ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Alani Martinez (Page 1 of 2)

Literacy Narrative 10.4.2021

Education for me is a scary thought. I never really succeeded in anything and barely passed. The word education is the darkness to the unknown due to the things I was left out on. The education I didn’t receive as an adolescent. That I continue to work on till this day.


The most terrifying subject was English. That was the class I never wanted to take. But I never understood why. On paper it’s every easy, you read, and write the things you learned about, but for me it was a class that I felt weird in. It takes me longer to read a page than most people, and when I finish reading, I can’t summarize on what I just read. Until I met the teacher who changed that. Mr. Schisselman was my junior year English teacher. I remember he made me read out loud, but the words of the paper I wasn’t familiar with I was nervous, scared, and horrified that I started to cry. At the end of class, he pulled me to aside and said we will work on it throughout the school year. Little by little I told him the things that happen when I read. And his advice was to read a page and write what you have learned if you can’t reread again. It worked a little bit, but you know as a teen it was hard to put in so much dedication into a class that felt so little compared to the real world at that age.


I grew up with bookworms. My mother was a literature major, and my sister was reading the Twilight Series and The Hunger Games at the age of nine. I felt behind, more embarrassed because here I am three years older and can’t read a book without being confused. So instead of pushing myself I just accepted my fate. My parents did force me to read but it never stuck. I was pushing myself once I turned seventeen. I was working at a tax office. I had to read and read and learn how to write a certain way. But the technique that my junior year English teacher taught me, that was on taking notes after reading the page. Which I changed it to taking notes on each paragraph that I read, helped me so much.

Wednesday Classwork 9/22

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

The short story was about a village that conducts a lottery with the families of the village. The village has 300 people so the lottery takes 2 hours. As the children are the first to start gathering, then the men, and then the woman. Before the lottery started some of the villagers were saying that other towns stopped doing the lottery. But Mr. Walker wasn’t pleased with it. Mr. Summers came up with a black box with paper slips inside and one of the paper slips have a black dot made by coal. Mr. summers yell the names of the men of each household. When done, the families have to open the paper slips. When Bill Hutchinson unfolded his paper it was a big black dot. From there was when his wife was saying the pick was rigged because they didn’t give him time to pick the paper slip he wanted. And the other women from different families told her to be a “good sport”.  Then Mr. Summers told Bill Hutchinson  how many family members that he has. Bill then respond just Bill JR., Nancy, Dave, Tessie and him. then they added 4 other paper slips in the black box and the slip of paper with the black dot on it. Then called Dave, Nancy, Bill Jr., Tessie, then Bill. Once everyone picked a paper slip then Little Dave, Mr. Graves opened the slip it was blank. Nancy and Bill Jr. opened them up at the same time and it was blank. Then Bill Hutchinson opened his and it was blank.

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