ENG 1101 - 0341 Welcome!

Author: Aidan (Page 2 of 4)


I am somewhat comfortable with sharing what ive worked on so far but i believe i still have some work to do on it and so i want to finalize and polish what i have. i have most of the pieces there but still need to organize them in the document and create a cohesive project.


(this is my favorite time of year/place and setting)

I think the best way to be cozy in the winter is wearing warm clothing, maybe starting a fire in the fireplace and preferably having some hot chocolate too. Smooth jazz is a must, along with a view to the outside to watch the snow falling. All this is great on its own but if its done after a day of being outside in the snow than it is on another level of comfort lol.


Spending time with family while cooped up inside is incredible, especially if everyone is tuckered from sledding, snowball fights, etc.


In terms of routine I would say the pandemic has affected my focus the most. I’ve noticed since lockdown in early 2020 that my ability to focus on tasks has been reduced, and in turn my confidence in my ability to complete tasks. because of this I’ve noticed a general shift in the way I approach tasks starting off. I now tend to focus on tasks as a whole, instead of diving headfirst without taking in everything required first. I break down what needs to be done and a lot my self time for them. this has been very helpful for me as it gives me periods of time that I can focus on one specific thing, instead of taking in everything at once and trying to do it all without a plan.  Along with this College has actually been extremely helpful in pursuing this goal as it gives me a weekly routine that i can base things around. During the summer i had only work and that was only for a few hours of the day. Most of my days were open ended and i found myself choosing to do nothing instead of something, because why would i? i had so much free time. But it turns out that free time has a time limit, and summer eventually came to an end with me feeling as if i hadn’t done much for myself. Now though, i have much more limited free time due to college and work, and i find myself valuing and using that free time much more.

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