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Author: Andre McClarin (Page 2 of 13)

Wednesday, December 8 2021– Free Write – What to do for next Semester.

I will still be in digital art classes as communication design is my major and something I’m passionate about. Unlike the first semester, I believe my schedule is more even and equal and each day has relatively the same amount of classes. I also hope to have a few more friends in this semester, as I haven’t really had the chance to have many in this one. I also want to try and be more knowledgeable when it comes to the subject and not have to ask questions 24/7.

Monday, December 6 2021 – Essay on Digital Art Final Draft

Digital Art is important because it is something I am very passionate about. There are three reasons why digital art is special. The three reasons include, it’s something that can lower stress, it has many affects in the art world, and it is a simple way for an individual to be entertained. It has a pretty interesting history and has a lists of tutorials for anyone who’s new to it. Digital Art is something that anyone can do as it’s a more simple kind of activity. I personally think Digital art is an important thing of life considering, how if affects the world, and how it changes it due to the advanced technology it holds.

Digital Art has changed the art world in many different ways. It is well known for having a new form of creation. You can create art and make it 2D and also 3D in anyway. In “DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IS TRANSFORMING THE ART WORLD” it states “Many national museums are trying to take this technological turn by digitizing their collection and archives in 3D, which is a new powerful marketing tool. They will be able to diffuse an easy access to their collection to any clients that have access to an internet connection.” Due to how relevant technology has been in recent times, it’s no wonder how digital art is very popular and is often utilized to make art more. Another reason why digital art has changed to art world in a very positive light is because it showcases a new way of promoting and selling art. “DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IS TRANSFORMING THE ART WORLD” also states “The rise of digital technology has acted as a way to generalize the process of buying a piece of art previously monopolized by auction houses’ regular customers. Online marketplaces selling affordable paintings and drawings are popping up and reshaping the rules of offer and demand. Thousands of unknown artists now have access to an online market and all types of monitoring software, taking care of all the buying and promoting processes.” The quote basically states that artists have accesses to any software when it comes to selling paintings and drawings.

Digital Art is also important because it is a simple way for an individual to be entertained. There are lots of ways to create digital art, thorough any different methods due to the amount of tools there are. You can make all kinds of different art with the tools provided. In “Is Digital Art “Real” Art? Facts and Myths About Digital Creating” it states “Digital drawing can be created with software that lets the user create dots of various diameter, which transform into lines. Additionally, other features can be used, like colors, erasers, and the transformation of drawn lines. Finished works can be then brought into the “real world” by printing. Digital painting requires software that provides tools for creating patches of color and for blending them. Painting programs are usually a more advanced form of drawing software.” Another reason why digital Art is a simple way for an individual to be entertained is because it also gives off a sense of uniqueness as unlike hand painting, digital painting can be done on the computer which is why it’s called digital art and it’s a part of technology, thus making it more common. According to the article is also showcases “Surprise! Aren’t they pretty similar? The only differences between them are associated with the features of the material used (paper, screen). Drawing lines, no matter where, is about the same skill! If you can’t draw on paper, don’t expect that a graphics tablet will change anything. It won’t lead your hand, it won’t make your lines clear, it won’t give you style. ” The quote basically states that digital art can bring out style and is entertaining for others.

Digital Art is also an activity that can actually lower stress. It is something that can be enjoyed by anyone especially when it comes to a stress level, as it’s a simple activity. Many people enjoy to take pictures and especially drawing, which can lead to those pictures becoming digital too. In “Is Digital Art “Real” Art? Facts and Myths About Digital Creating” it states “Digital media will be everything that has a digital outcome, that is, “in the form of digits”. When you take a photo of your painting, it becomes digital too (of course, only the photo, not the physical original). That’s what links all digital creations—nothing more.” Digital Art is also shown to be an activity that can destress people. Many people enjoy art and find it relaxing and digital art can be simulating for anyone. According to  Tranquility Visuals and Digital Art for Relaxation and Wellness – Loupe it states “Focused digital art programming improves your patient experience – lowers stress and creates a peaceful, positive and uplifting environment.” The quote basically states how calming digital art can be, especially to those who have a tendency to get stress from a variety of things when it comes to life.

In conclusion, Digital Art is something I am very passionate about. It’s something that can lower stress, it has many affects in the art world, and it is a simple way for an individual to be entertained. Those reasons help to enhanced digital art and what it stands for in the world, with it’s affects and how it shaped many generations. It helped people find a way to enjoy art like they never did before and it a reason why the subject is as popular as it is today.

(Author. Title. Title of container (self contained if book), Other contributors (translators or editors), Version (edition), Number (vol. and/or no.), Publisher, Publisher Date, Location (pp.). 2nd container’s title, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Pub date, Location (pp.).)

ARTICLE 1: Pogrebin, Robin. “Not Digital Art, but Art Learned Digitally.” The New York Times.  March 25, 2015, https://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/20/education/not-digital-art-but-art-learned-digitally.html?searchResultPosition=4



Monday, December 1 2021 – Free Write – Holidays

The holidays are a great time of year. I especially love Christmas. I used to get a lot of presents, but don’t anymore, due to older age and not finding much, but I still enjoying spending time with family. I also do like to relax, seeing as it is my day off from classes. I also like to give presents to my grandma too to show her that I care for her and love her. I also enjoy watching Christmas movies and enjoy relaxing with others. I also do sometimes enjoying playing with my Christmas presents from previous years.

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