ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Danielle Mauro (Page 5 of 9)

monday october 18th, 2021

free write; obedience is listening to someone else or following the rules. i think i am a pretty obedient person. being obedient is i think an overall good thing most of the time. in certain situations i think you would have to be disobedient, like sticking up for someone or something like that. i also think that everyone has their own view on obendience, or whatever they think is right, and the other person dosent do, they think is disobedient. i feel like a good example is a student asking to go to the bathroom, the teacher saying no, and the student going back to their seat. that would be obedient. on the other hand, if the teacher says no and the student still goes to the bathroom, that would be considered disobedient to the teacher.


unit 2 research final draft


Bates, Sofie. “Direct Observations Confirm That Humans Are Throwing Earth’s Energy Budget Off Balance.” NASA. Https://Climate.Nasa.Gov/News/3072/Direct-Observations-Confirm-That-Humans-Are-Throwing-Earths-Energy-Budget-off-Balance/, 18 Oct. 2021, climate.nasa.gov/news/3072/direct-observations-confirm-that-humans-are-throwing-earths-energy-budget-off-balance.

Summary- This article talks about earth was pretty much designed to keep the flow of energy going in and out equally, but now earth only has a certain amount of energy and we are running out. Data shows we have an energy imbalance/energy depletion and human activities are the main cause of running out of energy and climate change. More energy is being trapped inside earth’s atmosphere rather than being let out. They have techniques, people, programs and machines reading every possible reading they could get accounting to things involving the Earth.

Most of our energy on earth comes from the sun. They have a satellite that shows how much energy is being let in and out of Earth’s atmosphere, CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System).  On the other hand, human activities tend to be causing the most heat on Earth.

Analysis- This is a well credited source, the website is NASA and the author is working with NASA’s Earth science team. the author Sofie Bates, is addressing this article to the public. The article showed a graph showing the movement of the Sun and pollution. They also showed a picture of the earth and where the most greenhouse gasses are being released (most in the northern part of the world) and the highest are shown in red.

Response- I was actually surprised to find out some of these facts. I took an environmental science class in my senior year of high school and really enjoyed it. The graphs shown in the article made me feel like they know what they are doing. NASA talked about how the energy and radiation is moved around in our atmosphere. But I did like knowing at the end of the article, that they can see where climate change is going to go. I really enjoyed this article because I learned some new facts and am a little more content.


Einhorn, Catrin. “Climate Change Is Devastating Coral Reefs Worldwide, Major Report Says.” New York Times Https://Www.Nytimes.Com/2021/10/04/Climate/Coral-Reefs-Climate-Change.Html?SearchResultPosition=7, 4 Oct. 2021, www.nytimes.com/2021/10/04/climate/coral-reefs-climate-change.html?searchResultPosition=7.

Summary- This article talks about coral reefs as the main source of knowing how quickly everything is going wrong with the Earth. They are a big part of our goods and services, the decline of them would cause big changes. If global warming takes a positive change soon, the coral reefs have a chance of being back to being healthy. A lot of human activities contribute to the negative attributes of the coral reefs such as heavy fishing and ocean pollution.

In the 2010’s, the world lost about 14% of coral reefs due to climate change. Because the coral reefs actions affect the rest of the world, they compared it to worrying about half percent changes with economic changes. The first negative signs of the coral reefs began in 1998, but after a little while they got back on their feet. Now, it is not the same case. Coral reefs are a big contribution to the population’s needs.

Analysis- The author Catrin Einhorn got information and data from scientists, doctors and researchers. The author covers wildlife and extinction for the New York Times, she has helped report and produce two Emmy winning projects. This is a well credited article. They have records back from 1998 showing data on the coral reefs.

Response- I didn’t know that the coral reefs were such a big deal, and i was surprised. Fish are really important for our planet and can cause such an impact. In the article they used words like, “catastrophic”, “deep concern” and “alarming”, which honestly alarms me. I did like this article. It’s reassuring to know that people care about these things and keep an eye on it.

Christopher Flavelle, Julien E. Barnes, Eileen Sullivan, and Jennifer Steinhauser. “Climate Change Poses a Widening Threat to National Security.” New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/21/climate/climate-change-national-security.html?searchResultPosition=9

Summary- This article talks about current and future conflict and situations that will arise due to climate change. Reports say that by 2050, there is a likely hood that millions of people are going to be forced to move in affect to climate change. Right now we can see the result in that. Hurricanes happening in Central America have caused people to come to the US border. The threat of climate change to national security will only grow within the years. Most nations involved with the 2015 Paris Agreement will not likely meet their end of the agreement.

Scientists say that if the Earth exceeds 2 degrees celsius of warming in a year, than Earth will increase in deadly natural disasters per year. As of October 8th of this year, there have been a total of 18 natural disasters costing over $1 billion dollars in the US alone. Some natural disasters include, fires, droughts, flooding, hurricanes, storms ect…

Analysis- This article was written by multiple authors. Author Christopher Flavelle reports about industries, people and governments try to deal with climate change. The next author Juien E. Barnes has 17 years worth of writing experience writing about US national security matters. Eileen Sullivan covers the Department of Homeland Security. Her and three of her colleagues won a Pulitzer Prize. The final author, Jennifer Steinhauser has been with The New York Times since 1994 and has written two novels.  The authors in this article got quotes and information from two scientists talking about climate change.  This is a well credited source.

Response- This article made me worry a little bit. I was actually very disappointed to learn that the countries involved with the 2015 Paris Agreement haven’t met their end of the bargain. At this point it seems like no one cares and just wants to do the easiest way to go about things.


Summary- In this video, Greta Thunberg talks about climate change. She says “There is no grey area in survival.” She goes on to speak about how it seems like no one cares. You would think that something this big and dangerous to our well being would be all over the news, all the time. But it is not. There are over 200 species going extinct every single day, and the rate is between 1,000 and 100,000 times than normal.

Making richer countries lower their emission rate, will increase the quality of life or just have basic needs for poor living countries. But the richer countries are taking no action, making their living worse and overall effecting everyone. We have been aware of climate change for about 30 years now and have done very little. The weird thing is is we have all the answers to beat climate change yet we are doing nothing about it. The future lies in our hands.

Analysis- This Ted Talk is spoken by Greta Thunberg. A well known environmental activist since 2018. This video is targeted towards the general public. She is speaking to everyone when she says we have to act on it. This video is a well credited source.

Response- I really enjoyed this video. I learned some new things and felt like i was personally being talked to. Its scary to think that we are doing nothing about this, yet have all the solutions. Knowing that people like her are sticking up for what is right for everyone is reassuring. For example, she walked out of school and sat outside of the Swedish parliament striking for climate change.

wednesday october 6th 2021

my topic is climate change. i really want to talk about this topic because i am very worried for our planet. for the past 40 years, more the past 20 years, it has gone very downhill. if we keep going down this path we will die. sorry there is no other good way to put it. animals are going extinct, and things are on fire and we need to help the planet. reduce, reuse, recycle. i dont want to die ike that. moving to a new planet would be cool, but not ideal for earth.


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