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The Perils of Obedience summary

Title: The Perils of Obedience

Author: Stanley Milgram

Summary: The Perils of Obedience by Stanley Milgram is about an experiment that is created and the point of the experiment is to see how far a person will proceed in a concrete and measurable situation in which he is ordered to inflict increasing pain on a protesting victim. During the experiment, there were different times where the subject was receiving lots of pain and wanted to stop but the experimenter kept proceeding. During the experiment, it was also stated that the number of volts would be painful but not dangerous.

Free write Mon oct18

Today is Monday, October 18, and it’s about to be my second month in college and college has been going well I have been able to complete my assignments on time, I was able to text other classes mates and talk to them on assignments we were struggling with and I was able to socialize with a lot of people. lately, the assignments have been getting a bit more difficult in certain classes like math not because it is hard because I have been getting a lot of Homework. Something else that has been on my mind is wanting to go to school in person and attend my classes in person so I would be able to see my classmates and professors in person.

unit 2 rough draft Oct13 wed

Article 1

Deb, Sopan.  “Most N.B.A. Players Are Vaccinated, but Skeptics Speak Out.” New York Times. September 27, 2021.   https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/27/sports/basketball/nba-vaccine-kyrie-irving.html

Summary: This article by Sopan Deb from the New York Times is about the current situation with the NBA player Kyrie Irving and his situation involving the Covid vaccine. This article states that 90 percent of NBA players are vaccinated, the article also states that if a player wants to play with their team they will need to be vaccinated.  Deb Sopan also talks about other players that have also not been vaccinated and Kyrie Irving’s reasoning is that he is skeptical about the vaccine and its status. The article also talks about the importance of Kyrie Irving not taking the vaccine and that not taking the vaccine will affect his team and possibly hurt their chances of winning a championship. The writer also talks about how others feel about his decision and whether they stand on it and support him.

Direct Quotations: “I would like to keep all that private,” Irving told reporters on Monday in response to a question about whether he expected to play home games this season. “Please just respect my privacy. All the questions leading into what’s happening, just, please. Everything will be released at a due date once we get this cleared up.”

Analysis: Deb Sopan From the New York Times wrote this article and he is a trustworthy source because he has many other writings and has written a novel. Sopan Deb is a basketball writer and a contributor to the Culture section for The New York Times. Before joining The Times, he covered Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign for CBS News. He is also a New York-based comedian. He is the author of the memoir “Missed Translations: Meeting The Immigrant Parents Who Raised Me”. After reading this article the audience  Sopan deb is aiming for is sports fans like in basketball and somewhat an older audience.


Response: After reading this article I learned that more than 90 percent of the NBA is vaccinated and that there were NBA players, but after reading this article I feel like no player should be forced to get vaccinated if they want to play with their teams in the NBA because it is there choice if they want to get vaccinated. I also feel like if a player doesn’t want to be vaccinated they should have to follow covid protocol rules and should be tested every week for covid to not get other players infected. If I was able to directly talk to the writer Sopan Deb I would ask him what is his perspective on this situation and if he agrees with Kyrie Irving’s choice because I am always curious on what is everyone’s perspective on the situation and if they support it or not.



Article 2

NBA.com News Service”Brooklyn Nets still unclear on Kyrie Irving’s vaccine intentions” October 6, 2021, https://www.nba.com/news/nets-unclear-kyrie-irving-vaccine-intentions


summary: This article by the NBA news service is about the current situation with NBA players involving the covid vaccine. The article talks about multiple NBA players not wanting to take the covid vaccine and how not taking it may affect their future in the NBA and how it may affect their team. In the article, the NBA has also stated that players who aren’t vaccinated and who don’t play games will be fined. The article also talks about the NBA  player Kyrie Irving and how he has not been vaccinated and the article also states that since he’s not vaccinated and will not be able to play games he will be fined and start losing money. The Article also states that the New York Knicks have said their entire team is vaccinated and Andrew Wiggins recently became the last of the Golden State Warriors to get a shot, leaving Irving as the only player potentially facing a pay cut for virus reasons.

Direct quotations: “We support him, we’re here for him. When things change and there’s a resolution, we’re here for him,” Nash said.

