT Premium. This specific model is my actual dream car. I love how it looks and I know for a fact that it is super fast. When I get it, you can bet that I will be customizing it like crazy.

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