I’ve had a couple of turning points that have happened in my education life and one of them was In middle school. In middle school, I had a teacher named Ms. Rodriguez and she was an amazing teacher because I don’t think I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for her. Ms. Rodriguez is the reason why I love math and dealing with numbers. She would give me challenging problems and I would feel like giving up because of how hard they were but she taught me that if I give up it will turn into a habit and I will not get anywhere if I give up.

                  During middle school, I also enjoyed education and learning new things because the teachers in my school would make learning fun and interesting, for example, there would always be interesting facts on something we were learning like in math on how Mount Everest weighs an estimated 357 trillion pounds which is an interesting fact. My 8th-grade year in middle school was tough because I wanted to finish my last year strong but there were tough times during the year, my best friend Angel passed away and my parents were also going through a divorce and all of this affected my education in school because I wasn’t able to focus and keep my head straight and I was failing some of my classes, but towards the end of the year I got myself together and was able to focus and I finished the school year with a 94 GPA.

                             Another turning point in my education life was through high school. High school was a turning point in my education life because it changed the way I viewed education and because in high school the atmosphere was different. The main reason why high school was a turning point in my life is that I feel like high school changed me because I became more of a social person because of the people that I met in high school and the teachers were very nice and like to have fun because they didn’t want to make going to school boring. During high school, there were a lot of cool teachers and one of them was Mr. Sadler. Mr. Sadler was my seminar teacher and he liked to talk about real-world problems and how we as students can prepare for the real world. Mr. Sadler also taught me that you have to have respect towards everyone and wanted his students to become great people and to follow their careers and dreams. Another teacher during high school that had an impact on my education was my chemistry teacher Ms. Nekoufar. The reason why Ms. Nekoufar had an impact on my education is that she was my favorite teacher during high school and she wasn’t only a chemistry teacher she was also my piano teacher, I knew how to play piano before getting taught by Ms. Nekoufar but she taught me how to read sheet music and I think it made me and overall better player because I was able to learn new songs easier and had a lot of fun reading sheet music and playing the piano.

               Another reason why high school was a turning point in my life was because of my friends. In high school, my friend was very supportive of what I would do and we would always crack jokes and have fun which made my education experience during high school a lot better. From the start of my freshmen year to my senior year of high school, I was able to find out who was a real friend and who was a fake friend.  I was able to find out who was a fake friend because real friends don’t push you and make you feel bad when you are down and real friends don’t constantly make fun of you for other people’s entertainment, but I am glad I was able to notice who was a fake friend and who was a real friend because at the end all I want to see is my friends and I succeed in life and make it to the top and to become the best we are the best at. 

          Even after high school I still look back at high school to see how and what I could have done better in my education to better myself.  Another reason why high school was a turning point for my education was that back in 10th I wasn’t doing so well academically because I was skipping school and not doing well in school because of things going on at home, this time I didn’t have the energy to go to school and just wasn’t feeling well going to school but I still passed the 10th grade but I was not happy with my final grade because it was low. ever since then I always think about that school year and never want that to happen again. Ever since then, I have only had high grades and I strive to become smarter and better every day so I can succeed.

In conclusion, I’ve had multiple turning points in my education life and I have learned a lot of things and I was able to get through the hard parts of my life and now nothing is stopping me, and I only hope nothing will stop me in the future. During my education life, I have also learned that life is like an elevator. Sometimes the elevator has to stop and let people off. I like to use this saying because it makes a lot of sense because it is like saying sometimes in life you have to let the fake people go which is true. Even after my turning points in my education life, I was able to develop new skills and use them to my ability and it felt like I was leveling up. In conclusion, I have gone through good times and bad times in my educational life but I have learned to stay strong and to only become better from it.