ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Kcamacho (Page 6 of 6)

August 30th Classwork Kcamacho

My first week at city tech was interesting. Working online is stressful and i am having doubts about even going to college, not because of the school but simply because i still fear i am wasting my time in college. I considered trade school a couple months ago but im here now so i guess it is what it is. At least im majoring in something im interested in, Mechanical engineering. Dont know if i want a future init, who knows i might even switch majors by the time im done with my core classes. All i know for sure is im here at city tech now and im going to do my best to be successful with the cards i was dealt. Not that im miserable here tho either. Its cool being in college. Im excited to make connections with people and to know even tho i am unsure where im headed, i know im progressing and heading forward. My mindset is its better to do college now and have a degree at 21/22 than to reach 22 and still have done nothing with my life and end up starting college and have to finish in my late 20s. getting it done now ensures i wont waste away my 20’s. I will be able to focus on the things i love in my early 20’s by getting my 4 year done as fast as possible.

My Job At An Apple Plant

Theses – Working at apple was more dreadful than any job he has ever had

1st paragraph: the work was extremely taxing. Took a lot of energy and strength

2nd paragraph: He was not getting payed enough for the work he was doing

3rd paragraph: The working conditions were horrible

KCamacho “my thoughts on english”

I have always liked the poetry aspect of English class. I love it when a teacher gives the option to write a poem for an assignment over writing a paragraph. I would love to write a lot of poetry in this class. I feel as if i can get my words, thoughts, feelings, etc. on paper.. or on computer screen much more easily through poetry than i could ever through writing a couple paragraphs. My point is that i would much rather fill up a page with poetry than fill it with a bunch of sentences. As for topics, movies and books on movies is always more interesting to write about, especially if the book or movie was not only read/watched in class but also decided upon by the class.

I actually do not remember my last English class as it has definitely been at least a years since i have been in one but what i do remember is like i said earlier, loving the poetry aspect of the class. I also recall being most interested when the assignments are based around a book we read together and what my teacher would actually do is read aloud horror fiction books in class and post the audio of him reading on youtube so we could read along with him. We would do assignments based off the books and then watch a long clip or even the whole movie the day after the book was done and the assignments were turned in.

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