Analysis: This article was written by the NBA news service and The Nba is a billion-dollar news service that can’t really be a trustworthy source because the NBA news service is owned by The NBA and they will try to make sure their image is kept clean and good.

response: After reading this article if I were able to talk to the NBA I would ask them why does a player have to be forced to be vaccinated to play in the NBA, I understand it’s because of safety reasons but a player shouldn’t have to be forced to be vaccinated because the Player can have reasons such as religion, personal reasons and because of family stuff. I also believe that the NBA shouldn’t have these Vaccine mandates for players because if a player chooses not to get vaccinated they should follow the covid protocols they had last season to stop the spread of the virus and risk getting other players infected.

Source:NBA.com News Service



Azi Paybarah “The Brooklyn Nets’ Kyrie Irving defends his decision not to get vaccinated.”New York Times. October 27, 2021. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/13/world/kyrie-irving-vaccine-benched-nets.html

Summary: This article by Azi Paybarah is about the NBA player Kyrie Irving and his situation and his response to not taking the covid vaccine.  Kyrie’s response to not taking the vaccine is that his refusal was a matter of personal freedom. Irving also responded on Wednesday night stating “You think I want to give up on my dream to go after a championship?” Irving, 29, said. “You think I really just want to give up my job? You think I really want to sit at home?”. In the article, Azi Paybarah also states that Irving asked that his decision to remain unvaccinated be respected and said that he has no plans to retire so this means that he is not looking to retire which can mean we will be able to see him play basketball again soon.

Direct quotations: “You think I really want to give up on my dream to go after a championship?”

 Analysis: This article was written by Azi Paybarh. Azi paybarah is a trustworthy source because Azi paybarah is a known writer in the new york times and Azi Paybarah is a reporter covering breaking news, based in New York. Before joining The Times in 2018 he covered politics for WNYC and The New York Observer. He helped launch the website that later became Politico New York and co-founded the FAQ NYC podcast. He is a lifelong New Yorker and a graduate of the University at Albany.

Response: After reading this article I was able to understand more about the whole kyrie situation and what he may plan on doing. This situation has made me think about how bad the Brooklyn nets have been performing without him. Lately, the Brooklyn Nets have been struggling without Kyrie Irving and they have been losing easy games they would usually win with him. If I also had the chance to speak to the writer Azi Paybarah I would also like to know his perspective on the situation and if he supports it or not and why. In conclusion, I respect Kyrie’s decision but I hope to see him back on the court soon.



Scott Cacciola and Nets Bar Kyrie Irving From All Games Until He’s Vaccinated” New york times Oct 12, 2021

Summary: This article by Scott Cacciola and Jonathan Abrams talks about the Brooklyn nets star Kyrie Irving and his position on his team and the status of him taking the vaccine. They also talk about the importance and skills Kyrie Irving brings to the Brooklyn nets as he plays alongside Kevin durant and James harden but this may have to wait until the future because since there is a covid vaccine mandate Kyrie Irving has yet to get vaccinated. The article also states that Kyrie Irving is known for controversial things for example in the past Kyrie Irving has stated that the earth is flat but these things didn’t stop him from getting a champions ship in Cleveland with LeBron. Scott Cacciola and Jonathan Abrams also state that since Kyrie Irving is not vaccinated he will be losing millions for not playing any games since he is not vaccinated.

Direct quotations: “Everything will be released at a due date and once we get this cleared up,” Irving said during a virtual meeting with reporters on Sept. 27, adding: “I’m a human being first. Obviously, living in this public sphere, it’s just a lot of questions about what’s going on in the world of Kyrie. I think I just would love to just keep that private, handle it the right way with my team and go forward together with the plan.”

Analysis: This article was written by Scott Cacciola and Jonathan Abrams and is from the New york times. Scott and Jonathan are a trustworthy source because they have been covering sports for the new york times since 2013.

Response: After reading this article I was able to learn how crucial it is for Kyrie Irving not taking the vaccine. Kyrie Irving not taking the covid vaccine is a very crucial piece to the Brooklyn nets because it will hurt the chances of the Brooklyn nets succeeding and winning a championship and if Kyrie doesn’t take the vaccine anytime soon he continue to lose a lot of money.



This is a link to a video on a discussion with sports analytics about Kyries Irving’s response to not taking the vaccine and their perspective and their response to it.








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